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Created June 23, 2011 13:13
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Compound Interest and Rounding
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
public class Main{
private static Transformer<BigDecimal> floor = new BigDecToDiscreteViaFloor();
private static Transformer<BigDecimal> ceil = new BigDecToDiscreteViaCeil();
private static Transformer<BigDecimal> round = new BigDecToDiscreteViaRound();
private static Transformer<BigDecimal> i = new BigDecIdentity();
public static void main(String[] args){
BigDecimal initialInvestment = new BigDecimal("1000000");
BigDecimal annualRate = new BigDecimal("0.07125");
int compoundingPeriodsPerYear = 4;
int years = 10;
BigDecimal test = new BigDecimal("10.12345");
BigDecimal testA = new BigDecimal("10.105");
BigDecimal testB = new BigDecimal("10.115");
System.out.println("To get some confidence in our Transformers:");
System.out.println(test + " via Floor: " + floor.transform(test));
System.out.println(test + " via Ceil: " + ceil.transform(test));
System.out.println(test + " via Round: " + round.transform(test));
System.out.println(testA + " via Round: " + round.transform(testA));
System.out.println(testB + " via Round: " + round.transform(testB));
System.out.println(test + " via Identity: " + i.transform(test));
BigDecimal correct = futureValue(initialInvestment, annualRate, compoundingPeriodsPerYear, years, i);
BigDecimal viaFloor = futureValue(initialInvestment, annualRate, compoundingPeriodsPerYear, years, floor);
BigDecimal viaCeil = futureValue(initialInvestment, annualRate, compoundingPeriodsPerYear, years, ceil);
BigDecimal viaRound = futureValue(initialInvestment, annualRate, compoundingPeriodsPerYear, years, round);
System.out.println( "What is the future value of $" + initialInvestment +
" invested at an annual rate of " + annualRate +
" compounded " + compoundingPeriodsPerYear + " time(s) per year for " +
years + " years?\n");
//Consider $1M invested for 10 years at 7.125 % interest,
//compounded quarterly calculated with decimals
System.out.println( "'Correct' value (to two decimal places):" + round.transform(correct) + "\n");
//Consider the same using integers (where integers are obtained
//via the floor function on decimals)
System.out.println("Using floor (to two decimal places):" + round.transform(viaFloor) + "\n");
//Consider the same using integers (where integers are obtained
//via the ceiling function on decimals)
System.out.println("Using ceiling (to two decimal places):" + round.transform(viaCeil) + "\n");
//Consider the same using integers (where integers are obtained
//via the rounding)
System.out.println("Using round (to two decimal places):" + round.transform(viaRound) + "\n");
public static BigDecimal futureValue( BigDecimal initialInvestment,
BigDecimal annualRate,
int compoundingPeriodsPerYear,
int years,
Transformer<BigDecimal> t) {
return t.transform(initialInvestment).
new BigDecimal(compoundingPeriodsPerYear)
).pow( (compoundingPeriodsPerYear * years ) )
private static interface Transformer<T> {
public T transform(T t);
private static class BigDecToDiscreteViaFloor implements Transformer<BigDecimal> {
public BigDecimal transform(BigDecimal d) {
return d.divide(BigDecimal.ONE, 2, RoundingMode.FLOOR);
private static class BigDecToDiscreteViaCeil implements Transformer<BigDecimal> {
public BigDecimal transform(BigDecimal d) {
return d.divide(BigDecimal.ONE, 2, RoundingMode.CEILING);
private static class BigDecToDiscreteViaRound implements Transformer<BigDecimal> {
public BigDecimal transform(BigDecimal d) {
return d.divide(BigDecimal.ONE, 2, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN);
private static class BigDecIdentity implements Transformer<BigDecimal> {
public BigDecimal transform(BigDecimal d) {
return d;
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