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Created November 17, 2016 16:34
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  • Save emachnic/ed4e86389af9e04ea8e40aae83b7f296 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save emachnic/ed4e86389af9e04ea8e40aae83b7f296 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
PS C:\Windows\system32> chef-client -l debug
Starting Chef Client, version 12.12.15
resolving cookbooks for run list: ["uship_ping"]
Synchronizing Cookbooks:
  - uship_ping (1.1.4)
  - git (4.3.7)
  - build-essential (7.0.2)
  - seven_zip (2.0.2)
  - windows (2.0.2)
  - mingw (1.2.4)
  - compat_resource (12.16.2)
  - dmg (3.0.0)
  - yum-epel (1.0.2)
  - yum (4.1.0)
  - docker (2.6.8)
  - chef-sugar (3.4.0)
  - chef-client (4.6.0)
  - cron (3.0.0)
  - logrotate (2.1.0)
  - collectd-ng (2.1.0)
  - chocolatey (1.0.3)
  - nxlog (0.8.7)
  - zap (0.11.4)
  - apt (4.0.2)
  - chef-vault (1.3.3)
  - datadog (2.7.0)
  - chef_handler (1.4.0)
  - uship_base (1.0.3)
Installing Cookbook Gems:
Compiling Cookbooks...
C:/opscode/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/2.1.0/x64-mingw32/ warning: already initialized constant DL::RUBY_FREE
C:/opscode/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/net-ssh-3.2.0/lib/net/ssh/authentication/pageant.rb:16: warning: previ
ous definition of RUBY_FREE was here
DL is deprecated, please use Fiddle
Recipe: chef-vault::default
  * chef_gem[chef-vault] action installC:/Users/emachnic/.gem/ruby/2.1.0;C:/opscode/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0
 (up to date)
Recipe: chef_handler::default
  * remote_directory[C:/chef/handlers] action create
  Recipe: <Dynamically Defined Resource>
    * cookbook_file[C:/chef/handlers/README] action create (up to date)
     (up to date)
Recipe: datadog::dd-handler
  * chef_gem[chef-handler-datadog] action install (up to date)
  * chef_handler[Chef::Handler::Datadog] action enable
    - disable Chef::Handler::Datadog as a report handler
    - disable Chef::Handler::Datadog as a exception handler
    - load Chef::Handler::Datadog from chef/handler/datadogsethostname: Use the Network Control Panel Applet to set host
hostname -s is not supported.

    - enable chef_handler[Chef::Handler::Datadog] as a report handler
    - enable chef_handler[Chef::Handler::Datadog] as a exception handler
Recipe: chef-sugar::default
  * chef_gem[chef-sugar] action install (up to date)

  Recipe Compile Error in C:/chef/cache/cookbooks/uship_ping/recipes/default.rb

  undefined method `blank?' for "":String


  Running handlers:
found hostname date-ms01 in config object
    - Chef::Handler::Datadog
  Running handlers complete
  Chef Client failed. 1 resources updated in 18 seconds
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