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<title>Canadian Cacao?</title> |
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<header> |
<h1>Canadian Cacao?</h1> |
</header> |
<div id="textBlock"> |
<h3 class="hangingindent">“Chocolate” defined</h3> |
<p class="sidenote">For this dataset, “chocolate” comprises preparations with sugar, milk, or other fats in bulk form (block, slab, or bar); and sweetened cocoa powder. </p> |
<h3>The power of NAFTA</h3> |
<p class="sidenote">The US Department of Agriculture says that “North American Free Trade Agreement partners Canada and Mexico are not only the main destinations for US exports but also the main suppliers of chocolate candy to the US market.” </p> |
<p class="sidenote">But that doesn't necessarily mean that Canada's and Mexico's strong presence is <em>because</em> of NAFTA — does it? </p> |
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The addCommas function is from http://www.mredkj.com/javascript/nfbasic.html. It's used to format the dollar amounts in the titles/tooltips. |
*/ |
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d3.select("body").append("h2").attr("style","intro").text("US chocolate imports, 2013, in millions of dollars"); |
d3.select("body").append("p").attr("class", "intro").text("Import values of chocolate entering US ports and their origin of shipment"); |
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// thank you for the hint about forcing the strings! |
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var dollarAmount = d[2013] * 1000000; |
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