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Last active February 26, 2016 17:59
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Code Climate CLI vs Rubocop

Code Climate CLI


    enabled: true
    enabled: true
    enabled: true
        - ruby
   - "lib/**/*"
   - "**.rb"
~/code (master)$ codeclimate version

~/code (master)$ codeclimate analyze -e rubocop
Starting analysis
Running rubocop: Done!

== Gemfile (1 issue) ==
1: Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment: Missing frozen string literal comment. [rubocop]

== Rakefile (1 issue) ==
1: Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment: Missing frozen string literal comment. [rubocop]

== bin/console (1 issue) ==
1: Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment: Missing frozen string literal comment. [rubocop]

== deckbrew-api.gemspec (1 issue) ==
1: Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment: Missing frozen string literal comment. [rubocop]

== lib/deckbrew.rb (2 issues) ==
1: Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment: Missing frozen string literal comment. [rubocop]
3: Style/Documentation: Missing top-level module documentation comment. [rubocop]

== lib/deckbrew/version.rb (2 issues) ==
1: Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment: Missing frozen string literal comment. [rubocop]
2: Style/MutableConstant: Freeze mutable objects assigned to constants. [rubocop]

== spec/deckbrew/deckbrew_spec.rb (1 issue) ==
1: Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment: Missing frozen string literal comment. [rubocop]

== spec/spec_helper.rb (1 issue) ==
1: Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment: Missing frozen string literal comment. [rubocop]

Analysis complete! Found 10 issues.

~/code (master)$ codeclimate analyze
Starting analysis
Running fixme: Done!
Running rubocop: Done!
Running duplication: Done!

== Gemfile (1 issue) ==
1: Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment: Missing frozen string literal comment. [rubocop]

== Rakefile (1 issue) ==
1: Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment: Missing frozen string literal comment. [rubocop]

== bin/console (1 issue) ==
1: Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment: Missing frozen string literal comment. [rubocop]

== deckbrew-api.gemspec (1 issue) ==
1: Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment: Missing frozen string literal comment. [rubocop]

== lib/deckbrew.rb (2 issues) ==
1: Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment: Missing frozen string literal comment. [rubocop]
3: Style/Documentation: Missing top-level module documentation comment. [rubocop]

== lib/deckbrew/version.rb (2 issues) ==
1: Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment: Missing frozen string literal comment. [rubocop]
2: Style/MutableConstant: Freeze mutable objects assigned to constants. [rubocop]

== spec/deckbrew/deckbrew_spec.rb (1 issue) ==
1: Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment: Missing frozen string literal comment. [rubocop]

== spec/spec_helper.rb (1 issue) ==
1: Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment: Missing frozen string literal comment. [rubocop]

Analysis complete! Found 10 issues.



  DisplayCopNames: true
  DisplayStyleGuide: true
  StyleGuideCopsOnly: true
  TargetRubyVersion: 2.3

  EnforcedStyle: double_quotes

  Max: 120
~/code (master)$ rubocop -v

~/code (master)$ rubocop
Inspecting 8 files

8 files inspected, no offenses detected

~/code (master)$ rubocop -c .rubocop.yml
Inspecting 8 files

~/code (master)$ rubocop -V
0.37.2 (using Parser, running on ruby 2.2.4 x86_64-darwin14)
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