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Last active October 2, 2019 19:11
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AWS Cheatsheet

AWS Cheatsheet


AWS Organization

  • Account and Service Layer

    From the AWS Console and the CLI everything is made thru API Calls

  • Physical and Networking Layer

    Within the infrastructure Layer by using IAM he user gets access to all the services

AWS Account and Service Layer

  • AWS Console
    • All actions in the console are considered API calls
    • AWS Command line Interface, these are also API calls and requires API Key configuration

Physical and Networking Layer

  • Regions

Regions are groups of independently separated Data Centers located closely

  • Availability Zone

Availability Zone are each of the separated Data Centers with in a Region that has a fast low latency communication between each other and are used by architects to design applications to conform to specific laws and regulation. AZ Work together in a Region but are isolated from each other o ensure fault tolerance.

  • Edge Locations

"Edge Locations* are Content Delivery Networks (CDN) in example CloudFront (Caches Data) to reduce the space/time/latency required for a request in that part of the world.

CSA Terminology

  • High Availability: Systems that are durable and likely to operate without ailure failure for a long time
  • Fault Tolerance: Property than enables a system to continue operating properly in the event of the failure of one or more of its components.
  • Scalability: The ability of a system to increase its size and capacity in a cost effective way.
  • Elasticity: Ability to increase or decrease its size usually based on usage demand.
  • Cost Efficient: Choosing the correct options to make a system as inexpensive as possible.
  • Secure: Follow the proper security practices and guidelines to secure a system.
  • AWS Best Practices: Set of guidelines outlined by AWS

Account and Physical Organization Quiz

Identity & Access Management

IAM Essentials

  • IAM
    • Users
    • Groups
    • Roles
    • Polices
    • API Keys
    • Password Policy and MFA

New IAM Users have a non-explicit deny rule (No Access to any AWS Service by default) Permissions should be granted through IAM policies.

  • AWS Root account best practices:
    • Delete Root access keys
    • Activate MFA on Root account
    • Create Individual IAM Users
    • User Groups to assign permissions
    • Apply an IAM password policy

Always use the IAM user instead of the root user Best Practice: Principal of Least Priviledge (Only grant permissions required for the job function for each user)

IAM Polices

A Policy is a document that states one or more permissions.

  • IAM Policy example (admin access)
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": "*",
      "Resource": "*"

IAM Users

IAM Groups

IAM Roles

IAM Security Token Service (STS)


IAM Quiz

AWS Interfaces (The AWS Console)

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