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Last active October 2, 2019 19:10
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Devops - Kaizen

Kaizen Events

  • Involve all stake holder representatives
  • Use the Value Stream Map (VSM) as an input. (This is a recommended precursor to a DevOps Kaizen event)
  • Focus on Identifying and eliminating waste.

Improvement Themes (This is the Output of the DevOps Kaizen events)

  1. Improvement Theme Name
  2. Now/Problem – Description of the current state
  3. Definition of Awesome – The desired state
  4. Next Target Condition – X weeks from now, what will have changed?
  5. First Steps – 3 slots which describe the first steps to be taken to address the delta between current and desired state

Kaizen Seven core pinciples

Kaizen is composed of seven core principlles as described in Kaizen Institute

  • Good processes bring good results.
  • Go see for yourself to grasp the current situation.
  • Speak with data, manage by facts.
  • Take action to contain and correct root causes of problems.
  • Work as a team.
  • Kaizen is everybody’s business.
  • Make small changes over time.

Best practices to implement DevOps kaizen cycle.

  • Appoint a Kaizen facilitator
  • Ensure leadership and team are engaged
  • Assemble the Kaizen team
  • Set the scope and limits of the Kaizen Events
  • Assess current state and define success
  • Prepare and schedule the Kaizen events
  • Kick off Kaizen Cycle

Some DevOps Kaizen improvements can be:

  • Version Control
  • Trunk Based Development
  • Continuous Integration
  • The Continuous Delivery Pipeline
  • Working in small batches
  • Test Driven Development
  • Continuous Testing / Test Automation
  • Shift Left on Security
  • Automated Deployment
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