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Created March 31, 2015 22:12
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WP theme wrapper
* @name ElkArte Forum
* @copyright ElkArte Forum contributors
* @license BSD
* @version 1.0.2
if (!defined('WP_THEME_DIR'))
define('WP_THEME_DIR', 'twentyfifteen');
function add_action()
function is_admin()
global $user_info;
return $user_info['is_admin'];
function language_attributes()
global $context;
return $context['right_to_left'] ? ' dir="rtl"' : '';
function bloginfo($show)
return get_bloginfo($show, 'display');
function get_bloginfo($show, $filter)
global $scripturl, $context;
$known = array(
'charset' => 'utf-8',
'pingback_url' => $scripturl,
'description' => '',
'name' => $context['forum_name'],
if (isset($known[$show]))
echo $known[$show];
log_error('Unknown blog param &quot;' . $show . '&quot;');
echo '';
function is_customize_preview()
return false;
function get_sidebar()
function has_nav_menu ($type)
if ($type == 'primary')
return true;
return false;
function wp_nav_menu($params)
function is_active_sidebar($sidebar)
return false;
function esc_url($url)
if ($url === '')
$url = '';
return $url;
function get_template_directory_uri()
global $settings;
return $settings['theme_url'];
function is_front_page()
global $context;
return empty($context['current_action']);
function is_home()
global $context;
return empty($context['current_action']);
function home_url()
global $scripturl;
return $scripturl;
function have_posts()
global $context, $wpwrapper;
if (is_home())
return !empty($context['categories']) && !$wpwrapper['completed'];
// elseif (
function the_post()
global $context, $wpwrapper;
static $keys, $init = false;
$wpwrapper['completed'] = false;
if (is_home())
if (empty($keys) && $init)
$wpwrapper['completed'] = true;
return false;
if (empty($keys) && !$init)
$keys = array_keys($context['categories']);
$init = true;
$id = array_shift($keys);
$content = '<dl>';
foreach ($context['categories'][$id]['boards'] as $k => $board)
$content .= '<dt><h3><a href="' . $board['href'] . '">' . $board['name'] . '</a></h3></dt>';
$content .= '<dd>' . $board['description'] . '</dd>';
$content .= '</dl>';
$wpwrapper['post'] = array(
'id' => $context['categories'][$id]['id'],
'type' => 'category',
'status' => 'publish',
'sticky' => false,
'url' => $context['categories'][$id]['href'],
'name' => $context['categories'][$id]['name'],
'content' => $content,
function add_filter()
function has_post_thumbnail()
return false;
function comments_open()
return false;
function get_comments_number()
return 0;
function the_posts_pagination()
global $context;
// if (!empty($context['links']))
return false;
function the_ID()
global $wpwrapper;
echo $wpwrapper['post']['id'];
function post_class()
global $wpwrapper;
$classes = array();
$classes[] = 'post-' . $wpwrapper['post']['id'];
$classes[] = 'type-' . $wpwrapper['post']['type'];
$classes[] = 'status-' . $wpwrapper['post']['status'];
if ($wpwrapper['post']['sticky'])
$classes[] = 'sticky';
$classes[] = 'hentry';
echo 'class="' . join(' ', array_unique($classes)) . '"';
function post_password_required()
return allowedTo('post_reply');
function is_single()
return false;
function the_title($pre, $post, $echo = true)
global $wpwrapper;
$title = $pre . $wpwrapper['post']['name'] . $post;
if ($echo)
echo $title;
return $title;
function get_permalink()
global $wpwrapper;
return $wpwrapper['post']['url'];
function the_content($more = '')
global $wpwrapper;
echo $wpwrapper['post']['content'];
function get_template_part($template)
include(__DIR__ . '/' . WP_THEME_DIR . '/' . $template . '.php');
function get_post_format()
return '';
function wp_link_pages()
global $context;
if (!empty($context['page_index']))
echo $context['page_index'];
function is_sticky()
return false;
function current_theme_supports($function)
return false;
function get_post_type()
return null;
function is_attachment()
return false;
function edit_post_link()
return false;
function get_header()
function get_footer()
function do_action()
function wp_footer()
function body_class()
global $context, $settings, $scripturl, $txt, $modSettings;
echo 'id="', $context['browser_body_id'], '" class="action_', !empty($context['current_action']) ? htmlspecialchars($context['current_action'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') : (!empty($context['current_board']) ?
'messageindex' : (!empty($context['current_topic']) ? 'display' : 'home')), !empty($context['current_board']) ? ' board_' . htmlspecialchars($context['current_board'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') : '', '"';
function __($text)
return _e($text);
function _e($text, $path = '')
static $parser = null;
if ($parser === null)
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
$parser = new Sepia\PoParser();
$entries = $parser->parseFile(__DIR__ . '/' . WP_THEME_DIR . '/languages/' . WP_THEME_DIR . '.pot');
if ($text === 'Proudly powered by %s')
$text = 'Proudly powered by ElkArte';
if (isset($entries[$text]))
return $entries[$text];
return $text;
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