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Last active April 2, 2023 23:16
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  • Save emanuele6/9eab3f7867ea446f5e9bc6ce5561ebdb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save emanuele6/9eab3f7867ea446f5e9bc6ce5561ebdb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
case "$#" in
'1') ;;
'0') echo "No arguments given." >&2; exit 2 ;;
*) echo "Too many arguments." >&2; exit 2 ;;
case "$dir" in
'west'|'east'|'south'|'north') ;;
*) echo "invalid argument: $1" >&2; exit 2 ;;
# if the focused node is not a window, we don't need to do anything.
bspc query -N -n focused.window > /dev/null \
|| return
# let's not change the state of the focused window to tiled if
# the (user) layout of the focused desktop is not tiled.
bspc query -D -d focused.user_tiled > /dev/null \
|| return
# if the state of the focused window is neither tiled nor pseudo_tiled,
# change its state to its last state;
# if its state is still neither tiled nor pseudo_tiled, change its state
# to tiled.
bspc node focused.fullscreen -t '~fullscreen' \
|| bspc node focused.floating -t '~floating'
bspc node 'focused.!tiled.!pseudo_tiled.window' -t tiled
# if no node is focused, exit.
bspc query -N -n > /dev/null \
|| exit
# if the focused node is the root node, just call ensure_tiled and exit.
bspc query -N -n '@/.focused' > /dev/null && {
case "$dir" in
# ensure that the focused node is the 1st child of the root node.
bspc node '@/1.!focused' -s '@/2.focused' || {
bspc node '@/1.!focused#focused' -n '@/' \
&& bspc node '@/1.!focused' -s '@/2.focused'
# ensure that the focused node is the 2nd child of the root node.
bspc node '@/2.!focused' -s '@/1.focused' \
|| bspc node '@/2.!focused#focused' -n '@/'
case "$dir" in
# ensure that the split type of the root node is vertical.
bspc node '@/.!vertical' -R -90 \
&& bspc node '@brother' -R 90
# ensure that the split type of the root node is horizontal.
bspc node '@/.!horizontal' -R 90 \
&& bspc node '@brother' -R -90
# Move the focused node to the given side of the tiled area.
super + {Left,Up,Right,Down}
bspside {west,north,east,south}
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emanuele6 commented Sep 1, 2021

The current version uses new bspwm features not released in 0.9.10 to simplify the code; if you want an equivalent version that is release compatible, see this revision.

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