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Last active January 31, 2023 10:20
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# require(gstat)
#' Densify the polyline knots
#' Produce almost equispaced knots on a polyline.
#' @param x [\code{matrix(m, 2)}|\code{sf}] Either a mx2 matrix whose rows
#' contain the knot coordinates of the polyline or a \code{sf} object.
#' @param dx [\code{dx(1)}] Distance between the knots.
#' @param method [\code{character(1)}] Interpolation method used to densify
#' the polyline.
#' @return [\code{matrix(n, 2)}|\code{sf}] Either a matrix of coordinates or a
#' \code{sf} object of the n equidistant knots.
#' @export
densify <- function(x, dx, method = c("linear", "nearest",
"pchip", "cubic", "spline")){
if(inherits(x, "sf")){
x <- .densifySf(x = x, dx = dx, method = method)
}else if(is.matrix(x) ||{
x <- .densifyMatrix(x = x, dx = dx, method = method)
.densifyMatrix <- function(x, dx, method = c("linear", "nearest",
"pchip", "cubic", "spline")){
# tst <- duplicated(x)
dxy <- posLine(x)
tst <- diff(dxy) == 0
x <- x[!tst, ]
dxy <- dxy[!tst]
dxyi <- seq(min(dxy), max(dxy), by = dx)
xint <- matrix(nrow = length(dxyi), ncol = ncol(x))
# iterate over the dimensions of x (x, y, z, ...)
for(i in 1:ncol(x)){
xint[, i] <- signal::interp1(dxy, x[, i], dxyi, method = method )
# posLine <- function(x){
# cumsum(c(0, sqrt(apply(diff(x)^2, 1, sum))))
# }
.densifySf <- function(xsf, dx, method = c("linear", "nearest",
"pchip", "cubic", "spline")){
x <- st_coordinates(xsf)
xdens <- .densifyMatrix(x, method = method, dx = dx)
xdens_pts <- st_as_sf([, 1:2]), crs = st_crs(xsf), coords = 1:2)
xdens_pts <- xdens_pts[!duplicated(xdens_pts),]
# isNa <- apply(xdens_pts, 1, anyNA)
xy <- st_cast(st_combine(xdens_pts),
# return coordinates of mid-of-arcs of delaunay triangle arcs
# x = output from tripack::tri.mesh()
.getMidArcs <- function(tti, d){
xyi <- cbind(d$x[tti], d$y[tti])
(xyi + xyi[c(2,3,1),])/2
getMidArcs <- function(x){
tt <- tripack::triangles(x)
tst <- t(apply(tt[,1:3], 1, .getMidArcs, x))
md <- rbind(tst[, c(1, 4)], tst[, c(2, 5)], tst[, c(3, 6)])
md[ !duplicated(md), ]
#' Centerline of polygon
#' Return the centerline of a polygon. The algorithm is based on this post:
#' The polygon can be optionnally densified (introduce equidistant knots).
#' @param x [\code{sf}] Polygon
#' @param method [\code{character(1)}] Interpolation method used to densify
#' the polyline. Only used if \code{dx} is not \code{NULL}.
#' @param dx [\code{dx(1)}|\code{NULL}] Distance between the knots. If
#' \code{dx = NULL}, the polygon \code{x} will not be densified.
#' @return [\code{sf}] A polyline (class \code{sf})
# if dx != NULL, density the sf object x
# compute delaunay triangulation
# compute mid points of arcs (and remove duplicates)
# compute a graph tree to sort the points
# source:
centerline <- function(x, method = c("linear", "nearest",
"pchip", "cubic", "spline"), dx = NULL){
x <- .densifySf(x, method = method, dx = dx)
xy <- st_coordinates(x)
# xy <- xy[- which(duplicated(xy)), ]
### compute triangulation
d <- tripack::tri.mesh(xy[,1],xy[,2], duplicate = "remove")
# not working -> always throwing an error d=deldir(xy[,1],xy[,2], eps = 1e-5)
### find midpoints of triangle sides
mids <- getMidArcs(d)
### get points that are inside the polygon
mids_sf <- st_as_sf(data.frame(mids), coords = 1:2, crs = st_crs(x))
# small buffer to remove the points that lay on the polyogn
x_buf <- st_buffer(x, -1)
sel <- st_intersection(mids_sf, x_buf)
### now build a minimum spanning tree weighted on the distance
G <- igraph::graph.adjacency(as.matrix(dist(st_coordinates(sel))), weighted = TRUE, mode = "upper")
minSpaTree <- igraph::minimum.spanning.tree(G, weighted = TRUE)
### get a diameter
path <- igraph::get.diameter(minSpaTree)
if(length(path)!= igraph::vcount(minSpaTree)){
stop("Path not linear - try increasing dens parameter")
### path should be the sequence of points in order
# AA <- list(sel=sel[path+1,], tree = minSpaTree)
# centerline <- st_coordinates(AA$sel)
# centerline <- centerline[!apply(centerline, 1, anyNA), ]
# selp <- sel[path + 1,]
selp <- sel[path ,]
tst <- apply((st_coordinates(selp)), 1, anyNA)
selpath <- st_cast(st_combine( selp[!tst, ]), "LINESTRING")
#' Relative position of a knots along a polyline
#' Relative position of a knots along a polyline
#' @param [\code{matrix(m,n)}] A matrix whose rows store the coordinates. If
#' \code{n = 2}, 2D distances are compute. If \code{n = 3}, 3D distances
#' are computed. Etc.
#' @return [\numeric(m)] The relative positions of the m knots along the
#' polyline.
posLine <- function(x){
if(inherits(x, "sfc")) x <- st_coordinates(x)[, 1:2]
x <- as.matrix(x)
c(0, cumsum(sqrt(rowSums(diff(x)^2))))
#' Points perpendicular to a polyline
#' Compute oriented transects parallel to a polyline (one transect per points),
#' the knots on the transects lie on the perpendicular to the polyline knots.
#' @param xy [\code{matrix(n, 2)}] Coordinates matrix with rows corresponding to the
#' 2D point coordinates (x and y positions).
#' @param d [\code{numeric(m)}] \code{m}-length vector defining the distance
#' between the transects (e.g., the perpendicular points) and the
#' polyline. If m > 1 several transects are returned.
#' @return [\code{list}] A list with elements x and y of dimension (n, m).
#' @export
# TODO: use projective geometry
perpPoints <- function(xy, d){
xy2 <- xy[c(1,1:nrow(xy), nrow(xy)),]
xlat <- matrix(nrow = nrow(xy), ncol = length(d))
ylat <- matrix(nrow = nrow(xy), ncol = length(d))
for(i in 2:(nrow(xy2) - 1)){
if( xy2[i - 1, 2] == xy2[i + 1, 2]){
xlat[i-1, ] <- xy2[i, 1]
ylat[i-1, ] <- xy2[i, 2] + d
}else if(xy2[i - 1, 1] == xy2[i + 1, 1] ){
xlat[i-1, ] = xy2[i, 1] + d
ylat[i-1, ] = xy2[i, 2]
#get the slope of the line
m <- ((xy2[i - 1, 2] - xy2[i + 1, 2])/(xy2[i - 1, 1] - xy2[i + 1, 1]))
#get the negative reciprocal,
n_m <- -1/m
sng <- sign(xy2[i + 1, 1] - xy2[i - 1, 1])
DD <- d / sqrt( n_m^2 + 1)
if( m < 0){
DD <- -DD
if(sng > 0){
xlat[i-1, ] = xy2[i, 1] + DD
ylat[i-1, ] = xy2[i, 2] + n_m * DD
xlat[i-1, ] = xy2[i, 1] - DD
ylat[i-1, ] = xy2[i, 2] - n_m * DD
return(list(x = xlat, y = ylat))
smoothThisChannel <- function(u, d, zmin){
umin <- u[1]
if(!is.null(zmin)) u[ u < zmin] <- NA
for(i in seq_along(u)){
if(u[i] > umin){
u[i] <- NA
umin <- u[i]
una <-
u[una] <- signal::interp1(x = d[!una],
y = u[!una],
xi = d[una],
method = "linear",
extrap = TRUE)
rasterizePoints <- function(x, res, att, method = c("tps", "idw"),
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, clipch = FALSE){
if(missing(att)) stop("You must specify 'att'!!!")
method <- match.arg(method, c("tps", "idw"))
if(!inherits(x, "sf")){
if(is.matrix(x)) x <- data.frame(x)
x <- st_as_sf(x, coords = 1:2)
if(missing(xmin) && missing(xmax) && missing(ymin) && missing(ymax)){
xmin = st_bbox(x)[1]
ymin = st_bbox(x)[2]
xmax = st_bbox(x)[3]
ymax = st_bbox(x)[4]
x <- st_crop(x, xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax)
res <- max(c(xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin))/100
r <- raster::raster(xmn = xmin,
xmx = xmax,
ymn = ymin,
ymx = ymax,
resolution = res)
x_df <- data.frame(st_coordinates(x)[, 1:2], v = x[[att]])
names(x_df)[1] <- "x"
names(x_df)[2] <- "y"
i <- !$v)
x_df <- x_df[i, ]
if(method == "idw"){
m <- gstat(formula=v~1, locations= ~x+y, data=x_df, set = list(idp = 1), nmin = 5, nmax = 10)
}else if(method == "tps"){
m <- Tps(x_df[, c("x", "y")], x_df$v)
r <- interpolate(r, m)
ch <- st_convex_hull(x)
r <- crop(r, as(ch, "Spatial"))
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