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Last active March 15, 2019 21:14
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Vapor Middleware that catches thrown errors and translate them. The preferred language should be passed by `Accept-Language` header
import NStack
import Vapor
import Sugar
protocol Translatable {
var translationKey: String { get }
extension AuthenticationError: Translatable {
var translationKey: String {
switch self {
case .signingError, .userNotFound, .weakPassword, .usernameAlreadyExists, .incorrectPassword:
return rawValue
default: return "GenericAuthenticationErrorKey"
struct TranslatedError: AbortError {
let identifier: String
let reason: String
let status: HTTPResponseStatus
public final class TranslateMiddleware: Middleware, ServiceType {
public static func makeService(for worker: Container) throws -> TranslateMiddleware {
return .default()
public static func `default`() -> TranslateMiddleware {
return .init()
public func respond(to req: Request, chainingTo next: Responder) throws -> Future<Response> {
let response: Future<Response>
do {
response = try next.respond(to: req)
} catch {
response = req.eventLoop.newFailedFuture(error: error)
return response.catchFlatMap { error in
guard let translatableError = error as? Translatable else {
throw error
let translationKey = translatableError.translationKey
let nstack: NStack = try req.make()
let language = req.http.headers.firstValue(name: .acceptLanguage)
let errorFuture = nstack.application.translate.get(
on: req,
platform: .backend,
language: language,
section: "errors",
key: translationKey
return{ errorString in
switch error {
case let abortError as AbortError:
throw TranslatedError(
identifier: abortError.identifier,
reason: errorString,
status: abortError.status
fatalError("You need to cover all the cases of translatable Errors")
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