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Created September 15, 2018 04:14
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Resets AD user account passwords and unlocks accounts.
Write-Host "Password Reset and Unlock Tool`n" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$User = Read-Host "Enter in a Username"
Get-ADuser $User -properties * | select Name,LockedOut,Enabled,@{n='Password Last Reset';e={$_.PasswordLastSet}},@{n="Job Title";e={$_."Description"}},@{n='Email';e={$_."EmailAddress"}},TelephoneNumber,Office | fl
$Name = (Get-ADUser $User -Properties Name).name
Write-Warning "$User is incorrect or does not exist.`nTry again"
$Manager = (get-aduser (get-aduser $User -Properties manager).manager).samaccountname
Get-ADUser $Manager -Properties * | Select @{n="Managers Name";e={$_."Name"}},@{n='Managers Email';e={$_."EmailAddress"}},@{n='Managers Number';e={$_."TelephoneNumber"}} | fl
Write-Host "Manager info not set in AD" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$Correct = Read-Host "Is this the correct user? Y or N"
if ($Correct -eq 'y') {
if (((get-aduser $user -Properties LockedOut).LockedOut -eq $true) -or ((get-aduser $user -Properties Enabled).Enabled -eq $false)){
Write-Warning "Account for $Name appears to be locked"
$Lockout = Read-Host "Would you like to unlock $Name ? Y or N"
if ($Lockout -eq 'Y'){
Enable-ADAccount $User
Unlock-ADAccount $User
Write-Host "Sucessfully unlocked account for $Name" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Warning "Unable to unlock account for $Name, Try again"
Write-Warning "Account unlock not selected"
Write-Host "$Name's Account is not locked or disabled" -ForegroundColor Green
$Reset = Read-Host "Would you like to reset $Name's password? Y or N"
if ($Reset -eq 'Y'){
Write-Warning "Make sure to verify last 4 #s of Social"
$Match = Read-Host "Do the last 4 digits of the Social match?"
if ($Match -eq 'y'){
$Password = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "Password1" -Force ##Temp Password
Write-Output "Resetting Password to Password1"
Set-ADAccountPassword $User -NewPassword $Password -Reset #Sets new password
Set-ADUser $User -ChangePasswordAtLogon $true #Makes user reset password at logon
Write-Host "Password has been reset. $Name must change password at next login`n" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Warning "Unable to reset password maybe due to a permission issue`nReopening script..."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
Write-warning "Password not reset"
Write-Warning "Password not reset"
Write-Host "Reopening script..."
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