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Last active September 18, 2018 08:50
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Affine augmentations for 3D tensors targeted at medical images
import math
from typing import Union, NamedTuple
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import affine_transform
class AffineTransform(NamedTuple):
matrix: np.ndarray
offset: np.ndarray
def __add__(self, other):
return type(self)(matrix=self.matrix @ other.matrix,
offset=other.matrix @ self.offset + other.offset)
def __call__(self, image: np.ndarray, order=1, cval=-1000, output_shape=None, **opts):
t = self
if image.ndim > t.ndim:
t = self.extend(image.ndim)
return affine_transform(image, matrix=t.matrix, offset=t.offset,
output_shape=output_shape, order=order, cval=cval, **opts)
def ndim(self):
return len(self.matrix)
def extend(self, ndim):
if ndim > self.ndim:
m = np.eye(ndim, dtype='float64')
o = np.zeros(ndim, dtype='float64')
s = ndim - self.ndim
m[s:, s:] = self.matrix
o[s:] = self.offset
return type(self)(matrix=m, offset=o)
return self
def identity(cls, dims=3):
return cls(matrix=np.eye(dims, dtype='float64'), offset=np.zeros(dims, dtype='float64'))
def __repr__(self):
def prepend_lines(text, prefix):
return ('\n' + prefix).join(text.split('\n'))
matrix_repr = prepend_lines(str(self.matrix), '\t ')
offset_repr = str(self.offset)
return f"{type(self).__name__}(\n\tmatrix={matrix_repr},\n\toffset={offset_repr}\n)"
__str__ = __repr__
def rotate(input_shape, angle, axis) -> AffineTransform:
""" rotate 3d tensor along given axis in 3D """
angle = np.pi / 180 * angle
cos = math.cos(angle)
sin = math.sin(angle)
iz, iy, ix = input_shape[-3:]
offset = np.zeros((3,), dtype='float64')
if axis == 0:
matrix = np.array([[1, 0, 0],
[0, cos, sin],
[0, -sin, cos]], dtype='float64')
elif axis == 1:
matrix = np.array([[cos, 0, -sin],
[0, 1, 0],
[sin, 0, cos]], dtype='float64')
elif axis == 2:
matrix = np.array([[cos, sin, 0],
[-sin, cos, 0],
[0, 0, 1]], dtype='float64')
raise ValueError()
offset[0] = iz / 2.0 - 0.5
offset[1] = iy / 2.0 - 0.5
offset[2] = ix / 2.0 - 0.5
offset =, offset)
tmp = np.zeros((3,), dtype='float64')
tmp[0] = iz / 2.0 - 0.5
tmp[1] = iy / 2.0 - 0.5
tmp[2] = ix / 2.0 - 0.5
offset = tmp - offset
return AffineTransform(matrix=matrix, offset=offset).extend(len(input_shape))
def scale(input_shape, factor, center=True) -> AffineTransform:
""" center scale """
f = np.asarray(factor)
assert f.shape[0] == 3
s = np.asarray(input_shape)
ndim = s.shape[0]
z = np.ones(ndim)
z[-3:] = f
z = 1 / z
m = np.eye(ndim) * z
if center:
o = (s - m @ s) / 2
o = np.zeros(len(input_shape))
return AffineTransform(matrix=m, offset=o)
def resize(image_shape, target_shape):
return scale(image_shape, np.asarray(target_shape) / image_shape, center=False)
def crop_target_context(*, image_shape, image_scale, store_context, target_context) -> (AffineTransform, np.array):
crop_pix_each_size = (np.asarray(store_context) - np.asarray(target_context)) / np.asarray(image_scale)
orig_shape = np.asarray(image_shape)
small_shape = orig_shape - crop_pix_each_size * 2
trf = scale(image_shape, orig_shape / small_shape)
return trf, small_shape
def resize_and_crop(*, image_shape, target_shape, image_scale, store_context, target_context) -> AffineTransform:
context_crop_trf, context_crop_shape = crop_target_context(image_shape=image_shape, image_scale=image_scale,
final_trf = context_crop_trf + scale(image_shape, np.asarray(target_shape) / context_crop_shape, center=False)
return final_trf
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