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Created October 23, 2013 22:04
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class PartialFunctionBuilder[A, B] {
import scala.collection.immutable.Vector
// Abbreviate to make code fit
type PF = PartialFunction[A, B]
private var pfsOption: Option[Vector[PF]] = Some(Vector.empty)
private def mapPfs[C](f: Vector[PF] ⇒ (Option[Vector[PF]], C)): C = {
pfsOption.fold(throw new IllegalStateException("Already built"))(f) match {
case (newPfsOption, result) ⇒ {
pfsOption = newPfsOption
def +=(pf: PF): Unit =
mapPfs { case pfs ⇒ (Some(pfs :+ pf), ()) }
def result(): PF =
mapPfs { case pfs ⇒ (None, pfs.foldLeft[PF](Map.empty) { _ orElse _ }) }
trait ComposableActor extends Actor {
protected lazy val receiveBuilder = new PartialFunctionBuilder[Any, Unit]
final def receive = receiveBuilder.result()
trait TheirComposableActor extends ComposableActor {
receiveBuilder += {
case "foo" ⇒ sender ! "foo received"
class MyComposableActor extends TheirComposableActor {
receiveBuilder += {
case "bar" ⇒ sender ! "bar received"
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