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emayssat /
Created March 14, 2022 21:39 — forked from bsletten/
Machine Learning Path Recommendations

This is an incomplete, ever-changing curated list of content to assist people into the worlds of Data Science and Machine Learning. If you have a recommendation for something to add, please let me know. If something isn't here, it doesn't mean I don't recommend it, I just may not have had a chance to review it yet or not.

I will generally list things in order of easier to more formal/challenging content.

It may feel like there is an overwhelming amount of stuff for you to learn (because there is). But, there is a guided path that will get you there in time. You need to focus on Linear Algebra, Calculus, Statistics and probably Python (or R). Your best bet is to get a Safari Books Online account ( which you may already have access to through school or work. If not, it is a reasonable way to get access to a tremendous number of books and videos.

I'm not saying you will get what you need out of everything here, but I have read/watched at least some of all of the following an

// Start the MongoDB Container
docker run --name mongo -d mongo
docker exec -i mongo sh -c 'mongoimport -d oreilly -c students --drop --type json' < students.json
// Check that Mongodb adds a projection on non-used fields
db.students.explain("executionStats").aggregate( [
{ $group: { _id: "$grade", frequency: { $sum: 1 } } },
{ $match: { "frequency": { $gt : 10 } } }