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Load ViewController from Storyboard or View from Xib (These are same name.) Require : Swift 2.0
protocol NibInstantiatable {
static var NibName: String { get }
extension NibInstantiatable {
static var NibName: String { return String(Self) }
static func instantiate() -> Self {
return instantiateWithName(NibName)
static func instantiateWithOwner(owner: AnyObject?) -> Self {
return instantiateWithName(NibName, owner: owner)
static func instantiateWithName(name: String, owner: AnyObject? = nil) -> Self {
let nib = UINib(nibName: name, bundle: nil)
guard let view = nib.instantiateWithOwner(owner, options: nil).first as? Self else {
fatalError("failed to load \(name) nib file")
return view
protocol StoryboardInstantiatable {
static var StoryboardName: String { get }
extension StoryboardInstantiatable {
static var StoryboardName: String { return String(Self) }
static func instantiate() -> Self {
return instantiateWithName(StoryboardName)
static func instantiateWithName(name: String) -> Self {
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: name, bundle: nil)
guard let vc = storyboard.instantiateInitialViewController() as? Self else{
fatalError("failed to load \(name) storyboard file.")
return vc
// UIViewController
// case: same name (FooVC.swift / FooVC.storyboard)
class FooVC: UIViewController,StoryboardInstantiatable {
let fooVC = FooVC.instantiate()
// UIViewController
// case: different name (BarVC.swift / Sample.storyboard)
class BarVC: UIViewController,StoryboardInstantiatable {
static var StoryboardName = "Sample"
let barVC = BarVC.instantiate()
// UIView
// case: same name (FooView.swift / FooView.xib)
class FooView: UIView, NibInstantiatable {
let fooView = FooView.instantiate()
// UIView
// case: different name (BarView.swift / Sample.xib)
class BarView: UIView, NibInstantiatable {
static var NibName = "Sample"
let barView = BarView.instantiate()
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update to swift 5

protocol NibInstantiatable {
    static var nibName: String { get }

extension NibInstantiatable {
    static var nibName: String { return String(describing: self)}
    static func instantiate() -> Self {
        return instantiateWithName(name: nibName)
    static func instantiateWithOwner(owner: AnyObject?) -> Self {
        return instantiateWithName(name: nibName, owner: owner)
    static func instantiateWithName(name: String, owner: AnyObject? = nil) -> Self {
        let nib = UINib(nibName: name, bundle: nil)
        guard let view = nib.instantiate(withOwner: owner, options: nil).first as? Self else {
            fatalError("failed to load \(name) nib file")
        return view
extension UIView: NibInstantiatable {}

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