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Last active June 22, 2021 15:01
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import prefect
from prefect import Flow, task, Task, case, Parameter
from prefect.environments import LocalEnvironment
from import S3
from prefect.tasks.prefect import FlowRunTask
from prefect.tasks.control_flow import merge
from prefect.engine.results import PrefectResult
def print_fib_parameter(fib) :
logger = prefect.context.get('logger')'my parameter: {fib}')
def is_terminal(fib):
return fib <= 2
def recurse_parameter(n):
return dict(fib_value = n)
def sum_up(items):
return sum(items)
def one():
return 1
result_task_slug = 'result'
@task(slug=result_task_slug, name=result_task_slug, result=PrefectResult())
def cache(x):
takes the result of a previous step and ensures it's cached.
This is the magic recursion bit - we search for this task in get_result_from_subflow and check that
it matches the result type we expect. we match the slug of this task and the slug of the task we look
for using the `result_task_slug` variable above.
return x
def get_result_from_subflow(flow_run_id):
extracts a result value out of a subflow.
Note that the result doesn't have to be PrefectResult, just that whatever result type needs to match
between the caching and the extraction.
c = prefect.Client()
info = c.get_flow_run_info(flow_run_id)
res = None
for x in info.task_runs.to_list():
if x.task_slug == result_task_slug :
if isinstance(x.state._result, PrefectResult) :
res = x.state.result
raise ValueError('expected PrefectResult')
return res
my_project = 'recursion'
my_flow = 'recursive-fibonacci'
with Flow(my_flow) as flow:
n = Parameter('fib_value', default=1)
printed = print_fib_parameter(n)
## non-terminal tasks
m_1 = n - 1
m_2 = n - 2
lst = prefect.tasks.core.collections.List()
inputs = lst(m_1, m_2)
parameters =
subflows = FlowRunTask(flow_name=my_flow, project_name=my_project, wait=True).map(parameters=parameters)
values =
f = sum_up(values)
t = one()
prefect.tasks.control_flow.ifelse(is_terminal(n), t,inputs)
merged = merge(t,f)
res = cache(merged)
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