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Modern XML usefull resources
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title: Modern XML usefull resources

author: @emchateau, @sardinecan

since: 2020-06-24

description: Selected XML resources from the ANR Experts projet for the NA+DAH Getty advanced workshop.


Modern XML usefull resources


General tutorials

XPATH tutorials

XQuery tutorials

XSLT tutorials

XForms tutorials

Usefull tools

Native XML Database (XQuery processor)

XSLT and XQuery processor

XForms processor



Visual Studio Code

Oxygen XML Editor (commercial, educational licence)

A full and versatile XML editor with rich XPath, XQuery and XSLT features.

Jet Brains Intellij (commercial, free educational licence)

XML networks formats

Various formats have been developped to exchange networks data. Some of them allows to exchange layout informations with the data.

Graph Exchange XML Format (GEXF)](

GEXF (Graph Exchange XML Format) is a language for describing complex networks structures, their associated data and dynamics. Started in 2007 at Gephi project by different actors, deeply involved in graph exchange issues, the gexf specifications are mature enough to claim being both extensible and open, and suitable for real specific applications.

The format is supported by Gephi, SigmaJS, Networks, but not completly with JuliaLang and by using a plugin with Cytoscape.

GraphML (GraphML)]( [Broken], see :

This format specified in 2001 is quite obsolete but it is supported by many applications (Cytoscape, Gephi, yEd, NetworkX, JuliaLang, etc.). The schema doesn‘t really take advantage of the XML data model compared to GEXF format.

See also :

Directed Graph Markup Language (DGML)

DGML is an XML format XML for oriented graphs. It is specified with an XML Schema and was implemented in Visual Studio in 2010.

Documentation :

Schema :

XGMML eXtensible Graph Markup and Modelling Language\_html/XGMML/ [broken]

The purpose of XGMML was to make possible the exchange of graphs between differents authoring and browsing tools for graphs. This format was specified with an DTD and an XML Schema in 2001.

Usefull readings

XML in general


  • Kay, Michael. 2008. XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0: programmer’s reference. 4th ed. Wrox programmer’s references. Indianapolis, IN : Wiley Pub.
  • Tennison, Jeni. 2002. Beginning XSLT. Birmingham, UK : Wrox.
  • Tennison, Jeni. 2005. Beginning XSLT 2.0: from novice to professional. Berkeley, CA : New York : Apress ; Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Springer-Verlag.


  • Anderson, Clifford B. et Joseph Charles Wicentowski. 2020. XQuery for humanists. First edition. Coding for humanists. College Station, [Texas] : Texas A&M University Press.
  • Rennau, Hans-Jürgen et Christian Grün. 2015. « XQuery as a data integration language ». In Balisage the Markup conference.
  • Walmsley, Priscilla. 2015. XQuery: Search across a Variety of XML Data. Second edition. Sebastopol, CA : O’Reilly Media.


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