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Created November 10, 2011 19:37
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canonical forms
401(k) 401(k) plan
403(b) 403(b) plan
American depositary receipt American Depositary Receipt
American Institute Of Certified Public Accountants American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
ARB arb
automated bond system Automated Bond System
Board Of Directors board of directors
Bollinger bands Bollinger Bands
book runner bookrunner
BOX box
capital asset pricing model capital-asset pricing model
capital-intensive capital intensive
capital market line ( capital market line
capm CAPM
Certified Financial Planner certified financial planner
certified public accountant Certified Public Accountant
Chartered Financial Analyst chartered financial analyst
Chartered Financial Consultant chartered financial consultant
Chicago Board Of Trade Chicago Board of Trade
completed contract method completed-contract method
coupon equivalent rate coupon-equivalent rate
coupon equivalent yield coupon-equivalent yield
Debtor-In-Possession Financing debtor in possession
Debtor-In-Possession Financing debtor in possession financing
debt to equity ratio debt-to-equity ratio
Delivery Versus Payment delivery versus payment
depository trust company Depository Trust Company
Diluted Earnings Per Share diluted earnings per share
DIP dip
Direct Participation Program direct participation program
Direct Stock Purchase Plan direct stock purchase plan
Electronic Blue Sheet electronic blue sheet
Electronic Data-Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval
Employee Stock Option employee stock option
employee stock ownership plan Employee Stock Ownership Plan
Employment Cost Index employment cost index
Equity Commitment Note equity commitment note
exchange traded fund exchange-traded fund
federal national mortgage association Federal National Mortgage Association
FIX fix
fixed costs fixed cost
Floating-Rate Note floating-rate note
Floor Broker floor broker
For Valuation Only for valuation only
Forward P/E forward P/E
General Agreement On Tariffs And Trade General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
Generally Accepted Auditing Standards generally accepted auditing standards
global depositary receipt Global Depositary Receipt
Growth At A Reasonable Price growth at a reasonable price
Guaranteed Investment Contract guaranteed investment contract
Guaranteed Mortgage Certificate guaranteed mortgage certificate
Immediate Or Cancel Order immediate-or-cancel order
Incentive Stock Option incentive stock option
Indication of Interest indication of interest
Institute Of Management Accountants Institute of Management Accountants
Intangible Drilling Costs intangible drilling costs
International Organization Of Securities Commissions International Organization of Securities Commissions
joint-and-survivor annuity joint and survivor annuity
Joint Venture joint venture
laissez faire laissez-faire
large cap large-cap
legal LEGAL
Limited Company limited company
London Interbank Offered Rate London interbank offered rate
London International Financial Futures And Options Exchange London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange
Long-Term Equity Anticipation Securities long-term equity anticipation securities
LTD Ltd.
lump sum distribution lump-sum distribution
Management Buyout management buyout
Market If Touched market if touched
Medium Term Note medium-term note
Modern Portfolio Theory modern portfolio theory
Municipals-Over-Bonds Spread municipals-over-bonds spread
Mutual Savings Bank mutual savings bank
NASDAQ composite index Nasdaq Composite Index
National Market System national market system
Net Asset Value Per Share net asset value per share
New York Board Of Trade New York Board of Trade
Non-Performing Asset nonperforming asset
On-Balance Volume on-balance volume
One-Cancels-the-Other Order one-cancels-the-other order
Open Market Operations open-market operations
original issue discount original-issue discount
Out Of The Money out-of-the-money
pink sheets Pink Sheets
price-to-earnings ratio price-earnings ratio
Principal Exchange Rate Linked Security principal exchange-rate-linked security
Private Activity Bond private activity bond
Producer Price Index producer price index
profit-and-loss statement profit and loss statement
Public Offering Price public offering price
Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit real estate mortgage investment conduit
Receive Versus Payment receive versus payment
Registered Representative registered representative
Registered Retirement Savings Plan registered retirement savings plan
Regulated Investment Company regulated investment company
Repo repo
retained earning retained earnings
Return On Sales return on sales
Revenue Anticipation Note revenue anticipation note
S s
Sarbanes Oxley Act Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Security Market Line security market line
Self-Directed IRA self-directed IRA
Self-Regulatory Organization self-regulatory organization
Series 7 exam Series 7
Simplified Employee Pension Individual Retirement Account simplified employee pension plan
Single Stock Future single stock future
spinoff spin off
Standard & Poor's Standard & Poor's
Statement of Additional Information statement of additional information
Stock Appreciation Right stock appreciation right
stop limit order stop-limit order
Straight Through Processing straight-through processing
supply side economics supply-side economics
Systematic Withdrawal Plan systematic withdrawal plan
Tax Anticipation Bill tax anticipation bill
Taxpayer Identification Number taxpayer identification number
T-Bill T bill
Terminal Value terminal value
Times Interest Earned times interest earned
Trailing P/E trailing P/E
Transfer On Death transfer on death
treasury bill Treasury bill
treasury bond Treasury bond
treasury inflation protected securities Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities
UN un
UT ut
Variable Coupon Renewable Note variable coupon renewable note
Volume Weighted Average Price volume-weighted average price
Weighted Average Maturity weighted-average maturity
When Issued when-issued
Wholesale Price Index wholesale price index
WI wi
Year To Date year to date
Yield To Worst yield to worst
zero coupon bond zero-coupon bond
1099-B Form 1099-B
1099-R Form 1099-R
401a 401(a)
401k 401(k)
401(k) plan 401(k)
401k plan 401(k)
401k withdrawal 401(k) withdrawal
403b 403(b)
403(b) plan 403(b)
408(k) Plan 408(k)
5-1 Hybrid ARM 5-1 hybrid adjustable-rate mortgage
5-6 Hybrid ARM 5-6 hybrid adjustable-rate mortgage
against-all-risks against all risks
amendments amendment
assets asset
basis points basis point
bearer bonds bearer bond
blue chip stock blue chip
blue chip stocks blue chip
blue sky law blue-sky law
bonds bond
bond yields bond yield
break even point break-even point
british monetary units British monetary units
buybacks buyback
callable bonds callable bond
capital expenditures capital expenditure
capital resources capital resource
cash equivalents cash equivalent
cash flow statements cash flow statement
chapter 11 Chapter 11
chapter 11 bankruptcy Chapter 11
commodities commodity
contributions contribution
cost benefit analysis cost-benefit analysis
cost, insurance, and freight cost, insurance and freight
covered calls covered call
credit default swaps credit default swap
credit ratings credit rating
credit unions credit union
debt equity ratio debt/equity ratio
debtor in possession Debtor-In-Possession Financing
debt ratios debt ratio
debt to income ratio debt-to-income ratio
Debt-To-Income Ratio debt-to-income ratio
derivatives derivative
DIP Financing Debtor-In-Possession Financing
discount bonds discount bond
dividends dividend
Dollar-Cost Averaging dollar cost averaging
Dow Dow Jones Industrial Average
ecommerce e-commerce
EDGAR database EDGAR
Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval Electronic Data-Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval
employer-sponsored retirement plans employer-sponsored retirement plan
exchange-traded fund exchange traded fund
exchange-traded funds exchange traded fund
financial statements financial statement
firms firm
First In, First Out first in first out
First in first out inventory valuation first in first out
fixed cost fixed costs
free market economies free market economy
General Obligation Bond general obligation bond
general obligation bonds general obligation bond
hedge funds hedge fund
hell or high water lease,triple net lease hell or high water lease
intangible assets intangible asset
interest rates interest rate
investments investment
joint and survivor annuity joint-and-survivor annuity
junk bonds junk bond
laissez-faire laissez faire
Last In, First Out last in first out
last-in first-out last in first out
last-in, first-out last in first out
leading indicators leading indicator
leverage ratios leverage ratio
liabilities liability
market prices market price
mark to market mark-to-market
master limited partnerships master limited partnership
Medallion signature medallion signature guarantee
Medallion signature guarantee medallion signature guarantee
money market accounts money market account
monopolies monopoly
Multinational Corporation multinational corporation
multinational corporations multinational corporation
mutual funds mutual fund
negotiable instruments negotiable instrument
Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance Program Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance
options option
Osmosis Osmosis Captial
owner's equity owners' equity
pension funds pension fund
PMI index PMI
preferred stocks preferred stock
Price-Earnings Ratio price-to-earnings ratio
price/earnings ratio price-to-earnings ratio
property taxes property tax
retained earnings retained earning
risk averse risk-averse
Russell 2000 Russell 2000 index
Sarbanes-Oxley Act Of 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act
securities security
Series 24 Series 24 exam
Series 6 Series 6 exam
Series 7 Series 7 exam
Silver Wheaton Corp Silver Wheaton Corporation
Silver Wheaton Corp. Silver Wheaton Corporation
Simplified Employee Pension Simplified Employee Pension Individual Retirement Account
simplified employee pension plan Simplified Employee Pension Individual Retirement Account
single premium deferred annuity single-premium deferred annuity
Single-Premium Deferred Annuity single-premium deferred annuity
social security Social Security
S&P 500 Index S&P 500
speculators speculator
stocks stock
stock symbols stock symbol
surety bonds surety bond
tangible assets tangible asset
tax exempt bonds tax-exempt bond
tax-exempt bonds tax-exempt bond
treasury bonds treasury bond
treasury stocks treasury stock
triple-net triple-net lease
triple net lease triple-net lease
values value
variable universal life variable universal life insurance
Variable Universal Life Insurance variable universal life insurance
W-2 Form W-2
W-2 form Form W-2
W-4 Form W-4
W-4 form Form W-4
warrants warrant
zero coupon bonds zero-coupon bond
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