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Created October 2, 2019 15:03
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import aaf2
import sys
import json
import urllib.parse
from timecode import Timecode
class TimelineFrame:
#contains relevant information about a single frame
def __init__(self, url, start_offset,left_neighbour,framenum):
self.url = url
self.start_offset = start_offset
self.left_neighbour = left_neighbour
self.framenum = framenum
self.tracknum = 0 #audio frames only, we assume one video output track...
def frames_to_TC (frames):
h = int(frames / 86400)
m = int(frames / 1440) % 60
s = int((frames % 1440)/24)
f = frames % 1440 % 24
return ( "%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d" % ( h, m, s, f))
def get_tracks(mob,type):
tracks = []
for slot in mob["Slots"]:
segment = slot.segment
tt = segment.media_kind
if tt == type:
if isinstance(segment, aaf2.components.NestedScope):
for nested_segment in segment["Slots"]:
if isinstance(nested_segment,aaf2.components.Sequence):
elif isinstance(segment, aaf2.components.Sequence):
elif isinstance(segment, aaf2.components.SourceClip):
elif isinstance(segment, aaf2.components.Selector):
elif isinstance(segment, aaf2.components.EssenceGroup):
return tracks
#return tuple: url,phyiscaltracknum
def get_source_clip_url(item):
sourceMobSlotId = item["SourceMobSlotID"].value
ref = item.slot
if ref:
for subitm in item.walk():
_ref = f.content.mobs.get(subitm["SourceID"].value)
phystracknum = _ref.slot_at(sourceMobSlotId)["PhysicalTrackNumber"].value #physicaltracknumber is optional, todo: check if we need to find out src track num in another way
phystracknum = 0
url = _ref["EssenceDescription"].value["Locator"].value[0]['URLString'].value
return url,phystracknum
except Exception as e:
#could not resolve url, print debug info
for subitm in item.walk():
print ("-----------ITEM--------------")
print (str(subitm))
print ("-----------END OF ITEM----------")
print ("----------REF--------------")
_ref = f.content.mobs.get(subitm["SourceID"].value)
print (_ref.dump())
print ("-------------END OF REF--------------")
print (_ref["EssenceDescription"].value["Locator"].value[0]['URLString'].value)
print (_ref.slot_at(sourceMobSlotId)["PhysicalTrackNumber"].value)
raise Exception("Cannot resolve url for item, not supported." + str(item))
raise Exception("Cannot resolve url for item, not supported.")
def get_video_at_frame(f_num,v_tracks,last_frame):#return either "filler" or url to video
out_frame = TimelineFrame(None,None,last_frame,f_num)
#for track_num, segment in (list(enumerate(v_tracks))):
#iterate all video tracks until we found a track that has something to show at the current edit_unit
for subtrack_num, v_track in (list(enumerate(v_tracks))):
if isinstance(v_track, list):
components = v_track
components = v_track['Components']
c = v_track.component_at_time(framenum)
if isinstance(c,aaf2.components.SourceClip):
out_frame.start_offset = c["StartTime"].value
out_frame.url = get_source_clip_url(c)[0]
return out_frame
# if url is ok, show frame. if not, check next video track if it has something to show at this position
elif(isinstance(c, aaf2.components.Filler)):
continue #check other vtracks if they have something to show
elif(isinstance(c, aaf2.components.OperationGroup)):
#TODO: Operationgroup is very complex, engineer all possibilities
for component in components:
for _cmp in (component.walk_references()):#walk_ref returns tuple
if isinstance(_cmp[0], aaf2.components.SourceClip):
out_frame.url = get_source_clip_url(_cmp[0])[0]
out_frame.start_offset = _cmp[0]["StartTime"].value
return out_frame
raise Exception ("Fatal, Could not find SourceClip in Operationgroup for framenum "+ str(f_num))
print("Warning, unexpected issue: no sourceclip found in Operationgroup on frame " + str(f_num))
continue #check other vtracks if they have something to show
out_frame.url = ("FILLER " + str(type(c))) # TODO: check if other types need to be supported
return out_frame
out_frame.url = "FINAL FILLER"
return (out_Frame)
return out_frame
def get_audio_frames_at_time(framenum,a_track,tracknum,last_frame):
#Iterate each audio track and find the stuff we need to present to the user
out_frame = TimelineFrame(None,None,last_frame,framenum)
c = a_track.component_at_time(framenum)
if isinstance(c,aaf2.components.SourceClip):
out_frame.start_offset = c["StartTime"].value
tuple = get_source_clip_url(c)
out_frame.url = tuple[0]
out_frame.track_num = tuple[1]
return out_frame
# if url is ok, show frame. if not, check next video track if it has something to show at this position
elif(isinstance(c, aaf2.components.Filler)):
out_frame.url = "FILLER"
return out_frame
elif(isinstance(c, aaf2.components.OperationGroup)):
for _cmp in (c.walk_references()):#walk_ref returns tuple
if isinstance(_cmp[0], aaf2.components.SourceClip):
tuple = get_source_clip_url(_cmp[0])
out_frame.url = tuple[0]
out_frame.track_num = tuple[1]
out_frame.start_offset = _cmp[0]["StartTime"].value
return out_frame
raise Exception ("Fatal, Could not find SourceClip in Operationgroup for framenum "+ str(f_num))
print ("Fatal, unexpected type in audio ")
if __name__ == "__main__":
f =[1])
for mob in f.content.compositionmobs(): # timeline, most likely just one piece in the aaf file!
video_tracks = (get_tracks (mob,"Picture"))
audio_tracks = (get_tracks (mob,"Sound"))
sequence_length = (video_tracks[0]["Length"].value)
print ("Sequence length " + str(sequence_length))
video_frames = []
last_frame = None
for framenum in range(sequence_length): #TODO: check if we can just walk through timeline and see for each frame what file is there...
last_frame = get_video_at_frame(framenum,video_tracks,last_frame)
#GET ALL AUDIO FRAMES Separately for each a track
audio_frames = []
for trck_idx, a_track in (list(enumerate(audio_tracks))):
last_frame = None
audio_frames[trck_idx] = [] #initialize new array for this track
for framenum in range(sequence_length):
last_frame = get_audio_frames_at_time(framenum,a_track,trck_idx,last_frame)
filev = open("c:\\temp\\V0.txt", "w")
filev.write ("ffconcat version 1.0\n")
last_frame = TimelineFrame(None,None,None,None)
for framenum in range(sequence_length): #TODO: check if we can just walk through timeline and see for each frame what file is there...
if (video_frames[framenum].url != last_frame.url ):
if not "FILLER" in video_frames[framenum].url:
filev.write("file '" + urllib.parse.unquote(video_frames[framenum].url).replace("file:///","").replace("file:","") +"'\n")
print ("New File at Pos: " + str(video_frames[framenum].framenum) + " Origin: " + str(video_frames[framenum].start_offset) + " " + video_frames[framenum].url)
#todo: count duration in else
last_frame = video_frames[framenum]
for track_idx in range(len(audio_tracks)): #iterate each audio track (one output file per track)
filea = open("c:\\temp\\A"+str(track_idx)+".txt", "w")
filea.write ("ffconcat version 1.0\n")
last_frame = TimelineFrame(None,None,None,None)
for framenum in range(sequence_length): # iterate each audio frame
if (audio_frames[track_idx][framenum].url != last_frame.url ):
if not "FILLER" in video_frames[framenum].url:
filea.write("file '" + urllib.parse.unquote(audio_frames[track_idx][framenum].url).replace("file:///","").replace("file:","") +"'\n")
tc1 = Timecode('25', '00:00:00;00')# TODO: GET FRAMERATE FROM FILE (OR TIMELINE)?
tc1.frames = framenum
filea.write("inpoint " + str(tc1) + "\n")
print ("New AFile Framenum: " + str(audio_frames[track_idx][framenum].framenum) + " Origin: " + str(audio_frames[track_idx][framenum].start_offset) + " " + audio_frames[track_idx][framenum].url + " tracknum: " + str(audio_frames[track_idx][framenum].tracknum))
last_frame = audio_frames[track_idx][framenum]
print ("ffmpeg -safe 0 -i \"c:\\temp\\V0.txt\" -map 0:v? -map 1:a? -map 2:a? c:\\temp\\out.mp4")
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emcodem commented May 21, 2021

Unfinished try to parse the timeline out of an aaf file (where effects should be already rendered) in order to create a concat file for ffmpeg encoding from it. Project was stopped because of the unexpected complexity, missing documentation, its hard to test...

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