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Created April 17, 2020 18:15
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Weighted random selection in elisp
;; In this population, a should be selected with frequency of 10%, while
;; b and c are each chosen with frequency 45%.
(defvar weights '(10 45 45))
(defvar population '(a b c))
(defun cumulative-weights (weights)
"Return the total of `weights' and the cumulative distribution
(loop for w in weights
sum w into total
collect total into cumulative
finally (return (values total cumulative))))
(defun bisect (list n)
"Find the index where inserting `n' in the sorted list `list'
would maintain the sort."
(loop for w in list
for index = 0 then (1+ index)
when (> w n) return index
finally (return index)))
(defun choice (population weights)
"Randomly choose among `population', where selection preference
is informed by `weights'. For example, with population (A B) and
weight (25 75), A should be chosen 25% of the time while B is
chosen 75%.
Weights need not be percentages; they can be any set of values.
Selections among the population will be made proportionally to
the sum of the weights."
(when (listp population)
(assert (= (length population) (length weights)))
(multiple-value-bind (total cumulative) (cumulative-weights weights)
(bisect cumulative (random total))
(loop repeat 100000
for result = (choice population weights)
count (eq result 'a) into as
count (eq result 'b) into bs
count (eq result 'c) into cs
finally (return (list 'a as 'b bs 'c cs)))
;; => (a 10019 b 45146 c 44835) for example
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