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Last active March 6, 2023 18:27
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Simple Word Tree
"name": "Google",
"children": [
"name": "accounts but that",
"size": 1
"name": "advance search used to be better",
"size": 1
"name": "and",
"children": [
"name": "references elsewhere in scholarship on and off the web to find titles",
"size": 1
"name": "digitized collections such as -url-",
"size": 1
"name": "where they take me.",
"size": 1
"name": "Art",
"children": [
"name": "museum websites",
"size": 1
"name": "; Google Scholar",
"size": 1
"name": "Books",
"children": [
"name": "",
"size": 1
"name": "google ngrams",
"size": 1
"name": "is hard to use",
"size": 1
"name": "database, I don't get good access to this type of material",
"size": 1
"name": "project had proceeded--or some similar mechanism for digitizing all books",
"size": 1
"name": "scan all textbooks and older science books and make available on the web",
"size": 1
"name": "and access to these holdings",
"size": 1
"name": ", google scholar, jstor, online archive of california, google maps",
"size": 1
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function toggle(d) {
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