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Created June 23, 2024 17:39
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Animated typing indicator in jetpack compose
* Display an animated typing indicator with a configurable number of dots.
* @param modifier The modifier to be applied to the component.
* @param configuration The configuration for the component's appearance.
* @param totalDots The total number of dots displayed in the indicator.
fun AnimatedTypingIndicator(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
configuration: TypingIndicatorDefaults.Configuration = TypingIndicatorDefaults.defaultConfiguration(),
totalDots: Int = 3,
) {
val infiniteTransition = rememberInfiniteTransition(
label = "Typing indicator animation"
val progress by infiniteTransition.animateFloat(
initialValue = 0f,
targetValue = 1f,
animationSpec = infiniteRepeatable(
animation = tween(1000, easing = LinearEasing),
repeatMode = RepeatMode.Restart
label = "Typing indicator progress animation"
// Default values in case of undefined sizes in the modifier.
val defaultWidth = remember {
val spaceCircles = configuration.circleTargetSize * totalDots
val spaceBetweenCircles = configuration.spaceBetweenCircles * (totalDots + 1)
spaceCircles + spaceBetweenCircles
val defaultHeight = remember {
configuration.circleTargetSize * 2
Canvas(modifier = modifier
.height(defaultHeight)) {
val startRadiusPX = configuration.circleStartSize.toPx() / 2f
val targetRadiusPX = configuration.circleTargetSize.toPx() / 2f
repeat(totalDots) { index ->
val proximity = getShiftedProximity(
progress = progress,
totalCircles = totalDots,
indexCircle = index
color = lerp(
start = configuration.inactiveColor,
stop = configuration.activeColor,
fraction = proximity
radius = startRadiusPX + (targetRadiusPX - startRadiusPX) * proximity,
center = Offset(
x = size.width / totalDots * index + size.width / (2 * totalDots),
y = center.y
* Calculates the middle of the horizontal area allocated for a specific dot.
* This function is used to determine the central position of each dot area in the indicator.
* The horizontal space is divided equally among all dots.
* @param totalCircles The total number of dots in the indicator.
* @param indexCircle The index of the dot (0-based) for which the middle point is being calculated.
private fun getDotCenterPosition(
totalCircles: Int,
indexCircle: Int
) = (indexCircle * 2 * totalCircles + totalCircles) / (2 * totalCircles * totalCircles).toFloat()
* Determines the proximity of [progress] to the middle of the calculated using [indexCircle].
* @param progress The current progress value.
* @param totalCircles The total number of dots in the indicator.
* @param indexCircle The index of the dot (0-based) for which the proximity is being calculated.
* @return A value between 0 and 1, where 0 represents the farthest distance from the center
* and 1 represents the closest distance.
private fun getProximity(
progress: Float,
totalCircles: Int,
indexCircle: Int
): Float {
val getDotCenterPosition = getDotCenterPosition(totalCircles, indexCircle)
val dotArea = 1 / totalCircles.toFloat()
return (1 - abs(progress - getDotCenterPosition) / dotArea).coerceAtLeast(0f).coerceAtMost(1f)
* Determines the proximity of [progress] to the point calculated using [indexCircle].
* When [progress] is increasing and is near to the end, the first dot start increasing its size.
* Conversely, [progress] is increasing near to the start, the last dot start decreasing its size.
* Proximity is a value between 0 and 1,
* where 0 means [progress] is far from [indexCircle]
* and 1 means [progress] is exactly at the point of [indexCircle].
* @param progress The current progress value.
* @param totalCircles The total number of dots in the indicator.
* @param indexCircle The index of the dot (0-based) for which the proximity is being calculated.
* @return The proximity for the current dot.
private fun getShiftedProximity(
progress: Float,
totalCircles: Int,
indexCircle: Int
): Float {
val currentProximity = getProximity(
progress = progress,
totalCircles = totalCircles,
indexCircle = indexCircle
val lastIndex = totalCircles - 1
val dotArea = 1f / totalCircles
val startThreshold = dotArea / 2f
val endThreshold = dotArea * lastIndex + (dotArea / 2f)
val isProgressNearToEnd = progress > endThreshold
val isProgressNearToStart = progress < startThreshold
val shiftedProximityAdjustment = when {
indexCircle == 0 && isProgressNearToEnd -> {
1 - getProximity(
progress = progress,
totalCircles = totalCircles,
indexCircle = totalCircles - 1
indexCircle == (totalCircles - 1) && isProgressNearToStart -> {
1 - getProximity(
progress = progress,
totalCircles = totalCircles,
indexCircle = 0
else -> 0f
return currentProximity + shiftedProximityAdjustment
private fun AnimatedTypingIndicatorPreview() {
AppTheme {
totalDots = 4
object TypingIndicatorDefaults {
fun defaultConfiguration() = Configuration()
data class Configuration(
val circleStartSize: Dp = startSize,
val circleTargetSize: Dp = targetSize,
val activeColor: Color = Color.White,
val inactiveColor: Color = Color.Gray,
val spaceBetweenCircles: Dp = startSize
private val startSize = 8.dp
private val targetSize = 9.dp
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This is the final result:

simplescreenrecorder-2024-06-23_11 41 58-ezgif com-video-to-gif-converter

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