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Created February 24, 2021 16:34
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A basic implementation of a scaling stylesheet measurements
import { Dimensions, StyleSheet } from "react-native";
const BASE_HEIGHT = 812; // iPhone X height (dev device);
* This class is a wrapper around StylesSheet.create. It is used to make sure
* that all values entered into stylesheets are scaled as the screen height
* grows and shrinks on different devices. Developers should not use
* StyleSheet.create directly but use this class instead
export class ScalingStyleSheet {
static scaleStyles<
T extends StyleSheet.NamedStyles<T> | StyleSheet.NamedStyles<any>
>(styles: T): T {
const styleKeys = Object.keys(styles) as (keyof typeof styles)[];
// Loop through all scalable properties and scale each property based on the
// `scaleProperty` function
styleKeys.forEach((styleProp) => {
const currentStyle = styles[styleProp];
const stylePropKeys = Object.keys(
) as (keyof typeof currentStyle)[];
stylePropKeys.forEach((prop) => {
if (
SCALABLE_PROPERTIES.includes(prop) &&
typeof currentStyle[prop] === "number"
) {
currentStyle[prop] = ScalingStyleSheet.scaleProperty(
return styles;
* Scales all CSS properties in the app based on the height of the screen
* @param value The raw intended size of a CSS Property
static scaleProperty(value: number): number {
const currentHeight = Dimensions.get("window").height;
if (currentHeight <= BASE_HEIGHT) {
return value;
const scaled = (currentHeight / BASE_HEIGHT) * value;
return Math.round((scaled + Number.EPSILON) * 100) / 100;
* Creates and scales the stylesheet object
* @param styles CSS Style parameters
static create<
T extends StyleSheet.NamedStyles<T> | StyleSheet.NamedStyles<any>
>(styles: T | StyleSheet.NamedStyles<T>): T {
return StyleSheet.create(ScalingStyleSheet.scaleStyles(styles));
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