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Created December 29, 2023 13:16
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# / Version 6.0
# This software is designed to help you find and download subtitles for your favorite videos!
# You can browse the project's GitHub page:
# -
# Learn much more about customizing for your needs:
# -
# Copyright (c) 2024 by Emeric GRANGE <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import os
import re
import sys
import time
import shutil
import struct
import argparse
import mimetypes
import subprocess
import json
import urllib
from urllib import request
# ==== server settings =======================================
# Track API availability:
# >
# API endpoints
API_URL = ''
# API key (required)
API_KEY = '9noeoxtKzopv6auSNXVvVNuh6ukqFKyC'
# ==== account (required) ====================================
# You can use your VIP account to avoid "in-subtitles" advertisement and bypass download limits.
# Be careful about your password security, it will be stored right here in plain text...
# You can also change language, it will be used for error codes and stuff.
# Can be overridden at run time with '-u' and '-p' arguments.
osd_username = ''
osd_password = ''
osd_language = 'en'
# ==== Language settings =======================================================
# Full guide:
# 1/ Change the search language by using any supported 2-letter (ISO 639-1) language code:
# >
# > Supported language codes:
# > Ex: opt_languages = 'en'
# 2/ Search for subtitles in several languages (at once, select one) by using multiple codes separated by a comma:
# > Ex: opt_languages = 'en,fr'
opt_languages = 'en'
# Write language code (ex: _en) at the end of the subtitles file. 'on', 'off' or 'auto'.
# If you are regularly searching for several language at once, you sould use 'on'.
opt_language_suffix = 'auto'
# Character used to separate file path from the language code (ex:
opt_language_suffix_separator = '_'
# Force downloading and storing UTF-8 encoded subtitles files.
opt_force_utf8 = False
# ==== Search settings =========================================================
# Subtitles search mode. Can be overridden at run time with '-s' argument.
# - hash (search by hash only)
# - filename (search by filename only)
# - hash_then_filename (search by hash, then if no results by filename)
# - hash_and_filename (search using both methods)
opt_search_mode = 'hash_then_filename'
# Search and download a subtitles even if a subtitles file already exists.
opt_search_overwrite = True
# Subtitles selection mode. Can be overridden at run time with '-t' argument.
# - default (in case of multiple results, let you choose the subtitles you want)
# - manual (always let you choose the subtitles you want)
# - auto (automatically select the best subtitles found)
opt_selection_mode = 'default'
# Customize subtitles download path. Can be overridden at run time with '-o' argument.
# By default, subtitles are downloaded next to their video file.
opt_output_path = ''
# ==== GUI settings ============================================================
# Select your GUI. Can be overridden at run time with '--gui=xxx' argument.
# - auto (autodetection, fallback on CLI)
# - gnome (GNOME/GTK based environments, using 'zenity' backend)
# - kde (KDE/Qt based environments, using 'kdialog' backend)
# - cli (Command Line Interface)
opt_gui = 'auto'
# Change the subtitles selection GUI size:
opt_gui_width = 920
opt_gui_height = 400
# Various GUI columns to show/hide during subtitles selection. You can set them to 'on', 'off' or 'auto'.
opt_selection_hi = 'auto'
opt_selection_language = 'auto'
opt_selection_match = 'auto'
opt_selection_rating = 'off'
opt_selection_count = 'off'
# ==== Super Print =============================================================
# priority: info, warning, error
# title: only for zenity and kdialog messages
# message: full text, with tags and breaks (tags will be cleaned up for CLI)
def superPrint(priority, title, message):
"""Print messages through terminal, zenity or kdialog"""
if opt_gui == 'gnome':['zenity', '--width=' + str(opt_gui_width), '--' + priority, '--title=' + title, '--text=' + message])
elif opt_gui == 'kde':
# Adapt to kdialog
message = message.replace("\n", "<br>")
message = message.replace('\\"', '"')
if priority == 'warning':
priority = 'sorry'
elif priority == 'info':
priority = 'msgbox'
# Print message['kdialog', '--geometry=' + str(opt_gui_width) + 'x' + str(opt_gui_height), '--title=' + title, '--' + priority + '=' + message])
# Clean up format tags from the zenity string
message = message.replace("\n\n", "\n")
message = message.replace('\\"', '"')
message = message.replace("<i>", "")
message = message.replace("</i>", "")
message = message.replace("<b>", "")
message = message.replace("</b>", "")
# Print message
print(">> " + message)
# ==== Check file path & type ==================================================
def checkFileValidity(path):
"""Check mimetype and/or file extension to detect valid video file"""
if os.path.isfile(path) is False:
superPrint("info", "File not found", "The file provided was not found:\n<i>" + path + "</i>")
return False
fileMimeType, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(path)
if fileMimeType is None:
fileExtension = path.rsplit('.', 1)
if fileExtension[1] not in ['avi', 'mov', 'mp4', 'mp4v', 'm4v', 'mkv', 'mk3d', 'webm', \
'ts', 'mts', 'm2ts', 'ps', 'vob', 'evo', 'mpeg', 'mpg', \
'asf', 'wm', 'wmv', 'rm', 'rmvb', 'divx', 'xvid']:
#superPrint("error", "File type error!", "This file is not a video (unknown mimetype AND invalid file extension):\n<i>" + path + "</i>")
return False
fileMimeType = fileMimeType.split('/', 1)
if fileMimeType[0] != 'video':
#superPrint("error", "File type error!", "This file is not a video (unknown mimetype):\n<i>" + path + "</i>")
return False
return True
# ==== Check for existing subtitles file =======================================
def checkSubtitlesExists(path):
"""Check if a subtitles already exists for the current file"""
extList = ['srt', 'sub', 'mpl', 'webvtt', 'dfxp', 'txt',
'sbv', 'smi', 'ssa', 'ass', 'usf']
lngList = ['']
if opt_language_suffix in ('on', 'auto'):
for language in opt_languages:
for l in list(language.split(',')):
lngList.append(opt_language_suffix_separator + l)
for ext in extList:
for lng in lngList:
subPath = path.rsplit('.', 1)[0] + lng + '.' + ext
if os.path.isfile(subPath) is True:
superPrint("info", "Subtitles already downloaded!", "A subtitles file already exists for this file:\n<i>" + subPath + "</i>")
return True
return False
# ==== Hashing algorithm =======================================================
# Info:
# This particular implementation is coming from SubDownloader:
def hashFile(path):
"""Produce a hash for a video file: size + 64bit chksum of the first and
last 64k (even if they overlap because the file is smaller than 128k)"""
longlongformat = 'Q' # unsigned long long little endian
bytesize = struct.calcsize(longlongformat)
fmt = "<%d%s" % (65536//bytesize, longlongformat)
f = open(path, "rb")
filesize = os.fstat(f.fileno()).st_size
filehash = filesize
if filesize < 65536 * 2:
superPrint("error", "File size error!", "File size error while generating hash for this file:\n<i>" + path + "</i>")
return "SizeError"
buf =
longlongs = struct.unpack(fmt, buf)
filehash += sum(longlongs), os.SEEK_END) # size is always > 131072
buf =
longlongs = struct.unpack(fmt, buf)
filehash += sum(longlongs)
returnedhash = "%016x" % filehash
return returnedhash
except IOError:
superPrint("error", "I/O error!", "Input/Output error while generating hash for this file:\n<i>" + path + "</i>")
return "IOError"
except Exception:
print("Unexpected error (line " + str(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) + "): " + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
# ==== GNOME selection window ==================================================
def selectionGnome(subtitlesResultList):
"""GNOME subtitles selection window using zenity"""
subtitlesSelectedName = u''
subtitlesSelectedIndex = -1
subtitlesItems = u''
subtitlesMatchedByHash = 0
subtitlesMatchedByName = 0
columnHi = ''
columnLn = ''
columnMatch = ''
columnRate = ''
columnCount = ''
# Generate selection window content
for idx, item in enumerate(subtitlesResultList['data']):
if item['attributes'].get('moviehash_match', False) == True:
subtitlesMatchedByHash += 1
subtitlesMatchedByName += 1
subtitlesItems += f'{idx} "' + item['attributes']['files'][0]['file_name'] + '" '
if opt_selection_hi == 'on':
columnHi = '--column="HI" '
if item['attributes']['hearing_impaired'] == 'True':
subtitlesItems += u'"✔" '
subtitlesItems += '"" '
if opt_selection_language == 'on':
columnLn = '--column="Language" '
subtitlesItems += '"' + item['attributes']['language'] + '" '
if opt_selection_match == 'on':
columnMatch = '--column="MatchedBy" '
if item['attributes']['moviehash_match'] == 'True':
subtitlesItems += '"HASH" '
subtitlesItems += '"" '
if opt_selection_rating == 'on':
columnRate = '--column="Rating" '
subtitlesItems += '"' + item['attributes']['ratings'] + '" '
if opt_selection_count == 'on':
columnCount = '--column="Downloads" '
subtitlesItems += '"' + item['attributes']['download_count'] + '" '
if subtitlesMatchedByName == 0:
tilestr = ' --title="Subtitles for: ' + videoTitle + '"'
textstr = ' --text="<b>Video title:</b> ' + videoTitle + '\n<b>File name:</b> ' + videoFileName + '"'
elif subtitlesMatchedByHash == 0:
tilestr = ' --title="Subtitles for: ' + videoFileName + '"'
textstr = ' --text="Search results using file name, NOT video detection. <b>May be unreliable...</b>\n<b>File name:</b> ' + videoFileName + '" '
else: # a mix of the two
tilestr = ' --title="Subtitles for: ' + videoTitle + '"'
textstr = ' --text="Search results using file name AND video detection.\n<b>Video title:</b> ' + videoTitle + '\n<b>File name:</b> ' + videoFileName + '"'
# Spawn zenity "list" dialog
process_subtitlesSelection = subprocess.Popen('zenity --width=' + str(opt_gui_width) + ' --height=' + str(opt_gui_height) + ' --list' + tilestr + textstr
+ ' --column "id" --column="Available subtitles" ' + columnHi + columnLn + columnMatch + columnRate + columnCount + subtitlesItems
+ ' --hide-column=1 --print-column=ALL', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
# Get back the user's choice
result_subtitlesSelection = process_subtitlesSelection.communicate()
# The results contain a subtitles?
if result_subtitlesSelection[0]:
result = str(result_subtitlesSelection[0], 'utf-8', 'replace').strip("\n")
# Hack against recent zenity version?
#if len(result.split("|")) > 1:
# if result.split("|")[0] == result.split("|")[1]:
# result = result.split("|")[0]
# Get index and result
[subtitlesSelectedIndex, subtitlesSelectedName] = result.split('|')[0:2]
if process_subtitlesSelection.returncode == 0:
subtitlesSelectedName = subtitlesResultList['data'][0]['attributes']['files'][0]['file_name']
subtitlesSelectedIndex = 0
# Return the result (selected subtitles name and index)
return (subtitlesSelectedName, subtitlesSelectedIndex)
# ==== KDE selection window ====================================================
def selectionKDE(subtitlesResultList):
"""KDE subtitles selection window using kdialog"""
subtitlesSelectedName = u''
subtitlesSelectedIndex = -1
subtitlesItems = u''
subtitlesMatchedByHash = 0
subtitlesMatchedByName = 0
# Generate selection window content
# TODO doesn't support additional columns
index = 0
for item in subtitlesResultList['data']:
if item['attributes']['moviehash_match'] == 'True':
subtitlesMatchedByHash += 1
subtitlesMatchedByName += 1
# key + subtitles name
subtitlesItems += str(index) + ' "' + item['attributes']['files'][0]['file_name'] + '" '
index += 1
if subtitlesMatchedByName == 0:
tilestr = ' --title="Subtitles for ' + videoTitle + '"'
menustr = ' --menu="<b>Video title:</b> ' + videoTitle + '<br><b>File name:</b> ' + videoFileName + '" '
elif subtitlesMatchedByHash == 0:
tilestr = ' --title="Subtitles for ' + videoFileName + '"'
menustr = ' --menu="Search results using file name, NOT video detection. <b>May be unreliable...</b><br><b>File name:</b> ' + videoFileName + '" '
else: # a mix of the two
tilestr = ' --title="Subtitles for ' + videoTitle + '" '
menustr = ' --menu="Search results using file name AND video detection.<br><b>Video title:</b> ' + videoTitle + '<br><b>File name:</b> ' + videoFileName + '" '
# Spawn kdialog "radiolist"
process_subtitlesSelection = subprocess.Popen('kdialog --geometry=' + str(opt_gui_width) + 'x' + str(opt_gui_height) + tilestr + menustr + subtitlesItems, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
# Get back the user's choice
result_subtitlesSelection = process_subtitlesSelection.communicate()
# The results contain the key matching a subtitles?
if result_subtitlesSelection[0]:
subtitlesSelectedIndex = int(str(result_subtitlesSelection[0], 'utf-8', 'replace').strip("\n"))
subtitlesSelectedName = subtitlesResultList['data'][subtitlesSelectedIndex]['attributes']['files'][0]['file_name']
# Return the result (selected subtitles name and index)
return (subtitlesSelectedName, subtitlesSelectedIndex)
# ==== CLI selection mode ======================================================
def selectionCLI(subtitlesResultList):
"""Command Line Interface, subtitles selection inside your current terminal"""
subtitlesSelectedName = u''
subtitlesSelectedIndex = -1
subtitlesItemIndex = 0
subtitlesItem = u''
# Print video infos
print("\n>> Title: " + videoTitle)
print(">> Filename: " + videoFileName)
# Print subtitles list on the terminal
print(">> Available subtitles:")
for item in subtitlesResultList['data']:
subtitlesItemIndex += 1
subtitlesItem = '"' + item['attributes']['files'][0]['file_name'] + '" '
if opt_selection_hi == 'on' and item['attributes']['hearing_impaired'] == '1':
subtitlesItem += '> "HI" '
if opt_selection_language == 'on':
subtitlesItem += '> "Language: ' + item['attributes']['language'] + '" '
if opt_selection_match == 'on':
if item['attributes']['moviehash_match'] == 'True':
subtitlesItem += '> "Matched by hash" '
subtitlesItem += '> "Matched by name" '
if opt_selection_rating == 'on':
subtitlesItem += '> "SubRating: ' + item['attributes']['ratings'] + '" '
if opt_selection_count == 'on':
subtitlesItem += '> "SubDownloadsCnt: ' + item['attributes']['download_count'] + '" '
if "moviehash_match" in item['attributes'] and item['attributes']['moviehash_match'] == 'True':
print("\033[92m[" + str(subtitlesItemIndex) + "]\033[0m " + subtitlesItem)
print("\033[93m[" + str(subtitlesItemIndex) + "]\033[0m " + subtitlesItem)
# Ask user to selected a subtitles
print("\033[91m[0]\033[0m Cancel search")
while (subtitlesSelectedIndex < 0 or subtitlesSelectedIndex > subtitlesItemIndex):
subtitlesSelectedIndex = int(input(">> Enter your choice (0-" + str(subtitlesItemIndex) + "): "))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
subtitlesSelectedIndex = -1
if subtitlesSelectedIndex == 0:
print("Cancelling search...")
return ("", -1)
subtitlesSelectedIndex = subtitlesSelectedIndex-1
subtitlesSelectedName = subtitlesResultList['data'][subtitlesSelectedIndex]['attributes']['files'][0]['file_name']
# Return the result (selected subtitles name and index)
return (subtitlesSelectedName, subtitlesSelectedIndex)
# ==== Automatic selection mode ================================================
def selectionAuto(subtitlesResultList):
"""Automatic subtitles selection using filename match"""
subtitlesSelectedName = u''
subtitlesSelectedIndex = -1
videoFileParts = videoFileName.replace('-', '.').replace(' ', '.').replace('_', '.').lower().split('.')
languageListReversed = list(reversed(languageList))
maxScore = -1
for idx, subtitle in enumerate(subtitlesResultList['data']):
score = 0
# points to respect languages priority
score += languageListReversed.index(subtitle['SubLanguageID']) * 100
# extra point if the sub is found by hash
if subtitle['MatchedBy'] == 'moviehash':
score += 1
# points for filename mach
subFileParts = subtitle['SubFileName'].replace('-', '.').replace(' ', '.').replace('_', '.').lower().split('.')
for subPart in subFileParts:
for filePart in videoFileParts:
if subPart == filePart:
score += 1
if score > maxScore:
maxScore = score
subtitlesSelectedName = subtitle['SubFileName']
subtitlesSelectedIndex = idx
# Return the result (selected subtitles name and index)
return (subtitlesSelectedName, subtitlesSelectedIndex)
# ==== Check dependencies ======================================================
def pythonChecker():
"""Check the availability of python 3 interpreter"""
if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
superPrint("error", "Wrong Python version", "You need <b>Python 3</b> to use OpenSubtitlesDownload.")
return False
return True
def dependencyChecker():
"""Check the availability of tools used as dependencies"""
if opt_gui != 'cli':
for tool in ['gunzip', 'wget']:
path = shutil.which(tool)
if path is None:
superPrint("error", "Missing dependency!", "The <b>'" + tool + "'</b> tool is not available, please install it!")
return False
return True
# ==== REST API helpers ========================================================
def getUserToken(username, password):
headers = {
"User-Agent": "OpenSubtitlesDownload v6.0",
"Api-key": f"{API_KEY}",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
payload = {
"username": username,
"password": password
data = json.dumps(payload).encode('utf-8')
req = urllib.request.Request(API_URL_LOGIN_ENDPOINT, data=data, headers=headers)
with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as response:
response_data = json.loads('utf-8'))
return response_data['token']
except Exception:
print("Unexpected error (line " + str(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) + "): " + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
def searchSubtitles(**kwargs):
headers = {
"User-Agent": "OpenSubtitlesDownload v6.0",
"Api-key": f"{API_KEY}"
query_params = urllib.parse.urlencode(kwargs)
url = f"{API_URL_SEARCH_ENDPOINT}?{query_params}"
req = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers)
with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as response:
response_data = json.loads('utf-8'))
return response_data
except Exception:
print("Unexpected error (line " + str(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) + "): " + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
def getSubtitlesInfo(file_id):
USER_TOKEN = getUserToken(username=osd_username, password=osd_password)
headers = {
"User-Agent": "OpenSubtitlesDownload v6.0",
"Api-key": f"{API_KEY}",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Authorization": f"Bearer {USER_TOKEN}",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
payload = {
"file_id": file_id
data = json.dumps(payload).encode('utf-8')
req = urllib.request.Request(API_URL_DOWNLOAD_ENDPOINT, data=data, headers=headers)
with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as response:
result ='utf-8')
return json.loads(result)
except Exception:
print("Unexpected error (line " + str(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) + "): " + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
# ==============================================================================
# ==== Main program (execution starts here) ====================================
# ==============================================================================
# ==== Exit code returned by the software. You can use them to improve scripting behaviours.
# 0: Success, and subtitles downloaded
# 1: Success, but no subtitles found or downloaded
# 2: Failure
ExitCode = 2
# ==== File and language lists
videoPathList = []
languageList = []
currentVideoPath = ""
currentLanguage = ""
# ==== Argument parsing
# Get script absolute path
if os.path.isabs(sys.argv[0]):
scriptPath = sys.argv[0]
scriptPath = os.getcwd() + "/" + str(sys.argv[0])
# Setup ArgumentParser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='',
description='Automatically find and download the right subtitles for your favorite videos!',
parser.add_argument('--cli', help="Force CLI mode", action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-g', '--gui', help="Select the GUI you want from: auto, kde, gnome, cli (default: auto)")
parser.add_argument('-l', '--lang', help="Specify the language in which the subtitles should be downloaded (default: en).\nSyntax:\n-l eng,fre: search in both language\n-l eng -l fre: download both language")
parser.add_argument('-i', '--skip', help="Skip search if an existing subtitles file is detected", action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--search', help="Search mode: hash, filename, hash_then_filename, hash_and_filename (default: hash_then_filename)")
parser.add_argument('-t', '--select', help="Selection mode: manual, default, auto")
parser.add_argument('-a', '--auto', help="Force automatic selection and download of the best subtitles found", action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', help="Override subtitles download path, instead of next their video file")
parser.add_argument('-x', '--suffix', help="Force language code file suffix", action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-8', '--utf8', help="Force UTF-8 file download", action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-u', '--username', help="Set account username")
parser.add_argument('-p', '--password', help="Set account password")
parser.add_argument('searchPathList', help="The video file(s) or folder(s) for which subtitles should be searched and downloaded", nargs='+')
# Parse arguments
arguments = parser.parse_args()
# Handle arguments
if arguments.cli:
opt_gui = 'cli'
if arguments.gui:
opt_gui = arguments.gui
opt_search_mode =
if arguments.skip:
opt_search_overwrite = False
opt_selection_mode =
opt_selection_mode = 'auto'
if arguments.output:
opt_output_path = arguments.output
if arguments.lang:
opt_languages = arguments.lang
if arguments.suffix:
opt_language_suffix = 'on'
if arguments.utf8:
opt_force_utf8 = True
if arguments.username and arguments.password:
osd_username = arguments.username
osd_password = arguments.password
# GUI auto detection
if opt_gui == 'auto':
# Note: "ps cax" only output the first 15 characters of the executable's names
ps = str(subprocess.Popen(['ps', 'cax'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]).split('\n')
for line in ps:
if ('gnome-session' in line) or ('cinnamon-sessio' in line) or ('mate-session' in line) or ('xfce4-session' in line):
opt_gui = 'gnome'
elif 'ksmserver' in line:
opt_gui = 'kde'
# Sanitize some settings
if opt_gui not in ['gnome', 'kde', 'cli']:
opt_gui = 'cli'
opt_search_mode = 'hash_then_filename'
opt_selection_mode = 'auto'
print("Unknown GUI, falling back to an automatic CLI mode")
if opt_search_mode not in ['hash', 'filename', 'hash_then_filename', 'hash_and_filename']:
opt_search_mode = 'hash_then_filename'
if opt_selection_mode not in ['manual', 'default', 'auto']:
opt_selection_mode = 'default'
# Check for Python 3
if pythonChecker() is False:
# Check for the necessary tools (must be done after GUI auto detection)
if dependencyChecker() is False:
# ==== Get video paths, validate them, and if needed check if subtitles already exists
for i in arguments.searchPathList:
path = os.path.abspath(i)
if os.path.isdir(path): # if it's a folder
if opt_gui == 'cli': # check all of the folder's (recursively)
for root, _, items in os.walk(path):
for item in items:
localPath = os.path.join(root, item)
if checkFileValidity(localPath):
if opt_search_overwrite or (not opt_search_overwrite and not checkSubtitlesExists(localPath)):
else: # check all of the folder's files
for item in os.listdir(path):
localPath = os.path.join(path, item)
if checkFileValidity(localPath):
if opt_search_overwrite or (not opt_search_overwrite and not checkSubtitlesExists(localPath)):
elif checkFileValidity(path): # if it is a file
if opt_search_overwrite or (not opt_search_overwrite and not checkSubtitlesExists(path)):
# If videoPathList is empty, abort!
if not videoPathList:
# ==== Instances dispatcher ====================================================
# The first video file will be processed by this instance
currentVideoPath = videoPathList[0]
# The remaining file(s) are dispatched to new instance(s) of this script
for videoPathDispatch in videoPathList:
# Pass settings
command = [ sys.executable, scriptPath, "-g", opt_gui, "-s", opt_search_mode, "-t", opt_selection_mode ]
for language in opt_languages:
if not opt_search_overwrite:
if opt_language_suffix == 'on':
if opt_force_utf8 == True:
if opt_output_path:
if arguments.username and arguments.password:
# Pass file
# Do not spawn too many instances at once, avoid error '429 Too Many Requests'
if opt_gui == 'cli' and opt_selection_mode != 'auto':
# Synchronous call
process_videoDispatched =
# Asynchronous call
process_videoDispatched = subprocess.Popen(command)
# ==== Search and download subtitles ===========================================
# ==== Count languages selected for this search
if isinstance(opt_languages, list):
languageList = opt_languages
languageList = opt_languages.split(',')
languageCount_search = len(languageList)
languageCount_results = 0
# ==== Get file hash, size and name
videoTitle = u''
videoHash = hashFile(currentVideoPath)
videoSize = os.path.getsize(currentVideoPath)
videoFileName = os.path.basename(currentVideoPath)
subtitlesResultList = ''
## Search for subtitles
subtitlesResultList = searchSubtitles(moviehash=videoHash, languages=opt_languages)
#print(f"SEARCH BY HASH >>>>> length {len(subtitlesResultList['data'])} >>>>> {subtitlesResultList['data']}")
if len(subtitlesResultList['data']) > 0:
videoTitle = subtitlesResultList['data'][0]['attributes']['feature_details']['movie_name']
# if we didn't get any results for hash try searching by name
if len(subtitlesResultList['data']) == 0:
subtitlesResultList = searchSubtitles(query=videoFileName, languages=opt_languages)
#print(f"SEARCH BY NAME >>>>> length {len(subtitlesResultList['data'])} >>>>> {subtitlesResultList['data']}")
except Exception:
superPrint("error", "Search error!", "Unable to reach servers!\n<b>Search error</b>")
## Parse the results of the search query
if ('data' in subtitlesResultList) and (subtitlesResultList['data']):
# Mark search as successful
languageCount_results += 1
subName = u''
subIndex = 0
# If there is only one subtitles (matched by file hash), auto-select it (except in CLI mode)
if (len(subtitlesResultList['data']) == 1) and (subtitlesResultList['data'][0]['attributes']['moviehash_match'] == True):
if opt_selection_mode != 'manual':
subName = subtitlesResultList['data'][0]['attributes']['files'][0]['file_id']
# Title and filename may need string sanitizing to avoid zenity/kdialog handling errors
if opt_gui != 'cli':
videoTitle = videoTitle.replace('"', '\\"')
videoTitle = videoTitle.replace("'", "\\'")
videoTitle = videoTitle.replace('`', '\\`')
videoTitle = videoTitle.replace("&", "&amp;")
videoFileName = videoFileName.replace('"', '\\"')
videoFileName = videoFileName.replace("'", "\\'")
videoFileName = videoFileName.replace('`', '\\`')
videoFileName = videoFileName.replace("&", "&amp;")
# If there is more than one subtitles and opt_selection_mode != 'auto',
# then let the user decide which one will be downloaded
if not subName:
if opt_selection_mode == 'auto':
# Automatic subtitles selection
(subName, subIndex) = selectionAuto(subtitlesResultList)
# Go through the list of subtitles and handle 'auto' settings activation
for item in subtitlesResultList['data']:
if opt_selection_match == 'auto' and opt_search_mode == 'hash_and_filename':
opt_selection_match = 'on'
if opt_selection_language == 'auto' and languageCount_search > 1:
opt_selection_language = 'on'
if opt_selection_hi == 'auto' and item['attributes']['hearing_impaired'] == 'True':
opt_selection_hi = 'on'
if opt_selection_rating == 'auto' and item['attributes']['ratings'] != '0.0':
opt_selection_rating = 'on'
if opt_selection_count == 'auto':
opt_selection_count = 'on'
# Spaw selection window
if opt_gui == 'gnome':
(subName, subIndex) = selectionGnome(subtitlesResultList)
elif opt_gui == 'kde':
(subName, subIndex) = selectionKDE(subtitlesResultList)
else: # CLI
(subName, subIndex) = selectionCLI(subtitlesResultList)
# At this point a subtitles should be selected
if subName:
# Prepare download
fileId = subtitlesResultList['data'][int(subIndex)]['attributes']['files'][0]['file_id']
fileInfo = getSubtitlesInfo(fileId)
# quote the URL to avoid characters like brackets () causing errors in wget command below
subURL = f"\'{fileInfo['link']}\'"
subSuffix = subURL.split('.')[-1].strip("'")
subLangName = subtitlesResultList['data'][int(subIndex)]['attributes']['language']
subPath = u''
if opt_output_path and os.path.isdir(os.path.abspath(opt_output_path)):
# Use the output path provided by the user
subPath = os.path.abspath(opt_output_path) + "/" + currentVideoPath.rsplit('.', 1)[0].rsplit('/', 1)[1] + '.' + subSuffix
# Use the path of the input video, and the suffix of the subtitles file
subPath = currentVideoPath.rsplit('.', 1)[0] + '.' + subSuffix
# Write language code into the filename?
if opt_language_suffix == 'on':
subPath = subPath.rsplit('.', 1)[0] + opt_language_suffix_separator + subtitlesResultList['data'][int(subIndex)]['attributes']['language'] + '.' + subSuffix
# Escape non-alphanumeric characters from the subtitles download path
if opt_gui != 'cli':
subPath = re.escape(subPath)
subPath = subPath.replace('"', '\\"')
subPath = subPath.replace("'", "\\'")
subPath = subPath.replace('`', '\\`')
## Download and unzip the selected subtitles
if opt_gui == 'gnome':
process_subtitlesDownload ="(wget -q -O " + subPath + " " + subURL + ") 2>&1"
+ ' | (zenity --auto-close --progress --pulsate --title="Downloading subtitles, please wait..." --text="Downloading <b>'
+ subLangName + '</b> subtitles for <b>' + videoTitle + '</b>...")', shell=True)
elif opt_gui == 'kde':
process_subtitlesDownload ="(wget -q -O " + subPath + " " + subURL + ") 2>&1", shell=True)
else: # CLI
print(">> Downloading '" + subtitlesResultList['data'][subIndex]['attributes']['language'] + "' subtitles for '" + videoTitle + "'")
downloadResult ="(wget -q -O " + subPath + " " + subURL + ") 2>&1", shell=True)
process_subtitlesDownload = downloadResult.returncode
# If an error occurs, say so
if process_subtitlesDownload != 0:
superPrint("error", "Subtitling error!",
"An error occurred while downloading or writing <b>" + subtitlesResultList['data'][subIndex]['attributes']['language'] + "</b> subtitles for <b>" + videoTitle + "</b>.")
## HOOK # Use a secondary tool after a successful download?
#process_subtitlesDownload ="(custom_command" + " " + subPath + ") 2>&1", shell=True)
## Print a message if no subtitles have been found, for any of the languages
if languageCount_results == 0:
superPrint("info", "No subtitles available :-(", '<b>No subtitles found</b> for this video:\n<i>' + videoFileName + '</i>')
ExitCode = 1
ExitCode = 0
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
superPrint("error", "Network error",
"Network error: " + e.reason)
except (OSError, IOError, RuntimeError, AttributeError, TypeError, NameError, KeyError):
# An unknown error occur, let's apologize before exiting
superPrint("error", "Unexpected error!",
"OpenSubtitlesDownload encountered an <b>unknown error</b>, sorry about that...\n\n" + \
"Error: <b>" + str(sys.exc_info()[0]).replace('<', '[').replace('>', ']') + "</b>\n" + \
"Line: <b>" + str(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) + "</b>\n\n" + \
"Just to be safe, please check:\n" + \
"- Your Internet connection status\n" + \
"- availability\n" + \
"- Your download limits (5 subtitles per 24h for free (non VIP) users, 5 subtitles per 10s)\n" + \
"- That are using the latest version of this software ;-)")
except Exception:
# Catch unhandled exceptions but do not spawn an error window
print("Unexpected error (line " + str(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) + "): " + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
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