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Last active August 14, 2024 13:56
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Save emersonf/7413337 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Bash script to compute ETag values for S3 multipart uploads on OS X.
if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 file partSizeInMb";
exit 0;
if [ ! -f "$file" ]; then
echo "Error: $file not found."
exit 1;
fileSizeInMb=$(du -m "$file" | cut -f 1)
parts=$((fileSizeInMb / partSizeInMb))
if [[ $((fileSizeInMb % partSizeInMb)) -gt 0 ]]; then
parts=$((parts + 1));
checksumFile=$(mktemp -t s3md5)
for (( part=0; part<$parts; part++ ))
skip=$((partSizeInMb * part))
$(dd bs=1m count=$partSizeInMb skip=$skip if="$file" 2>/dev/null | md5 >>$checksumFile)
echo $(xxd -r -p $checksumFile | md5)-$parts
rm $checksumFile
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Very cool. I have a patch to make it work for Linux, if that's of interest. I'll fork and PR if so.

One file I have doesn't match S3's MD5 sum, even after multiple downloads. Chunk size is rather big (512 MB).
Any ideas what this could be?

Not that a hash tells us much, but Amazon says its:

Whereas your script says:

File size is 609865657 bytes.

Different algorithm for big files? Doesn't really make sense.

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RichardBronosky commented Jan 9, 2017

How do you know what part size was used/to use?
(Size: 9476171423 ETage: 44dab9123b49dab2c2b3b10c360ceda1-1130)

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komiyak commented Aug 4, 2017

I finally understand.

Note: If you uploaded with aws-cli via aws s3 cp then you most likely have a 8MB chunksize. According to the docs, that is the default.

We should use this, if uploaded with aws-cli via aws s3 cp.

$ ./ 8

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jocot commented Apr 17, 2018

Thanks for this, it helped me validate a heap of files I had in S3.

Note that AWS S3 supports a maximum of 10,000 parts. I recently exceeded this on a project with a 54GB file (5MB part size). The AWS SDK adjusts the part size to fit 10,000 parts. I used this expression to get the right part size to calculate the ETag correctly, if you happen to exceed 10,000 parts. I also specified the partsize in bytes for better accuracy.

partsize = (filesize / 10000) + 1

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veenits commented May 15, 2018

Thank you. This is helpful. Are there any alternatives for xxd on linux?

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Awesome script - it doesn't work for SSE-KMS files so if you happen to uncover any intel on how AWS is generating the MD5 for that scenario, please share. Again, awesome job here.

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rfraimow commented Dec 9, 2019

Thanks for the script, this is incredibly helpful and we're incorporating it into our workflows!

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Linux users

Here is an equivalent script if you are not using OSX. I hope this helps!

set -euo pipefail
if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
    echo "Usage: $0 file partSizeInMb";
    exit 0;
if [ ! -f "$file" ]; then
    echo "Error: $file not found." 
    exit 1;
fileSizeInMb=$(du -m "$file" | cut -f 1)
parts=$((fileSizeInMb / partSizeInMb))
if [[ $((fileSizeInMb % partSizeInMb)) -gt 0 ]]; then
    parts=$((parts + 1));
checksumFile=$(mktemp -t s3md5.XXXXXXXXXXXXX)
for (( part=0; part<$parts; part++ ))
    skip=$((partSizeInMb * part))
    $(dd bs=1M count=$partSizeInMb skip=$skip if="$file" 2> /dev/null | md5sum >> $checksumFile)
etag=$(echo $(xxd -r -p $checksumFile | md5sum)-$parts | sed 's/ --/-/')
echo -e "${1}\t${etag}"
rm $checksumFile

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shntnu commented Jul 20, 2022

Thank you @skchronicles

I think there's an error in the parts calculations, now fixed below

set -euo pipefail
if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
    echo "Usage: $0 file partSizeInMb";
    exit 0;
if [ ! -f "$file" ]; then
    echo "Error: $file not found." 
    exit 1;
partSizeInB=$((partSizeInMb * 1024 * 1024)) ### I added this
fileSizeInB=$(du -b "$file" | cut -f 1) ### I edited this
parts=$((fileSizeInB / partSizeInB)) ### I edited this and the next line
if [[ $((fileSizeInB % partSizeInB)) -gt 0 ]]; then 
    parts=$((parts + 1));
checksumFile=$(mktemp -t s3md5.XXXXXXXXXXXXX)
for (( part=0; part<$parts; part++ ))
    skip=$((partSizeInMb * part))
    $(dd bs=1M count=$partSizeInMb skip=$skip if="$file" 2> /dev/null | md5sum >> $checksumFile)
etag=$(echo $(xxd -r -p $checksumFile | md5sum)-$parts | sed 's/ --/-/')
echo -e "${1}\t${etag}"
rm $checksumFile

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rajivnarayan commented Jul 23, 2022

Thanks, this is quite useful.

I modified the script to speedup the hash computation and avoid generating temporary files. Link to script

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