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Created April 22, 2013 14:41
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WARNING: Nokogiri was built against LibXML version 2.7.3, but has dynamically loaded 2.7.8
DEPRECATION WARNING: Inheriting from ActionView::Template::Handler is deprecated. Since Rails 3, all the API your template handler needs to implement is to respond to #call. (called from <top (required)> at /Users/emfeha/Projects/TakeTheInterview/www/take_the_interview/config/environment.rb:5)
DEPRECATION WARNING: Including Compilable in your template handler is deprecated. Since Rails 3, all the API your template handler needs to implement is to respond to #call. (called from <top (required)> at /Users/emfeha/Projects/TakeTheInterview/www/take_the_interview/config/environment.rb:5)
/Users/emfeha/Projects/TakeTheInterview/www/take_the_interview/vendor/plugins/swf_fu/lib/action_view/helpers/swf_fu_helper.rb:44: warning: already initialized constant DEFAULTS
/Users/emfeha/Projects/TakeTheInterview/www/take_the_interview/vendor/plugins/swf_fu/lib/action_view/helpers/swf_fu_helper.rb:58: warning: already initialized constant VALID_MODES
/Users/emfeha/Projects/TakeTheInterview/www/take_the_interview/vendor/plugins/swf_fu/lib/action_view/helpers/swf_fu_helper.rb:104: warning: already initialized constant CONCAT
/Users/emfeha/Projects/TakeTheInterview/www/take_the_interview/vendor/plugins/swf_fu/lib/action_view/helpers/asset_tag_helper/swf_asset.rb:42: warning: already initialized constant DIRECTORY
/Users/emfeha/Projects/TakeTheInterview/www/take_the_interview/vendor/plugins/swf_fu/lib/action_view/helpers/asset_tag_helper/swf_asset.rb:43: warning: already initialized constant EXTENSION
Feature: As an employer I should have the ability to create a new interview
Background: # features/company/interviews/create_interview.feature:4
Given a plan exists with name: "standard-plan", state: "active" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a company exists with name: "Peter's Construction", plan: that plan # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a user "anthony" exists with email: "", role: "Employer", company: that company, first_name: "Anthony", last_name: "Cintron" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.42 seconds.
When I am on login page # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:12
And I fill in "email" with "" within "#new_user_session" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:36
And I fill in "password" with "password" within "#new_user_session" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:36
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.23 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.29 seconds.
And I press "Login" within "#new_user_session" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:24
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.12 seconds.
Then I am on Employer's Dashboard page # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:12
Scenario: Create a company interview # features/company/interviews/create_interview.feature:14
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.38 seconds.
Given I follow "Create New Position" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:30
When I fill in "interview_name" with "My New Awesome Interview" within "#interview_form" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:36
And I fill in "interview_position" with "My New Awesome Interview" within "#interview_form" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:36
And I press "Save & Add Questions" within "#interview_form" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:24
Unable to find button "Save & Add Questions" (Capybara::ElementNotFound)
./features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:26:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
./features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:7:in `block in with_scope'
./features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:7:in `with_scope'
./features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:25:in `/^(?:|I )press "([^"]*)"(?: within "([^"]*)")?$/'
features/company/interviews/create_interview.feature:18:in `And I press "Save & Add Questions" within "#interview_form"'
Then interview should exist with name: "My New Awesome Interview" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:19
Feature: Manage candidate responses in many different contexts
Employers, with the correct permissions, can view associated
responses per interview.
Background: # features/company/interviews/review.feature:6
Given a plan exists with name: "standard-plan", state: "active" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a company exists with name: "Peter's Construction", plan: that plan # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a user exists with email: "", role: "Employer", company: that company, first_name: "Anthony", last_name: "Cintron" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
Then a interview exists with intro: "Welcome to our interview page for the executive sales role.", name: "SVP, Sales & Operations", position: "SVP, Sales & Operations", creator: that company, state: "available", department: nil # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
Then interview should exist with state: "available" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:19
Scenario: Employer can initially preview a limited number of candidates on responses page # features/company/interviews/review.feature:14
Given a user "Joe" exists with email: "", role: "Candidate", first_name: "Joe", last_name: "Smith", password: "testpass", password_confirmation: "testpass" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a user "Paul" exists with email: "", role: "Candidate", first_name: "Paul", last_name: "Black", password: "testpass", password_confirmation: "testpass" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a user "Sarah" exists with email: "", role: "Candidate", first_name: "Sarah", last_name: "Shore", password: "testpass", password_confirmation: "testpass" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a user "Pam" exists with email: "", role: "Candidate", first_name: "Pam", last_name: "Moore", password: "testpass", password_confirmation: "testpass" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
Then a userinterview exists with interview: that interview, user: user "Joe", state: "invited" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
Then a userinterview exists with interview: that interview, user: user "Paul", state: "complete", employer_state: "submitted" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
Then a userinterview exists with interview: that interview, user: user "Sarah", state: "in_progress" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
Then a userinterview exists with interview: that interview, user: user "Pam", state: "accepted" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /users/sign_in with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /users/sign_in completed in about 0.12 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /assets/vendor/modernizr/modernizr.min with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /assets/compiled/style.css with a timeout of 15 seconds.rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /assets/application.css with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /assets/application.css completed in about 0.00 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /assets/vendor/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.selectmenu with a timeout of 15 seconds.rack-timeout: request for /assets/vendor/modernizr/modernizr.min completed in about 0.07 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /assets/vendor/jquery/plugins/jquery.tooltipster.min.js with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /assets/rails.js with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /assets/plugins.js with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /assets/application.js with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /assets/application.js completed in about 0.00 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /assets/compiled/style.css completed in about 0.13 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /assets/vendor/jquery/plugins/jquery.placeholder.min with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /assets/vendor/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.selectmenu completed in about 0.07 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /assets/vendor/jquery/plugins/jquery.tooltipster.min.js completed in about 0.08 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /assets/rails.js completed in about 0.08 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /assets/_bgBubbleBox.png with a timeout of 15 seconds.rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /assets/_logoSmall.png with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /assets/plugins.js completed in about 0.08 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /assets/_bgBubbleBox.png completed in about 0.00 seconds.rack-timeout: request for /assets/_logoSmall.png completed in about 0.00 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /assets/vendor/jquery/plugins/jquery.placeholder.min completed in about 0.02 seconds.
When I am on login page # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:12
Then I fill in "email" with "" within "#new_user_session" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:36
And I fill in "password" with "password" within "#new_user_session" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:36
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /user/sessions with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /user/sessions completed in about 0.10 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /company/interviews with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /company/interviews completed in about 0.21 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /assets/compiled/pages/company/interviews/index.css with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /assets/vendor/jquery/plugins/dataTables.js with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /assets/vendor/jquery/plugins/jquery.fancybox.pack with a timeout of 15 seconds.rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /assets/search.min.js with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /assets/compiled/pages/company/interviews/index.css completed in about 0.01 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /assets/vendor/jquery/plugins/dataTables.js completed in about 0.01 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /assets/vendor/jquery/plugins/jquery.fancybox.pack completed in about 0.02 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /assets/fontawesome-webfont.woff with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /assets/fontawesome-webfont.woff completed in about 0.00 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /assets/search.min.js completed in about 0.02 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /assets/_buttonHover.png with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /assets/_buttonHover.png completed in about 0.00 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /assets/jquery/ui-icons_888888_256x240.png with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /assets/jquery/ui-icons_888888_256x240.png completed in about 0.00 seconds.
When I press "Login" within "#new_user_session" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:24
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /company/interviews/1/review with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /company/interviews/1/review completed in about 0.12 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /assets/compiled/pages/company/interviews/show.css with a timeout of 15 seconds.rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /assets/compiled/pages/company/interviews/reviewer.css with a timeout of 15 seconds.rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /assets/vendor/jquery/plugins/jquery.zclip.min with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /assets/vendor/flowplayer/flowplayer-3.2.6.min with a timeout of 15 seconds.rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /assets/review.js with a timeout of 15 seconds.rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /assets/vendor/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.touch-punch.min with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /assets/compiled/pages/company/interviews/show.css completed in about 0.01 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /assets/compiled/pages/company/interviews/reviewer.css completed in about 0.02 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /assets/vendor/jquery/plugins/jquery.zclip.min completed in about 0.02 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /assets/vendor/flowplayer/flowplayer-3.2.6.min completed in about 0.02 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /assets/review.js completed in about 0.02 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /assets/vendor/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.touch-punch.min completed in about 0.03 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /company/interviews/1/review with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /company/interviews/1/review completed in about 0.14 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /assets/_avatar.gif with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /assets/_avatar.gif completed in about 0.00 seconds.
Then I enter that interview Responses page # features/step_definitions/tti_steps.rb:5
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /company/interviews/1/review with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /company/interviews/1/review completed in about 0.11 seconds.
And "Paul Black" is displayed in responses results with status:"Completed" # features/step_definitions/company/interviews/review_steps.rb:1
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /company/interviews/1/review with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /company/interviews/1/review completed in about 0.04 seconds.
And "Joe Smith" is displayed in responses results with status:"Invited" # features/step_definitions/company/interviews/review_steps.rb:1
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /company/interviews/1/review with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /company/interviews/1/review completed in about 0.10 seconds.
And "Sarah Shore" is displayed in responses results with status:"In Progress" # features/step_definitions/company/interviews/review_steps.rb:1
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /company/interviews/1/review with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /company/interviews/1/review completed in about 0.11 seconds.
And "Pam Moore" is displayed in responses results with status:"Accepted" # features/step_definitions/company/interviews/review_steps.rb:1
Feature: Review user interview from main interview review page
This is an in review functionality for viewing user interviews. In other-words,
this the ajax approach.
Background: # features/company/interviews/review_user_interview.feature:6
Given a plan exists with name: "standard-plan", state: "active" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a company exists with name: "Peter's Construction", plan: that plan # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a user "anthony" exists with email: "", role: "Employer", company: that company, first_name: "Anthony", last_name: "Cintron" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
When an interview "SVP" exists with intro: "Welcome to our interview page for the executive sales role.", name: "SVP, Sales & Operations", position: "SVP, Sales & Operations", creator: that company, state: "available", department: nil # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
Then a question "question1" exists with body: "Question #1", creator: that company # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
Then a question "question2" exists with body: "Question #2", creator: that company # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
Then a question "question3" exists with body: "Question #3", creator: that company # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a interviewquestion "interview_question1" exists with interview: that interview, question: question "question1" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a interviewquestion "interview_question2" exists with interview: that interview, question: question "question2" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a interviewquestion "interview_question3" exists with interview: that interview, question: question "question3", response_type: "text" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
Then interview should exist with state: "available" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:19
Then a user "joe" exists with email: "", role: "Candidate", first_name: "John", last_name: "Smith", password: "testpass", password_confirmation: "testpass" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
Then a userinterview exists with interview: that interview, user: user "joe", state: "complete", employer_state: "submitted" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a answer "answer1" exists with question: question "question1", user_interview: that userinterview # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a answer "answer2" exists with question: question "question2", user_interview: that userinterview # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a answerstext "answer3" exists with question: question "question3", user_interview: that userinterview, response_body: "Question #3 answer" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /users/sign_in with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /users/sign_in completed in about 0.09 seconds.
When I am on login page # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:12
And I fill in "email" with "" within "#new_user_session" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:36
And I fill in "password" with "password" within "#new_user_session" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:36
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /user/sessions with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /user/sessions completed in about 0.15 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /company/interviews with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /company/interviews completed in about 0.13 seconds.
And I press "Login" within "#new_user_session" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:24
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /company/interviews with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /company/interviews completed in about 0.12 seconds.
Then I am on Employer's Dashboard page # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:12
Scenario: Can access user interview detail page # features/company/interviews/review_user_interview.feature:31
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /company/interviews/1/review with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /company/interviews/1/review completed in about 0.12 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /company/interviews/1/review with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /company/interviews/1/review completed in about 0.11 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /assets/backgrounds/video-placeholder.png with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /assets/backgrounds/video-placeholder.png completed in about 0.00 seconds.
Given I enter that interview Responses page # features/step_definitions/tti_steps.rb:5
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /company/interviews/1/user_interviews/1 with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /company/interviews/1/user_interviews/1 completed in about 1.40 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /assets/review/video.js with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /assets/review/video.js completed in about 0.00 seconds.
When I follow "View Response" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:30
Then question playlist exists # features/step_definitions/company/user_interviews/show_user_interview_steps.rb:1
And I click a question with content: "Question #3" # features/step_definitions/company/interviews/review_user_interview_steps.rb:1
Feature: Employer should have the ability to share candidate's responses
The goal here is to build a share widget for
Background: # features/company/interviews/share.feature:6
Given a plan exists with name: "standard-plan", state: "active" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a company exists with name: "Peter's Construction", plan: that plan # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a user "anthony" exists with email: "", role: "Employer", company: that company, first_name: "Anthony", last_name: "Cintron" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
When an interview "SVP" exists with intro: "Welcome to our interview page for the executive sales role.", name: "SVP, Sales & Operations", position: "SVP, Sales & Operations", creator: that company, state: "available", department: nil # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
Then interview should exist with state: "available" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:19
Then a user "joe" exists with email: "", role: "Candidate", first_name: "John", last_name: "Smith", password: "testpass", password_confirmation: "testpass" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
Then a userinterview exists with interview: that interview, user: user "joe", state: "complete", employer_state: "submitted" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
Scenario: Employer can publicly share one user interview # features/company/interviews/share.feature:17
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /users/sign_in with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /users/sign_in completed in about 0.09 seconds.
Given I am on login page # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:12
When I fill in "email" with "" within "#new_user_session" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:36
And I fill in "password" with "password" within "#new_user_session" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:36
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /user/sessions with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /user/sessions completed in about 0.16 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /company/interviews with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /company/interviews completed in about 0.13 seconds.
And I press "Login" within "#new_user_session" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:24
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /company/interviews with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /company/interviews completed in about 0.13 seconds.
Then I am on Employer's Dashboard page # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:12
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /company/interviews/1/review with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /company/interviews/1/review completed in about 0.12 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /company/interviews/1/review with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /company/interviews/1/review completed in about 0.11 seconds.
Given I follow "1 Response" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:30
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /company/interviews/1/review with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /company/interviews/1/review completed in about 0.14 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /company/interviews/1/review with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /company/interviews/1/review completed in about 0.13 seconds.
When I enter that interview Responses page # features/step_definitions/tti_steps.rb:5
Then I check "interview[user_interview_ids][]" within ".userComplete" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:73
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /company/interviews/1/share with a timeout of 15 seconds.
And I follow "Share" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:30
rack-timeout: request for /company/interviews/1/share completed in about 0.15 seconds.
And Share pop-up should appear with no users to share with # features/step_definitions/company/interviews/share_steps.rb:1
And Public share feature is enabled # features/step_definitions/company/interviews/share_steps.rb:6
Feature: As an employer I should be able to add a question to an interview
Background: # features/company/questions/add_question.feature:2
Given a plan exists with name: "standard-plan", state: "active" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
When a company exists with name: "Peter's Construction", plan: that plan # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a user "anthony" exists with email: "", role: "Employer", company: that company, first_name: "Anthony", last_name: "Cintron" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
Then an interview "SVP" exists with intro: "Welcome to our interview page for the executive sales role.", name: "SVP, Sales & Operations", position: "SVP, Sales & Operations", creator: that company, department: nil # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a subcategory exists # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a question exists with body: "Here's a question", creator_type: nil, creator: nil, sub_category: that subcategory # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /users/sign_in with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /users/sign_in completed in about 0.09 seconds.
Then I am on login page # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:12
And I fill in "email" with "" within "#new_user_session" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:36
And I fill in "password" with "password" within "#new_user_session" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:36
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /user/sessions with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /user/sessions completed in about 0.10 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /company/interviews with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /company/interviews completed in about 0.13 seconds.
And I press "Login" within "#new_user_session" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:24
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /company/interviews with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /company/interviews completed in about 0.19 seconds.
Then I am on Employer's Dashboard page # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:12
Scenario: choose a question # features/company/questions/add_question.feature:16
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /company/interviews/1/questions/new with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /company/interviews/1/questions/new completed in about 0.18 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /assets/compiled/pages/company/interviews/new.css with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /assets/vendor/jquery/plugins/jquery.maxlength.min with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /assets/compiled/pages/company/interviews/new.css completed in about 0.01 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /assets/vendor/jquery/plugins/jquery.maxlength.min completed in about 0.01 seconds.
Given I enter Add a Question page for that interview # features/step_definitions/tti_steps.rb:22
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /company/categories/1/sub_categories with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /company/questions with a timeout of 15 seconds.
When I select "Accounting" from "category_selector" within "#new_interview_question" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:67
rack-timeout: request for /company/categories/1/sub_categories completed in about 0.10 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /company/questions completed in about 0.13 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /company/questions with a timeout of 15 seconds.
And I select "Accounts Payable" from "sub_category_selector" within "#new_interview_question" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:67
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /company/interviews/1/questions with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /company/questions completed in about 0.09 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /company/interviews/1/questions completed in about 0.13 seconds.
And I press "Finish" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:24
And question should exist with body: "Here's a question" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:19
Scenario: Write a question # features/company/questions/add_question.feature:24
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /users/sign_in with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /users/sign_in completed in about 0.09 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /user/sessions with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /user/sessions completed in about 0.10 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /company/interviews with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /company/interviews completed in about 0.14 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /company/interviews with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /company/interviews completed in about 0.13 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /company/interviews/1/questions/new with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /company/interviews/1/questions/new completed in about 0.19 seconds.
Given I enter Add a Question page for that interview # features/step_definitions/tti_steps.rb:22
When I follow "Write a question" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:30
And I fill in "interview_question_question_attributes_body" with "Here is my custom question" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:36
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /company/interviews/1/questions with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /company/interviews/1/questions completed in about 0.03 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /company/interviews/1/edit_criteria with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /company/interviews/1/edit_criteria completed in about 0.12 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /assets/compiled/pages/company/interviews/edit_criteria.css with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /assets/compiled/pages/company/interviews/edit_criteria.css completed in about 0.00 seconds.
And I press "Finish" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:24
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /company/interviews/1/questions/new with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /company/interviews/1/questions/new completed in about 0.14 seconds.
Given I enter Add a Question page for that interview # features/step_definitions/tti_steps.rb:22
And question should exist with body: "Here is my custom question" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:19
Feature: User Interview Detail Page
Employer can view user interviews
Background: # features/company/user_interviews/show_user_interview.feature:5
Given a plan exists with name: "standard-plan", state: "active" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a company exists with name: "Peter's Construction", plan: that plan # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a user "anthony" exists with email: "", role: "Employer", company: that company, first_name: "Anthony", last_name: "Cintron" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
When an interview "SVP" exists with intro: "Welcome to our interview page for the executive sales role.", name: "SVP, Sales & Operations", position: "SVP, Sales & Operations", creator: that company, state: "available", department: nil # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
Then a question "question1" exists with body: "Question #1", creator: that company # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
Then a question "question2" exists with body: "Question #2", creator: that company # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
Then a question "question3" exists with body: "Question #3", creator: that company # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a interviewquestion "interview_question1" exists with interview: that interview, question: question "question1" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a interviewquestion "interview_question2" exists with interview: that interview, question: question "question2" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a interviewquestion "interview_question3" exists with interview: that interview, question: question "question3" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
Then interview should exist with state: "available" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:19
Then a user "joe" exists with email: "", role: "Candidate", first_name: "John", last_name: "Smith", password: "testpass", password_confirmation: "testpass" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
Then a userinterview exists with interview: that interview, user: user "joe", state: "complete", employer_state: "submitted" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a answer "answer1" exists with question: question "question1", user_interview: that userinterview # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a answer "answer2" exists with question: question "question2", user_interview: that userinterview # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a answer "answer3" exists with question: question "question3", user_interview: that userinterview # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
Scenario: Can access user interview detail page # features/company/user_interviews/show_user_interview.feature:25
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.17 seconds.
When I am on login page # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:12
And I fill in "email" with "" within "#new_user_session" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:36
And I fill in "password" with "password" within "#new_user_session" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:36
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.16 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.15 seconds.
And I press "Login" within "#new_user_session" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:24
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.19 seconds.
Then I am on Employer's Dashboard page # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:12
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.68 seconds.
Given I enter that userinterview detail page # features/step_definitions/tti_steps.rb:14
Then question playlist exists # features/step_definitions/company/user_interviews/show_user_interview_steps.rb:1
Feature: Mobile Edition of User Interview Detail Page
Employer can view mobile compatible user interviews
Background: # features/company/user_interviews/show_user_interview_mobile.feature:5
Given a plan exists with name: "standard-plan", state: "active" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a company exists with name: "Peter's Construction", plan: that plan # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a user "anthony" exists with email: "", role: "Employer", company: that company, first_name: "Anthony", last_name: "Cintron" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
When an interview "SVP" exists with intro: "Welcome to our interview page for the executive sales role.", name: "SVP, Sales & Operations", position: "SVP, Sales & Operations", creator: that company, state: "available", department: nil, mobile: true # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
Then a question "question1" exists with body: "Question #1", creator: that company # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
Then a question "question2" exists with body: "Question #2", creator: that company # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
Then a question "question3" exists with body: "Question #3", creator: that company # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a interviewquestion "interview_question1" exists with interview: that interview, question: question "question1" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a interviewquestion "interview_question2" exists with interview: that interview, question: question "question2" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a interviewquestion "interview_question3" exists with interview: that interview, question: question "question3" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
Then interview should exist with state: "available" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:19
Then a user "joe" exists with email: "", role: "Candidate", first_name: "John", last_name: "Smith", password: "testpass", password_confirmation: "testpass" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
Then a userinterview exists with interview: that interview, user: user "joe", state: "complete", employer_state: "submitted" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a answer "answer1" exists with question: question "question1", user_interview: that userinterview # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a answer "answer2" exists with question: question "question2", user_interview: that userinterview # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a answer "answer3" exists with question: question "question3", user_interview: that userinterview # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /users/sign_in with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /users/sign_in completed in about 0.09 seconds.
When I am on login page # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:12
And I fill in "email" with "" within "#new_user_session" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:36
And I fill in "password" with "password" within "#new_user_session" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:36
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /user/sessions with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /user/sessions completed in about 0.10 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /company/interviews with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /company/interviews completed in about 0.20 seconds.
And I press "Login" within "#new_user_session" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:24
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /company/interviews with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /company/interviews completed in about 0.13 seconds.
Then I am on Employer's Dashboard page # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:12
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /company/interviews/1/user_interviews/1 with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /company/interviews/1/user_interviews/1 completed in about 0.59 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /assets/company/user_interviews/mobile_player.js with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /assets/company/user_interviews/mobile_player.js completed in about 0.01 seconds.
Then I enter that userinterview detail page # features/step_definitions/tti_steps.rb:14
Scenario: Cannot access detail page when user interviews are not completely transcoded # features/company/user_interviews/show_user_interview_mobile.feature:31
Given there are incompleted transcoded videos # features/step_definitions/company/user_interviews/show_user_interview_mobile_steps.rb:1
Feature: Employer's Manual Account Manager
Request from First Investors: Admin acc to
control account holders' passwords
Users cannot change their password
Background: # features/company_admin/panel/employer_manual_account_suppression.feature:6
Given a plan exists with name: "unlimited", state: "active", manual_account_create: true # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a company exists with name: "New Investors", plan: that plan # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a user exists with email: "", role: "Employer", company: that company # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
Then 2 interviews exist with intro: "Welcome!", creator: that company, department: nil # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:9
Then a department exists with company: that company # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a interview exists with creator: that company, department: that department # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And I should see 3 interviews # features/step_definitions/employer_dashboard/employer_dashboard_steps.rb:1
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.15 seconds.
Given I am on login page # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:12
Then I fill in "email" with "" within "#new_user_session" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:36
And I fill in "password" with "password" within "#new_user_session" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:36
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.10 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.21 seconds.
When I press "Login" within "#new_user_session" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:24
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.21 seconds.
Then I am on Employer's Dashboard page # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:12
And There's a list of available interviews # features/step_definitions/employer_dashboard/employer_dashboard_steps.rb:7
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.46 seconds.
Then I am on Company's Admin Panel page # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:12
Then I should see controls for manual account access component # features/step_definitions/company_admin/panel/employer_manual_account_suppression_steps.rb:1
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.12 seconds.
And I follow "Add Users" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:30
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.11 seconds.
And I am on Manually Create New User page # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:12
Then I fill in "user_first_name" with "Bob" within "#new_user_form" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:36
Then I fill in "user_last_name" with "Spencer" within "#new_user_form" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:36
Then I fill in "user_email" with "" within "#new_user_form" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:36
Then I fill in "user_password" with "testpass" within "#new_user_form" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:36
Then I fill in "user_password_confirmation" with "testpass" within "#new_user_form" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:36
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.23 seconds.
When I press "Submit" within "#new_user_form" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:24
Then new user must be confirmed # features/step_definitions/company_admin/panel/employer_manual_account_suppression_steps.rb:6
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.00 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.07 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.09 seconds.
And I am on logout page # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:12
Scenario: New Employer's password update component should be disabled # features/company_admin/panel/employer_manual_account_suppression.feature:33
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.09 seconds.
Given I am on login page # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:12
Then I fill in "email" with "" within "#new_user_session" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:36
And I fill in "password" with "testpass" within "#new_user_session" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:36
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.10 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.23 seconds.
Then I press "Login" within "#new_user_session" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:24
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.21 seconds.
Then I am on Company Settings page # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:12
Scenario: New Employer can access interviews on dashboard # features/company_admin/panel/employer_manual_account_suppression.feature:40
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.15 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.11 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.23 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.22 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.39 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.12 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.18 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.24 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.00 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.01 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.09 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.09 seconds.
Given I am on login page # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:12
Then I fill in "email" with "" within "#new_user_session" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:36
And I fill in "password" with "testpass" within "#new_user_session" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:36
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.10 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.25 seconds.
Then I press "Login" within "#new_user_session" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:24
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.22 seconds.
And I am on Employer's Dashboard page # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:12
Then There's a list of available interviews # features/step_definitions/employer_dashboard/employer_dashboard_steps.rb:7
And there is a company level interview: "New Investors" # features/step_definitions/company_admin/panel/employer_manual_account_suppression_steps.rb:21
And there is a department level interview:"My New Department" # features/step_definitions/company_admin/panel/employer_manual_account_suppression_steps.rb:27
Scenario: New Employer can view user interview response # features/company_admin/panel/employer_manual_account_suppression.feature:50
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.09 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.16 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.23 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.22 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.33 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.18 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.11 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.30 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.00 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.07 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.09 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.09 seconds.
Given I am on login page # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:12
Then I fill in "email" with "" within "#new_user_session" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:36
And I fill in "password" with "testpass" within "#new_user_session" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:36
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.16 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.23 seconds.
Then I press "Login" within "#new_user_session" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:24
And a candidate has submitted an interview # features/step_definitions/company_admin/panel/employer_manual_account_suppression_steps.rb:32
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for completed in about 0.24 seconds.
When I am on Employer's Dashboard page # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:12
And I can view response button # features/step_definitions/company_admin/panel/employer_manual_account_suppression_steps.rb:51
Feature: Employer's Dashboard
The main dashboard lists all active, pending and archived interviews.
This will be the employer's homepage when signed in at Take the Interview
Mock-up design:
Background: # features/employer_dashboard/employer_dashboard.feature:8
Given a plan exists with name: "standard-plan", state: "active" # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a company exists with name: "Take the Interview", plan: that plan # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
And a user exists with email: "", role: "Employer", company: that company # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
Then 30 interviews exist with intro: "Welcome!", creator: that company # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:9
And I should see 30 interviews # features/step_definitions/employer_dashboard/employer_dashboard_steps.rb:1
And a department exists with company: that company # features/step_definitions/pickle_steps.rb:4
# Then interview should exist with state: "pending"
Scenario: Display initial list of available interviews # features/employer_dashboard/employer_dashboard.feature:18
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /users/sign_in with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /users/sign_in completed in about 0.09 seconds.
Given I am on login page # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:12
Then I fill in "email" with "" within "#new_user_session" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:36
And I fill in "password" with "password" within "#new_user_session" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:36
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /user/sessions with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /user/sessions completed in about 0.10 seconds.
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /company/interviews with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /company/interviews completed in about 0.31 seconds.
When I press "Login" within "#new_user_session" # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:24
rack-timeout: about to start handling request for /company/interviews with a timeout of 15 seconds.
rack-timeout: request for /company/interviews completed in about 0.37 seconds.
Then I am on Employer's Dashboard page # features/step_definitions/custom_web_steps.rb:12
Given There's a list of available interviews # features/step_definitions/employer_dashboard/employer_dashboard_steps.rb:7
Failing Scenarios:
cucumber features/company/interviews/create_interview.feature:14 # Scenario: Create a company interview
12 scenarios (1 failed, 11 passed)
264 steps (1 failed, 1 skipped, 262 passed)
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