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emha69 / gist:870a99ba7851616bc39b539ac9f533f0
Created December 1, 2021 10:07
Compiling Qt 5.15 MariaDB SQL plugin on Ubuntu
Step 1: Install MariaDB3 C connector and development package
Step 2: Install QtBase5 private development package
Step 3: Download Qt sources
Step 4: Run configure in QTDIR/Src/qtbase
Step 5: Run qmake in QTDIR/Src/qtbase/src/plugins/sqldrivers
Step 6. Run make
Step 7. Run make install
emha69 / readme.txt
Last active November 8, 2021 13:55
Local Git Server setup in 10 steps with Ubuntu server and Windows clients
Step 1. Setup Ubuntu 20.04 Linux server
Step 2. Install software on Windows client(s)
Step 3. Create SSH keys on the clients and copy to server
Step 4. Create remote repository
Step 5. Tweak Git to use SSH
Step 6. Create local repository
Step 7. Push it to the remote
Step 8. Clone to the clients
Step 9. Setup GitHub Desktop client
Step 10. Test it