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Created May 8, 2017 20:32
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module Perceptron where
import Prelude hiding (and)
data Perceptron =
Perceptron { inputs :: [Input]
, bias :: Int } deriving (Eq, Show)
data Input = Input { value :: Bool
, weight :: Int } deriving (Eq, Show)
percept :: Perceptron -> Bool
percept p = dotProd (inputs p) - bias p > 0
dotProd :: [Input] -> Int
dotProd is =
let toInt bool = if bool then 1 else 0 :: Int in
sum $ zipWith (*) (map (toInt . value) is) (map weight is)
-- silly example network
network :: Perceptron
network =
let p1 = percept $ Perceptron [Input True 7] 5
p2 = percept $ Perceptron [Input True 6] 6
p3 = percept $ Perceptron [Input True 6] 3 in
Perceptron [Input p1 5, Input p2 1, Input p3 6] 10
nand :: Bool -> Bool -> Perceptron
nand a b =
Perceptron [Input a (-2), Input b (-2)] (-3)
nand' :: Perceptron -> Perceptron -> Perceptron
nand' a b =
Perceptron [Input (percept a) (-2), Input (percept b) (-2)] (-3)
and :: Bool -> Bool -> Perceptron
and a b =
Perceptron [Input a (-2), Input b (-2)] (-5)
bitSum :: Bool -> Bool -> (Perceptron, Perceptron)
bitSum a b =
let gate1 = a `nand` b
gate2 = a `nand` (percept gate1)
gate3 = b `nand` (percept gate1)
gate4 = gate2 `nand'` gate3
carryGate = gate1 `nand'` gate1
(carryGate, gate4)
shouldBe a b =
if a == b then putStrLn "ok" else error "nope"
test =
let percept1 = True `nand` False
percept2 = True `nand` True
percept3 = False `nand` False
percept4 = False `nand` True in
do putStrLn "nand"
percept percept1 `shouldBe` True
percept percept2 `shouldBe` False
percept percept3 `shouldBe` True
percept percept4 `shouldBe` True
putStrLn "and"
percept (True `and` True) `shouldBe` True
percept (True `and` False) `shouldBe` True
percept (False `and` False) `shouldBe` True
percept (False `and` True) `shouldBe` True
putStrLn "bitwise summing"
both percept (True `bitSum` False) `shouldBe` one
both percept (False `bitSum` False) `shouldBe` zero
both percept (False `bitSum` True) `shouldBe` one
both percept (True `bitSum` True) `shouldBe` two
both :: (a -> b) -> (a, a) -> (b, b)
both f (x, y) = (f x, f y)
-- two-bit numbers
zero = (False, False)
one = (False, True)
two = (True, False)
three = (True, True)
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