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Last active December 14, 2018 21:22
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Advent of Code day 1
After feeling like you've been falling for a few minutes, you look at the device's tiny screen.
"Error: Device must be calibrated before first use. Frequency drift detected. Cannot maintain
destination lock." Below the message, the device shows a sequence of changes in frequency
(your puzzle input). A value like +6 means the current frequency increases by 6; a value like
-3 means the current frequency decreases by 3.
For example, if the device displays frequency changes of +1, -2, +3, +1, then starting from
a frequency of zero, the following changes would occur:
Current frequency 0, change of +1; resulting frequency 1.
Current frequency 1, change of -2; resulting frequency -1.
Current frequency -1, change of +3; resulting frequency 2.
Current frequency 2, change of +1; resulting frequency 3.
In this example, the resulting frequency is 3.
Here are other example situations:
+1, +1, +1 results in 3
+1, +1, -2 results in 0
-1, -2, -3 results in -6
Starting with a frequency of zero, what is the resulting frequency after all of the changes
in frequency have been applied?
import Control.Exception
import Prelude hiding (lines)
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.IntSet hiding (foldr)
main :: IO ()
main = do
lines <- readLines []
print (answerOne lines)
print (answerTwo lines)
newtype FrequencyChange =
FrequencyChange { eval :: Int -> Int }
instance Read FrequencyChange where
readsPrec _ ('+':rest) =
case reads rest of
[(n, "")] -> [(FrequencyChange (\acc -> acc + n), "")]
_ -> []
readsPrec _ ('-':rest) =
case reads rest of
[(n, "")] -> [(FrequencyChange (\acc -> acc - n), "")]
_ -> []
readsPrec _ _ = []
answerOne :: [FrequencyChange] -> Int
answerOne lines = foldr eval 0 lines
answerTwo :: [FrequencyChange] -> Maybe Int
answerTwo lines =
let -- scanl is like "fold" but returns a list of intermediate results
results = scanl evalLineAndKeepResult (0, mempty) (cycle lines)
-- uncurry applies any function with two arguments to a tuple
firstDouble = find (uncurry member) results in
fst <$> firstDouble
evalLineAndKeepResult :: (Int, IntSet) -> FrequencyChange -> (Int, IntSet)
evalLineAndKeepResult (acc, results) line =
(eval line acc, insert acc results)
answerTwoTests :: IO ()
answerTwoTests = do
test1 <- mapM readLine ["+3","+3","+4","-2","-4"]
print (answerTwo (catMaybes test1))
test2 <- mapM readLine ["-6", "+3", "+8", "+5", "-6"]
print (answerTwo (catMaybes test2))
test3 <- mapM readLine ["+7", "+7", "-2", "-7", "-4"]
print (answerTwo (catMaybes test3))
readLines :: [FrequencyChange] -> IO [FrequencyChange]
readLines acc = do
res <- handle endOfFile (readLine =<< getLine)
case res of
Just line -> readLines (line:acc)
Nothing -> return (reverse acc)
where endOfFile :: SomeException -> IO (Maybe FrequencyChange)
endOfFile _ = return Nothing
readLine :: String -> IO (Maybe FrequencyChange)
readLine str = do
handle badLine (return (Just (read str)))
where badLine :: SomeException -> IO (Maybe FrequencyChange)
badLine _ = return Nothing
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