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Last active August 10, 2018 17:23
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(require '[clojure.spec.alpha :as s])
(require '[spec-tools.spec :as spec])
(require '[spec.settings :as ss])
;; declare your configuration
(def settings-config
{:debug {:spec spec/boolean?
:doc "When true, debug options are turned on."
:default false}
:num-processes {:spec spec/integer?
:doc "Number of processes to map over"
:default 4}
:fav-color {:spec spec/string?
:doc "Your favorite color."}
:foo {:spec spec/string?
:doc "Foo; not Bar, Baz, or Qux"
:default "foo"}})
;; specify your config
(s/def ::settings (ss/settings-spec ::settings settings-config))
;; you'd normally set these via environment or at app startup
(System/setProperty "sampleapp.debug" "true")
(System/setProperty "sampleapp.num.processes" "2")
(System/setProperty "sampleapp.fav.color" "blue")
;; validate your settings
(= (ss/validate-settings! ::settings (ss/all-settings settings-config "sampleapp"))
{:debug true
:num-processes 2
:fav-color "blue"
:foo "foo"})
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