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Created October 1, 2018 11:34
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JSON Parser in Haskell, more or less compliant
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Network.HTTP
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8
import Data.Attoparsec.Combinator
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C8
import Data.Word
import Control.Applicative
import Text.Pretty.Simple
data Value = Number Double
| Boolean Bool
| String String
| Array [Value]
| Object [(Value, Value)]
| Null
deriving (Show, Eq)
whitespace :: Parser ()
whitespace = try (many (satisfy (inClass " \n\r\t"))) >> pure ()
parseNumber :: Parser Value
parseNumber = do
n <- scientific
pure . Number $ fromRational (toRational n)
parseBoolean :: Parser Value
parseBoolean = Boolean . (=="true") <$> (string "true" <|> string "false")
escape :: Parser String
escape = do
d <- char '\\'
c <- choice (map char "\\\"0nrvtbf") -- all the characters which can be escaped
return [d, c]
nonEscape :: Parser Char
nonEscape = satisfy (notInClass "\\\"\0\n\r\v\t\b\f")
character :: Parser String
character = fmap pure nonEscape <|> escape
parseString :: Parser Value
parseString = do
char '"'
chars <- many character
char '"'
pure . String $ concat chars
commaSep :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
commaSep p = p `sepBy` (whitespace >> char ',' >> whitespace)
parseNull :: Parser Value
parseNull = string "null" >> pure Null
parseArray :: Parser Value
parseArray = do
char '['
values <- commaSep parseValue
char ']'
pure . Array $ values
parseObject :: Parser Value
parseObject = do
char '{'
values <- commaSep keyValPair
char '}'
pure . Object $ values
keyValPair :: Parser (Value, Value)
keyValPair = do
key <- parseString
char ':'
value <- parseValue
pure (key, value)
parseValue :: Parser Value
parseValue = parseNumber <|> parseNull <|> parseBoolean <|> parseString <|> parseArray <|> parseObject
numberExample :: BS.ByteString
numberExample = "1.0"
stringExample :: BS.ByteString
stringExample = "\"Hello, world!\""
boolExample :: BS.ByteString
boolExample = "false"
arrayExample :: BS.ByteString
arrayExample = "[1, 2, \"I'm a string\"]"
objectExample :: BS.ByteString
objectExample = " { \"foo\" \n : true \n} "
whitespaceExample :: BS.ByteString
whitespaceExample = " \n\t\r[\n\"\\\"Cool\"\n]\n"
shouldParse :: BS.ByteString -> IO ()
shouldParse s = case parseOnly parseValue s of
Left e -> error $ "Error at string " ++ show s ++ ": " ++ e
_ -> pure ()
test = do
mapM_ shouldParse [ numberExample
, stringExample
, boolExample
, arrayExample
, objectExample
, whitespaceExample]
print "All tests passed"
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- BS.getLine >>= print . show . parseOnly parseValue >> main
-- BS.readFile "crosssell.json" >>= putStrLn . Prelude.take 100 . C8.unpack
-- BS.readFile "crosssell.json" >>= pPrint . C8.take 1000
BS.readFile "tumblr.json" >>= putStrLn . Prelude.take 2000 . show . parseOnly parseValue . C8.concat . C8.lines
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