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Last active November 19, 2015 15:47
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(This post is literate Haskell, [available here](
This post will show a trick for making it easier to work with terms representated as fixed-points of functors in Haskell. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with this representation.
First some extensions:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
Representing terms as fixed-points
A common generic term representation is as a fixed-point of a functor:
newtype Term f = In { out :: f (Term f) }
A simple example functor is the following, representing arithmetic expressions:
data Arith a
= Num Int
| Add a a
deriving (Functor)
One problem with the `Term` representation is that it's quite cumbersome to construct with it. For example, the following is the representation of the expression $(1+2)+3$:
term1 :: Term Arith
term1 =
In (Add
(In (Add
(In (Num 1))
(In (Num 2))
(In (Num 3))
This post will show a simple trick for inserting the `In` constructors automatically, allowing us to write simply:
term2 :: Term Arith
term2 = deepIn10 $ Add (Add (Num 1) (Num 2)) (Num 3)
Deep conversion of terms
First, let's have a look at the type of the above expression:
_ = Add (Add (Num 1) (Num 2)) (Num 3) :: Arith (Arith (Arith a))
We see that the type has three levels of `Arith` because the tree has depth three. So in general, we need a function with the following type scheme:
f (f (f ... (f (Term f)))) -> Term f
The purpose of this function is to insert an `In` at each level, from bottom to top. The reason for having `Term f` in the argument type (rather than just `a`) is that `In` expects an argument of type `Term f`.
This function has to be overloaded on the argument type, so we put it in a type class:
class Smart f a
deepIn :: f a -> Term f
deepOut :: Term f -> f a
Here `f` is the functor and `a` can be `Term f`, `f (Term f)`, `f (f (Term f))`, etc. The class also contains the inverse function `deepOut` for reasons that will be explained later.
First we make the base instance for when we only have one level:
instance Smart f (Term f)
deepIn = In
deepOut = out
Next, we make a recusive instance for when there is more than one level:
instance (Smart f a, Functor f) => Smart f (f a)
deepIn = In . fmap deepIn
deepOut = fmap deepOut . out
And that's it!
Ambiguous types
Now there's only one problem. If we try to use `deepIn $ Add (Add (Num 1) (Num 2)) (Num 3)`, GHC will complain:
No instance for (Smart Arith a0) arising from a use of ‘deepIn’
As said earlier, the type of the given expression is `Arith (Arith (Arith a))`, which means that we get an ambiguous type `a` which means that it's not possible to know which of the above instances to pick for this `a`.
So we need to constrain the type before calling `deepIn`. One idea might be to use a type function for constraining the `a`. Unfortunately, as far as I know, it's not possible to make a type function that maps e.g.
Arith (Arith ... (Arith a))
Arith (Arith ... (Arith (Term Arith)))
This is because `a` is a polymorphic variable, and type functions cannot case split on whether or not a type is polymorphic.
But there is one thing we can do. The type `Arith (Arith (Arith a))` shows that the expression has (at most) three levels. But there is nothing stopping us from adding more levels in the type.
Why not make a version of `deepIn10` that forces 10 levels in the type?
type Iter10 f a = f (f (f (f (f (f (f (f (f (f a)))))))))
deepIn10 :: (Functor f, a ~ Iter10 f (Term f)) => f a -> Term f
deepIn10 = deepIn
This function can be used to insert `In` constructors in terms of at most depth 10.
Constructing terms from existing terms
The above example, `term2`, was constructed from scratch. We might also want to construct terms that contain other, already constructed, terms. This is where `deepOut` comes into play:
term3 = deepIn10 $ Add (deepOut term2) (Num 4)
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