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Last active May 16, 2017 17:23
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-signatures #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-partial-type-signatures #-}
Setup and start Gremlin server:
cd janusgraph-0.1.1-hadoop2
mkdir -p test/conf/gremlin-server
mkdir -p test/db
cp conf/gremlin-server/ test/conf/gremlin-server/
cp conf/gremlin-server/gremlin-server.yaml test/conf/gremlin-server/
sed -i "s| graph: conf/gremlin-server/}| graph: test/conf/gremlin-server/}|g" test/conf/gremlin-server/gremlin-server.yaml
sed -i "s|||g" test/conf/gremlin-server/
bin/ test/conf/gremlin-server/gremlin-server.yaml
Compile and run this file:
ghc -O2 --make ImportBench.hs -o ImportBench
import Control.Lens (element, _Right, (^?))
import Control.Monad
import Data.Aeson ((.=))
import Data.Aeson.Lens
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import Data.Int
import Data.IORef
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text
import Data.Time (diffUTCTime, getCurrentTime)
import Database.TinkerPop
timeIO :: Text -> IO a -> IO ()
timeIO name a = do
start <- getCurrentTime
void a
stop <- getCurrentTime
let n = 20 - Text.length name
Text.putStr $ name <> ": " <> Text.replicate n " "
print $ diffUTCTime stop start
myRun :: _ -> _ -> (_ -> IO a) -> IO a
myRun s i k = do
r <- newIORef undefined
run s i (k >=> writeIORef r)
readIORef r
addEntity :: _ -> Text -> Text -> Int64 -> Int64 -> _
addEntity conn uuid name created lastMod = submit conn
"graph.addVertex(label, 'Entity', 'uuid', u, 'name', n, 'createdAt', c, 'lastModified', l)" $
Just $ HashMap.fromList
[ ("u" .= uuid)
, ("n" .= name)
, ("c" .= created)
, ("l" .= lastMod)
addImport :: _ -> Text -> Text -> Int64 -> Int64 -> Int64 -> _
addImport conn uuid name created impTime lastMod = submit conn
"graph.addVertex(label, 'Import', 'uuid', u, 'name', n, 'createdAt', c, 'importTime', i, 'lastModified', l)" $
Just $ HashMap.fromList
[ ("u" .= uuid)
, ("n" .= name)
, ("c" .= created)
, ("i" .= impTime)
, ("l" .= lastMod)
addScorecard :: _ -> Text -> Text -> Text -> Int64 -> Int64 -> Int64 -> Int64 -> _
addScorecard conn uuid name ty start end created lastMod = submit conn
"graph.addVertex(label, 'Import', 'uuid', u, 'name', n, 'type', t, 'startDate', s, 'endDate', e, 'createdAt', c, 'lastModified', l)" $
Just $ HashMap.fromList
[ ("u" .= uuid)
, ("n" .= name)
, ("t" .= ty)
, ("s" .= start)
, ("e" .= end)
, ("c" .= created)
, ("l" .= lastMod)
addManager :: _ -> Text -> Text -> Text -> Text -> Text -> Text -> Text -> Int64 -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> _
addManager conn uuid name idn idt gender race designation for vot disabled imposed = submit conn
"graph.addVertex(label, 'Person', 'uuid', u, 'name', n, 'idNumber', idn, 'idType', idt, 'gender', g, 'race', r, 'designation', d, 'foreign', f, 'votingRights', v, 'disabled', dis, 'imposed', i)" $
Just $ HashMap.fromList
[ ("u" .= uuid)
, ("n" .= name)
, ("idn" .= idn)
, ("idt" .= idt)
, ("g" .= gender)
, ("r" .= race)
, ("d" .= designation)
, ("f" .= for)
, ("v" .= vot)
, ("dis" .= disabled)
, ("i" .= imposed)
addRel :: _ -> Text -> Integer -> Integer -> _
addRel conn label from to = submit conn ("g.V(from).next().addEdge('" <> label <> "', g.V(to).next())") $
Just $ HashMap.fromList ["from" .= from, "to" .= to]
destroyDB :: IO ()
destroyDB = run "localhost" 8182 $ \conn ->
void $ submit conn "g.V().drop()" Nothing
getId = (^? Control.Lens._Right . element 0 . key "id" . Data.Aeson.Lens._Integer)
importManagement :: Int -> IO Integer
importManagement n = myRun "localhost" 8182 $ \conn -> do
Just sid <- getId <$> addScorecard conn "asdf987asdf987asdf981" "Test scorecard" "fsc" 1262304000 1265155200 1494945157 1494945157
Just iid <- getId <$> addImport conn "asdf987asdf987asdf982" "Import A" 1494945157 1494945157 1494945157
Just eid <- getId <$> addEntity conn "asdf987asdf987asdf983" "Entity A" 1494945157 1494945157
void $ addRel conn "ScorecardFor" sid eid
void $ addRel conn "RelatedImport" sid iid
[ do Just man <- getId <$> addManager conn
("aasdf987asdf987as" <> i')
("Name " <> i')
void $ addRel conn "Imported" iid man
void $ addRel conn "Employs" eid man
| i <- [1..n], let i' = Text.pack (show i)
return sid
-- Using qualified names so that it doesn't look like a whole
main :: IO ()
main = run "localhost" 8182 $ \conn -> do
let n = 10
sid <- timeIO ("management " <> Text.pack (show n)) $ importManagement n
putStrLn "\n### Find entity:"
(print =<<) $ submit conn "g.V(sid).out('ScorecardFor').values('name')" $ Just $
HashMap.fromList [("sid" .= sid)]
putStrLn "\n### Find import:"
(print =<<) $ submit conn "g.V(sid).out('RelatedImport').values('name')" $ Just $
HashMap.fromList [("sid" .= sid)]
-- putStrLn "\n### Find persons:"
-- (print =<<) $ submit conn "g.V(sid).out('RelatedImport').out('Imported').values('name')" $ Just $
-- HashMap.fromList [("sid" .= sid)]
-- putStrLn "\n### All nodes:"
-- submit conn "g.V().values()" Nothing >>= print
-- submit conn "g.V().valueMap()" Nothing >>= print
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