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Last active September 22, 2015 16:32
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  • Save emilbjorklund/e796da508d1f5d006cac to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save emilbjorklund/e796da508d1f5d006cac to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
/*! Fixedfixed: a CSS position:fixed qualifier. Original by Filament Group. (c)2012 @scottjehl, Filament Group, Inc. Dual license: MIT and/or GPLv2 */
(function( w, undefined ){
var htmlclass = "fixed-supported",
el = w.document.createElement( "div" ),
ua = w.navigator.userAgent,
docEl = w.document.documentElement;
// fix the test element = "fixed"; = 0;
// support test
function checkFixed(){
var scroll = "scrollTop" in w.document.body ? w.document.body.scrollTop : docEl.scrollTop;
// only run test if there's a scroll we can compare
if( scroll !== undefined && scroll > 0 && w.document.body ){
w.document.body.insertBefore( el, w.document.body.firstChild );
if( !el.getBoundingClientRect || el.getBoundingClientRect().top !== 0 ) {
// UA sniff + feature inference for iOS 8+, which has
// getBoundingClientRect, but reports it wrong for fixed
// elements (it seems. Shit.). If not, opt out.
if (!(ua.match(/iPad|iPhone|iPod/) && !window.MSStream && !!window.indexedDB)) {
docEl.className = docEl.className.replace( htmlclass, "" );
// remove the test element
w.document.body.removeChild( el );
// unbind the handlers
if( w.removeEventListener ){
w.removeEventListener( "scroll", checkFixed, false );
w.detachEvent( "onscroll", checkFixed );
// if a particular UA is known to return false results with this feature test, try and avoid that UA here.
// Android 2.1, 2.2, 2.5, and 2.6 Webkit
!( ua.match( /Android 2\.[1256]/ ) && ua.indexOf( "AppleWebKit") > -1 ) ||
// Opera Mobile less than version 11.0 (7458)
!( ua.match( /Opera Mobi\/([0-9]+)/ ) && RegExp.$1 < 7458 ) ||
// Opera Mini
!( w.operamini && ({}) w.operamini ) === "[object OperaMini]" ) ||
// Firefox Mobile less than version 6
!( ua.match( /Fennec\/([0-9]+)/ ) && RegExp.$1 < 6 )
// If necessary, add the other untestable browsers here...
//add the HTML class for now.
docEl.className += " " + htmlclass;
// bind to scroll event so we can test and potentially degrade
if( w.addEventListener ){
w.addEventListener( "scroll", checkFixed, false );
w.attachEvent( "onscroll", checkFixed );
w.FixedFixed = checkFixed;
}( this ));
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I added the sniffing for iOS8+ (based on some random shit I found on the interwebz) to avoid the false negative. It seems that getBoundingClientRect() does not report correctly on iOS8-9, don't know if its because of the toolbar or what...

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Oh, and this is not tested other than real quick on iOS9.

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Hm, if you think we should merge something into fixed-fixed you should open an issue for discussion!

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@zachleat – I'll try to do that. Noticed that there were a few pull requests open, but not much activity so I figured it might not be actively developed any more...

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