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Last active August 7, 2018 13:34
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def _compute_intercept(self, alpha, yg):
indices = (alpha < self.C) * (alpha > 0)
return np.mean(yg[indices])
def _compute_weights(self, X, y):
iteration = 0
n_samples = X.shape[0]
alpha = np.zeros(n_samples) # Initialise coefficients to 0 w
g = np.ones(n_samples) # Initialise gradients to 1
while True:
yg = g * y
# Working Set Selection via maximum violating constraints
indices_y_positive = (y == 1)
indices_y_negative = (np.ones(n_samples) - indices_y_positive).astype(bool)#(y == -1)
indices_alpha_upper = (alpha >= self.C)
indices_alpha_lower = (alpha <= 0)
indices_violate_Bi = (indices_y_positive * indices_alpha_upper) + (indices_y_negative * indices_alpha_lower)
yg_i = yg.copy()
yg_i[indices_violate_Bi] = float('-inf') #cannot select violating indices
indices_violate_Ai = (indices_y_positive * indices_alpha_lower) + (indices_y_negative * indices_alpha_upper)
yg_j = yg.copy()
yg_j[indices_violate_Ai] = float('+inf') #cannot select violating indices
i = np.argmax(yg_i)
j = np.argmin(yg_j)
# Stopping criterion: stationary point or maximum iterations
stop_criterion = yg_i[i] - yg_j[j] < self.tol
if stop_criterion or (iteration >= self.max_iter and self.max_iter != -1):
# Compute lambda via Newton Method and constraints projection
lambda_max_1 = (y[i] == 1) * self.C - y[i] * alpha[i]
lambda_max_2 = y[j] * alpha[j] + (y[j] == -1) * self.C
lambda_max = np.min([lambda_max_1, lambda_max_2])
Ki = self._compute_kernel_matrix_row(X, i)
Kj = self._compute_kernel_matrix_row(X, j)
lambda_plus = (yg_i[i] - yg_j[j]) / (Ki[i] + Kj[j] - 2 * Ki[j])
lambda_param = np.max([0, np.min([lambda_max, lambda_plus])])
# Update gradient
g = g + lambda_param * y * (Kj - Ki)
# Direction search update
alpha[i] = alpha[i] + y[i] * lambda_param
alpha[j] = alpha[j] - y[j] * lambda_param
iteration += 1
# Compute intercept
intercept = self._compute_intercept(alpha, yg)
return alpha, intercept
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