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inv :: Float -> Float
inv x | x /= 0 = 1/x
unidades :: Integer -> Integer
unidades x = mod (abs x) 10
sumaUnidades3 :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer
sumaUnidades3 x y z = unidades x + unidades y + unidades z
todosImpares :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Bool
wf = Workfront(settings.WORKFRONT_USER,
...: settings.WORKFRONT_PASS,
...: wf_domain=settings.WORKFRONT_DOMAIN)
workfrontsubs2 = WorkfrontSubscriptionAPI(wf.gen_api_key())
workfrontsubs2.url_base = ''

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am emilianocanedo on github.
  • I am k0ch ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 2BEC 60B9 14DB 3E54 67BC 4E8F 4984 8C22 F8D8 A9EA

To claim this, I am signing this object: