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Created December 5, 2018 15:24
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LayoutNG / LFC

Some interesting links

Current status


  • Has block and inline layout working, as far as I can tell.
    • That includes floats, margin collapsing, line breaking, and all the other hard stuff.
  • You can dogfood it via chrome://flags on canary, if you happen to have an OS which has Canaries (not my case).
  • Falls back to legacy layout for unsupported stuff, can switch back and forth at BFC boundaries.
  • Still some slightly hard bugs bugs need fixing for them to ship the first part, but pretty close.
  • Prototypes of flex and multicol not fully working yet AFAIK.
  • Block fragmentation that looks working with the rest of the stuff.
    • Though they still fall back to legacy for printing, at least for what they plan to ship.


  • Pretty much at the prototyping stage.
  • Now you can enable it at runtime on WebKit with a runtime flag.
  • LFC-passing-tests.txt has a list of tests that are known-passing.

Bits in common

Layout tree split

A bit in common between both is that they split what currently is the layout / render / frame tree:


  • LayoutObject tree: "legacy" layout tree. LayoutNG creates its own legacy layout objects that allows to hook into LayoutNG (LayoutNGBlockFlow).
  • NGInputNode tree: Not a fully separate tree, but a very thin wrapper over some nodes of the LayoutObject tree. Acts as a proxy to avoid contaminating new code with access to the whole legacy layout tree structure.
  • Fragment tree: Output of layout (more on it below).

LayoutNG seems to heavily rely on legacy layout objects for a variety of stuff. I'm not sure if there's a plan to eventually nix the LayoutObject tree entirely as of right now, though they do try to minimize dependencies on it.


  • Render tree: Good ole RenderObject tree. LFC doesn't touch anything from it, it just builds its own layout tree off it.
  • Layout tree: The tree LFC primarily operates on. Built entirely at once from the render tree.
    • LayoutTreeBuilder.cpp
    • Still no incremental integration integration / plans as far as I can tell.
    • From what Simon Fraser told me the render tree will go completely away in the future, and they'll just use the layout tree.
  • Display tree: A very simple box tree.
    • Not sure how it interacts with inline layout / how is inline layout represented.


  • I don't know whether they plan to fragment the layout tree or the display tree. The main API for the display tree is LayoutState::displayBoxForLayoutBox, which maps layout tree to fragment tree one-to-one.

  • I don't know the incremental setup they have, they do have some stub invalidation code, but as far as I can tell it's not yet called, and invalidates everything all the time looks like:


  • Current layout implementations are really hard to reason about / improve.
  • Mostly a maintainability effort, not a performance effort.
    • Though LayoutNG has seen huge inline layout performance wins too, from what I heard from Kojii.
  • Custom layout API? This one maybe not so much in common, but surely a LayoutNG motivation.

Block layout in LayoutNG: Key data-structures.


  • As of right now, either NGInlineNode (for blocks that contain only inlines) or NGBlockNode (for other blocks).

Fragment Tree

  • Fragments are the result of layout.

  • Kinds of fragments:

    • Boxes
      • Normal
      • Inline
      • Column
      • Atomic inline
      • Floating
      • Out of flow positioned (abspos / fixed pos)
      • BlockFlowRoot (?)
    • Text
    • Line boxes
    • Rendered legend
  • Fragments don't contain their positioning information.

    • Positioning relative to parent fragment is stored as part of NGLink.
    • This allows caching and reusing fragments regardless of position.
  • Members:

    • LayoutObject* const layout_object_;: Legacy layout object that owns this fragment. Pretty sporadic use, and somewhat fishy since fragments are refcounted but LayoutObjects aren't. But according to cbiesinger@ it works :).

    • const NGPhysicalSize size_;

    • scoped_refptr<NGBreakToken> break_token_;.

    • Type, subtype, other type-specific flags so they get packed.

    • Container fragments have a Vec<NGLink> effectively.


  • On the stack, base class that performs the layout computation.

  • Inputs:

    • NGInputNode: The layout tree node (NGInlineNode / NGBlockNode) you're laying out (which has a style as well).
    • NGConstraintSpace: All the information that represents the input to the current layout.
    • NGBreakToken: Inout parameter to handle fragmentation.
  • Output: NGLayoutResult.

A bit of complexity around this to handle margin collapsing (bfc block offset and such).


  • Input to layout.

  • Main member is available size, but a bunch of other stuff related to float positioning, fragmentation, etc.


  • Returns a physical, positioned fragment subtree.

  • NGLink root_fragment_;

  • Other information: breaking, positioned OOFs / floats / etc.


  • Represents the float positioning information inside a BFC.

  • Shelves algorithm exploiting floats' properties to take some shorcuts.

  • Coordinates of the shelves and of the floats are relative to the BFC block offset.

Floats and margin collapsing.

  • Margin collapsing can move the BFC, and thus change the floats position.

  • Some of the most complex bits are handling this interaction.

  • They do margin collapsing without re-laying out in most cases.

    • When you reach a new BFC you need to do potentially 2 layouts to determine what is positioned.
  • Floats are not positioned until their BFC block offset is known, which depends on margin collapsing.

    • Floats and NGExclusionSpace are always positioned relative to their block formatting context (NGBfcRect, NGBfcOffset are the relevant types here).

Test case

<!DOCTYPE html>
<div style="width: 100px;">
  <!-- This margin collapses with the one after it if the float doesn't push the div below down -->
  <div style="margin-top: 90px">
    <span style="float: left; width: 50px; height: 50px; background-color: hotpink;"></span>
  <div style="display: flow-root; overflow: hidden; width: 60px; border: 3px solid green; margin-top: 90px"></div>


  • Struct that keeps the margin collapsing state.

  • Conceptually, a pair of biggest_positive_margin and smallest_negative_margin.

Inline layout in LayoutNG

(Disclaimer: less knowledgeable about this bits)

  • Three phases to do inline layout:

    • Pre-layout: Goes from LayoutObject tree to a concatenated string of all the text, and a Vector of NGInlineItems.

    • Line breaking.

    • Line box construction, which constructs a fragment tree.



  • Still rely on the legacy LayoutObject tree mark stuff dirty.

  • If you have an LayoutNG object you keep around the last layout result and constraint space.

    • Fragment caching: Reuse the last fragment if the constraint space matches.

      • They don't cache intermediate layouts yet, but they want to.
  • Intrinsic sizes are still cached on the legacy layout object.

  • Fragments are refcounted, keep references to non-refcounted LayoutObjects. Though in practice the references to the fragment are always dropped before the LayoutObject.

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