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Created January 27, 2020 17:58
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Web Apps with Vue.js

Web Apps with Vue



  • This requires a project created by the Vue CLI

  • I have this project — It is webpack based

  • Vue CLI works in tandem with package.json and NPM/Yarn, as well as the vue-cli-service to make its magic happen

  • The thing to bear in mind here is that we use SFCs

  • This is much like Angular where you write HTML/CSS/JS in separate blocks.

  • However it does complicate the tooling since you need your editor to be aware of the different blocks.

  • git checkout master

  • Clear out HelloWorld.vue, App.vue

  • In App.vue

  <div id="app">
  • SHOW main.js — This is where the "mounting" happens.
  • And the index.html file
  • Show Elements tab in browser and show how app.js has been injected
  • Show Vetur extension in VS Code

Lets make a child component

  • In HelloWorld.vue
    Hello VueJs!

export default {};

  • In App.vue
  <HelloWorld />

import HelloWorld from "./components/HelloWorld";

export default {
  components: {


stash save --include-untracked
git checkout 4211172ea101d4bfbebfe541053f3bd07ed60bbd


Couple of things to note

  • We do NOT see HelloWorld in the DOM. This is different than Angular

Lets flesh out our application - Replace all the code in App.vue

  <!-- Blatantly stolen from -->
  <v-app id="sandbox">
      :permanent="primaryDrawer.type === 'permanent'"
      :temporary="primaryDrawer.type === 'temporary'"
      <div class="pa-3 text-xs-center teal white--text">
        <div class="display-2 py-4">
          Friends HQ
        <p>Together, we are stronger</p>
      <v-list dense> </v-list>
    <v-toolbar app absolute>
        v-if="primaryDrawer.type !== 'permanent'"
        @click.stop="primaryDrawer.model = !primaryDrawer.model"
      <v-container fluid>
        <v-layout align-center justify-center>
          <v-flex xs10>
                <v-layout row wrap>
                  <HelloWorld />
    <v-footer :inset="true" app>
      <span class="px-3">
        &copy; Looselytyped {{ new Date().getFullYear() }}

import HelloWorld from "./components/HelloWorld";

export default {
  components: {
  data: () => ({
    primaryDrawer: {
      model: null,
      type: "default (no property)"

Lets create a PeopleList

  • Delete HelloWorld.vue
  • Create PeopleList.vue
  • Update App.vue to use PeopleList.vue


  • For the template
  <v-container fluid>
    <v-layout row>
      <v-flex grow pa-1>
          <v-list header>
      <v-flex shrink pa-1>
        <v-btn color="success" dark large>Add Friend</v-btn>
  • Start with the friends array and data - in PeopleList.vue
const friends = [
    id: 1,
    firstName: "Michelle",
    lastName: "Mulroy",
    gender: "female",
    fav: true
    id: 2,
    firstName: "Venkat",
    lastName: "Subramanian",
    gender: "male",
    fav: true
    id: 3,
    firstName: "Matt",
    lastName: "Forsythe",
    gender: "none",
    fav: false
    id: 4,
    firstName: "Nate",
    lastName: "Schutta",
    gender: "male",
    fav: false

export default {
  data: () => {
    return {

In the template we can now do something like this

<v-list header>
    <li v-for="(friend, index) in friends" v-bind:key="">
      {{ friend.firstName }} {{ index }}
      <hr v-if="index === friends.length - 1" />
  • We can replace v-bind:key="" with :key=""
  • We are also using v-if — there is also v-else and `v-else-if
  • There is also v-show ONLY toggles hidden property

Lets clean this component up - Replace the "template" in PeopleList.vue with

  <v-container fluid>
    <v-layout row>
      <v-flex grow pa-1>
          <v-list header>
            <template v-for="(friend, index) in friends">
              <v-list-tile :key="" avatar ripple>
                    {{ friend.firstName }} {{ friend.lastName }}

                  <v-icon :color="'red'">favorite</v-icon>
              <!-- eslint-disable-next-line vue/valid-v-for -->
              <v-divider v-if="index + 1 < friends.length"></v-divider>
      <v-flex shrink pa-1>
        <v-btn color="success" dark large>Add Friend</v-btn>
export default {
  data() {
    return {

Add a "click" method

Now we can listen for a click using v-on:click="like(friend)" — Make sure we have a like method on our Vue instance

We can also use @click in place of v-on

  <v-container fluid>
    <v-layout row>
      <v-flex grow pa-1>
          <v-list header>
            <template v-for="(friend, index) in friends">
                v-on:click="like(friend)" <-- ADD THIS LINE
                    >{{ friend.firstName }}
                    {{ friend.lastName }}</v-list-tile-title

                  <v-icon :color="'red'">favorite</v-icon>
              <!-- eslint-disable-next-line vue/valid-v-for -->
              <v-divider v-if="index + 1 < friends.length"></v-divider>
      <v-flex shrink pa-1>
        <v-btn color="success" dark large>Add Friend</v-btn>
export default {
  data() {
    return {
  methods: { <-- ADD methods block
    like(friend) {
      console.log(`${friend} changed`);
      friend.fav = !friend.fav;


  • With "data" and "methods" our Vue instance is a ViewModel — it has "instance" state, and "methods" operate on that data.

Conditionally change the class


In PeopleList.vue change the v-icon to look like

<v-icon :color="friend.fav ? 'red' : 'grey'">favorite</v-icon>

Notice that we are binding here

Now lets make it so that we can simplify this component

  • Create PersonItem.vue file
    <v-list-tile :key="" avatar ripple @click="like(friend)">
          >{{ friend.firstName }} {{ friend.lastName }}</v-list-tile-title

        <v-icon :color="friend.fav ? 'red' : 'grey'">favorite</v-icon>
    <!-- eslint-disable-next-line vue/valid-v-for -->
    <v-divider v-if="index + 1 < friends.length"></v-divider>

export default {};

  • How do we get the friend and know its the last in here?

In PersonItem.vue file

export default {
  props: ["friend", "last"],
  methods: {
    like(friend) {
      friend.fav = !friend.fav;
  • Now change the template to use last
  • Now update PeopleList.vue to use that component
import PersonItem from "./PersonItem";

  components: {

NOTE THAT PROPS are just bindings! We can use v-bind or simply :

In People.vue

  v-for="(friend, index) in friends"
  :last="index + 1 < friends.length"

You can impose restrictions on props like so

In PersonItem.vue file change props to

props: {
  friend: {
    type: Object,
    required: true,
  last: {
    type: Boolean,
    default: false

Lets use a computed property to calculate the fullName

  • Computed properties ARE PROPERTIES !!! They are NOT METHODS
  • They are meant to GIVE A DIFFERENT VIEW of the data

In PersonItem.vue file

computed: {
  fullName() {
    return `${this.friend.firstName}, ${this.friend.lastName}`;

THere are also filters but there isn't much you can do with filters that you can't do with computed properties

Now lets make our PersonItem dumb

  • How do children talk to parents? Via custom events!

  • In PersonItem.vue

methods: {
  notifyParent() {
    this.$emit("notify-parent", this.friend);

NOTE THE MODIFIER THERE Show VUE -> Events in Browser

  • In PeopleList.vue
  v-for="(friend, index) in friends"
  :last="index + 1 < friends.length"
  @notify-parent="like"            <----- ADD THIS LINE

Idiomatically, event names are hyphen-case


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git checkout 9138a6fceb27787cef7cb74c5ed533941fb207aa

Then Add another prop to PersonItem with a default value and supply it from the parent

Swap out the hard-coded elements for axios

  • We will use one of the life-cycle methods, namely mounted

  • In PersonList.vue add

import axios from "axios";

mounted() {
    axios.get("http://localhost:3000/friends").then(response => {
        this.friends =;

You can use async/await here

  async mounted() {
    this.friends = (await axios.get("http://localhost:3000/friends")).data;

We can use axios to PUT as well

  • In PersonList.vue update like method to do a PUT
axios.put(`http://localhost:3000/friends/${}`, friend);

The nice thing here is that we can even use window.http — no Angular modules and any such non-sense

Hash out the Dashboard component

  • Make Dashboard.vue
  <v-container grid-list-xl fluid>
    <v-layout row wrap>
      <v-flex lg3 sm6 xs12>
          <v-card-text class="pa-0">
            <v-container class="pa-0">
              <div class="layout row ma-0">
                <div class="sm6 xs6 flex">
                  <div class="layout column ma-0 justify-center align-center">
                    <v-icon color="indigo" size="56px">contacts</v-icon>
                <div class="sm6 xs6 flex text-sm-center py-3">
                  <div class="headline">Friends</div>
                  <span class="caption">{{ friends.length }}</span>
      <v-flex lg3 sm6 xs12>
          <v-card-text class="pa-0">
            <v-container class="pa-0">
              <div class="layout row ma-0">
                <div class="sm6 xs6 flex">
                  <div class="layout column ma-0 justify-center align-center">
                    <v-icon color="pink" size="56px">favorite</v-icon>
                <div class="sm6 xs6 flex text-sm-center py-3">
                  <div class="headline">Favs</div>
                  <span class="caption">{{ favCount }}</span>

import axios from "axios";

const friends = [];

export default {
  data: () => {
    return {
  computed: {
    favCount() {
      return this.friends.filter(f => f.fav).length;
  mounted() {
    axios.get("http://localhost:3000/friends").then(response => {
      this.friends =;


Note here we have a computed property

Set up routing

  • We can install vue-router using vue add router

  • Introduce a router.js file next to main.js

  • NOTE here we are configuring the global Vue Object!

  • Vue Router is a plugin

import Vue from "vue";
import Router from "vue-router";


export default new Router({
  mode: "history",
  base: process.env.BASE_URL,
  routes: [
      path: "/",
      name: "Dashboard",
      component: Dashboard
      path: "/people",
      name: "People",
      component: PeopleList
      path: "*",
      redirect: "/"

We are using Named routes here

  • Next we tell our app about our routes - edit main.js and supply router to our global Vue instance
import Vue from "vue";
import "./plugins/vuetify";
import App from "./App.vue";
import router from "./router";

Vue.config.productionTip = false;

new Vue({
  render: h => h(App)

  • Finally we use it in App.vue ... use <router-view />
  • Link via router-link - In App.vue look for v-list dense in the template and add the following
<v-list dense>
  <router-link :to="{ name: 'Dashboard' }">Dashboard</router-link>
  <br />
  <router-link :to="{ name: 'People' }">People</router-link>

Clean App.vue up

  <!-- Blatantly stolen from -->
  <v-app id="sandbox">
      :permanent="primaryDrawer.type === 'permanent'"
      :temporary="primaryDrawer.type === 'temporary'"
      <div class="pa-3 text-xs-center teal white--text">
        <div class="display-2 py-4">
          Friends HQ
        <p>Together, we are stronger</p>
      <v-list dense>
        <template v-for="(item, i) in items">
          <v-divider dark v-if="item.divider" class="my-3" :key="i"></v-divider>
          <v-list-tile :key="i" v-else :to="{ name: item.routeName }">
              <v-icon>{{ item.icon }}</v-icon>
              <v-list-tile-title class="grey--text">
                {{ item.text }}
    <v-toolbar app absolute>
        v-if="primaryDrawer.type !== 'permanent'"
        @click.stop="primaryDrawer.model = !primaryDrawer.model"
      <v-container fluid>
        <v-layout align-center justify-center>
          <v-flex xs10>
                <v-layout row wrap>
    <v-footer :inset="true" app>
      <span class="px-3">
        &copy; Looselytyped {{ new Date().getFullYear() }}

export default {
  data: () => ({
    primaryDrawer: {
      model: null,
      type: "default (no property)"
    items: [
      { icon: "dashboard", text: "Dashboard", routeName: "Dashboard" },
      { icon: "contacts", text: "Contacts", routeName: "People" },
      { divider: true },
      { icon: "notes", text: "Journal" }

Add the ability to add a friend

  • Modify routes.js to add a "child route"
  path: "/people",
  component: People,
  children: [
      path: "",
      name: "People",
      component: PeopleList
  • Then create views/People.vue
  <v-container fluid>
    <router-view />
  • Fix PeopleList
  <v-container fluid>
    <v-layout row>
      <v-flex grow pa-1>
          <v-list header>
              v-for="(friend, index) in friends"
              :last="index + 1 < friends.length"
      <v-flex shrink pa-1>
        <v-btn color="success" dark large>Add Friend</v-btn>


  • There are no "form objects" backing it — You gotta do your own validation and such.

  • In router.js

   path: "/people",
   component: People,
   children: [
       path: "",
       name: "People",
       component: PeopleList
       path: "add",
       name: "AddFriend",
       component: AddFriend

  • In AddFriend.vue
  <form @submit.prevent="submit">
    <p v-if="errors.length">
      <b>Please correct the following error(s):</b>
        <!-- eslint-disable-next-line vue/require-v-for-key -->
        <!-- <li v-for="error in errors">{{ error }}</li> -->

      <input type="text" v-model="firstName" />
      <input type="text" v-model="lastName" />
    <button type="submit">Submit</button>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      firstName: "Raju",
      lastName: "Gandhi",
      errors: []
  methods: {
    submit() {
      this.errors = [];

      if (!this.firstName) {
        this.errors.push("First name is required");

  • Update PeopleList.vue
<v-btn color="success" large :to="{ name: 'AddFriend' }">
  Add Friend
  • To see the final form git checkout 1a3b04cd5129f434b1df069a6bb9bd7fe3fce872
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