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Created February 17, 2024 20:29
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This Gist outlines the directory and file structure for a full-stack web application with a Flask backend, React frontend, and Docker-based infrastructure. It includes detailed annotations for each file and folder, explaining their role within the application architecture. This structure is designed for applications that require a SOAP API inter…
├── backend/                             # Backend application (Flask)
│   ├──                           # Main application setup and route definitions
│   ├── api/                             # API layer for handling external API interactions
│   │   ├──               # SOAP client setup and Kareo API interactions
│   │   ├──               # Endpoint definitions for API interactions
│   │   └──           # Authentication endpoints (login/logout)
│   ├── services/                        # Business logic and service layer
│   │   ├──                  # Business logic for handling data operations
│   │   └──              # Authentication logic and user management
│   ├── models/                          # Data models and schemas
│   │   ├──                    # Application data models (e.g., patient data structure)
│   │   └──                # User model for authentication and authorization
│   ├── utils/                           # Utility functions and helpers
│   │   └──                     # Common utility functions used across the application
│   ├── tasks/                           # Background tasks and scheduled jobs
│   │   └──                     # Definitions for scheduled tasks (e.g., updating cache)
│   └── tests/                           # Test suite for the backend
│       ├──                  # Tests for API endpoints
│       ├──             # Tests for service logic
│       └──                 # Tests for authentication functionality
├── frontend/                            # Frontend application (React with Tailwind CSS)
│   └── src/
│       ├── components/                  # Reusable UI components
│       │   ├── Header.js                # Site header with navigation
│       │   ├── Footer.js                # Site footer with additional information
│       │   ├── PatientList.js           # List display of patients, styled with Tailwind CSS
│       │   ├── PatientDashboard.js      # Dashboard view for patients, using Tailwind CSS
│       │   └── ClinicianDashboard.js    # Dashboard view for clinicians/teams, with Tailwind CSS
│       ├── services/                    # Services for handling external API calls
│       │   ├── ApiService.js            # Service for making API calls to the backend
│       │   └── AuthService.js           # Authentication service for login/logout functionality
│       ├── state/                       # State management (Context API/Redux)
│       │   └── AppState.js              # Global state setup and management
│       ├── hooks/                       # Custom React hooks
│       │   └── usePatients.js           # Hook for fetching and managing patient data state
│       ├── router/                      # Routing setup
│       │   └── AppRouter.js             # Application routes and protected route setup
│       ├── views/                       # Page-level components or views
│       │   ├── LoginView.js             # Login page component, styled with Tailwind CSS
│       │   ├── PatientView.js           # Main view for the patient portal
│       │   └── ClinicianView.js         # Main view for the clinician/team portal
│       └── index.css                    # Tailwind CSS import and custom styles
└── infra/                               # Infrastructure and deployment configurations
    ├── Dockerfile                       # Docker configuration for containerizing the application
    ├── docker-compose.yml               # Docker Compose setup for orchestrating multi-container deployments
    └── .gitlab-ci.yml                   # CI/CD pipeline configuration for GitLab
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