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Created April 22, 2016 07:14
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import ctypes
# quakes "fast" inverse square root
def Q_rsqrt(value):
# base values
c_value = ctypes.c_float(value)
c_value2 = ctypes.c_float(value * 0.5)
# cast to long so that we can bit manipulate the number
c_pLongValue = ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(c_value), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_long))
c_longValue = ctypes.c_long(c_pLongValue[0])
# the magic happens here
magic_number = 0x5f3759df
longShift = (c_longValue.value >> 1)
#print("{:0032b} orignal number in bit form".format(c_longValue.value))
#print("{:0032b} right shifted once".format(longShift))
#print("{:0032b} magic number".format(magic_number))
# this computes a very good starting point that is usually 3.4% wrong
c_newLongValue = ctypes.c_long(magic_number - longShift)
# cast back to float
c_pNewFloatValue = ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(c_newLongValue), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float))
c_value = ctypes.c_float(c_pNewFloatValue[0])
#print("{:0032b} first guess ({})".format(c_newLongValue.value, c_value.value))
# runs 1 round of newtons method to lower inaccuracy to 0.17%
c_value = ctypes.c_float( c_value.value * (1.5 - (c_value2.value * c_value.value * c_value.value )))
return c_value.value
def test():
# accuracy as a percentage
testAccuracy = [0] * 10000
overall_accuracy = 0
x = 1
idx = 0
while(x <= 100):
real = x**(-1/2)
fast = Q_rsqrt(x)
accuracy = (fast/real)*100
testAccuracy[idx] = accuracy
print("index: {} x: {} has accuracy of {}%".format(idx, x, accuracy))
idx = idx + 1
x = x + 0.01
totalAccuracy = 0
total = len(testAccuracy)
for acc in testAccuracy:
totalAccuracy += acc
overall_accuracy = totalAccuracy / total
print("overall accuracy is {}%".format(overall_accuracy))
# real inverse square root
#x = 5.5**(-1/2)
#print("real inverse square root of 5.5 is {}".format(x))
#y = Q_rsqrt(5.5)
#print("fast inverse square root of 5.5 is {}".format(y))
#print("difference is {} or {}% accurate and {}% inaccurate".format(x - y, (y/x)*100, 100 - ((y/x)*100)))
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