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Last active October 24, 2023 22:58
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Open.Epic HTTP GET decryption
import crypto from 'crypto';
import xor from 'bitwise-xor';
import querystring from 'querystring';
class EpicSsoHandler {
//encryption algorithm used by open.epic
algorithm = 'aes-128-cbc';
// hash algorithm used by the Microsoft key derivation algorithm.
// Note, no where is this actually specified. I tried several different algorithms before deciding on this one
hash_algorithm = 'sha1';
//aes-128 requires a key of length 16
key_length = 16;
* secret can be anything you want (utf-8 encoded). It must match the secret you provided to open.epic to use to encrypt the data
constructor(secret) {
this.secret = secret;
* data - encrypted query parameters sent by open.epic. It is base64 encoded
* @returns decrypted query parameters
decrypt(data) {
let key = this.deriveKey(this.secret);
let decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(this.algorithm, key, this.iv);
//configures PKCS7/PKCS5 padding
return decipher.update(data, 'base64', 'utf8') +'utf8');
//I implemented this for my own testing purposes
encrypt(data) {
let key = this.deriveKey(this.secret);
let cipher = crypto.createCipheriv(this.algorithm, key, this.iv);
return cipher.update(data, 'utf8', 'base64') +'base64');
* This is the implementation of the Microsoft Key deriviation algorithm, found here:
deriveKey(secret) {
let secret_hash = this.hash(secret, 'utf8');
let step1_mask = Buffer.alloc(secret_hash.length, 0x36);
let step1_buf = Buffer.concat([
xor(step1_mask, secret_hash),
Buffer.alloc(64-secret_hash.length, 0x36)
let step1_result = this.hash(step1_buf.toString('base64'), 'base64');
let step2_mask = Buffer.alloc(secret_hash.length, 0x5C);
let step2_buf = Buffer.concat([
xor(step2_mask, secret_hash),
Buffer.alloc(64-secret_hash.length, 0x5C)
let step2_result = this.hash(step2_buf.toString('base64'), 'base64');
let step3_result = Buffer.concat([step1_result, step2_result]);
let result = step3_result.slice(0, this.key_length);
return result;
hash(input, encoding='utf8') {
let hash = crypto.createHash(this.hash_algorithm);
hash.update(input, encoding);
return hash.digest();
get iv() {
return Buffer.alloc(this.key_length);
let handler = new EpicSSOHandler(process.env.SECRET);
let string_params = handler.decrypt(encrypted_params);
let params = querystring.parse(string_params);
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