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  • Save emilylaackman/60fdc15be3dc485f522d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Chicago Crimes Arrest %
primary_description crime_count percent_arrests percent_arrestNUM crime_count_all crime_description percent_crime_all
Arson 35 8.79% 8.79 398 Arson 8.79
Assault 4435 25.82% 25.82 17177 Assault 25.82
Battery 12283 24.81% 24.81 49510 Battery 24.81
Burglary 714 5.07% 5.07 14073 Burglary 5.07
Concealed Carry License Violation 8 53.33% 53.33 15 Concealed Carry License Violation 53.33
Crim Sexual Assault 118 9.56% 9.56 1234 Crim Sexual Assault 9.56
Criminal Damage 2033 7.29% 7.29 27889 Criminal Damage 7.29
Criminal Trespass 5234 71.46% 71.46 7324 Criminal Trespass 71.46
Deceptive Practice 1196 8.64% 8.64 13835 Deceptive Practice 8.64
Gambling 410 99.76% 99.76 411 Gambling 99.76
Homicide 129 29.93% 29.93 431 Homicide 29.93
Interference With Public Officer 1385 94.73% 94.73 4 Human Trafficking 0.00
Intimidation 27 22.88% 22.88 1462 Interference With Public Officer 94.73
Kidnapping 14 6.64% 6.64 118 Intimidation 22.88
Liquor Law Violation 376 99.21% 99.21 211 Kidnapping 6.64
Motor Vehicle Theft 741 7.49% 7.49 379 Liquor Law Violation 99.21
Narcotics 26890 99.81% 99.81 9894 Motor Vehicle Theft 7.49
Obscenity 25 75.76% 75.76 26940 Narcotics 99.81
Offense Involving Children 349 16.05% 16.05 12 Non - Criminal 0.00
Other Narcotic Violation 6 75.00% 75.00 18 Non-Criminal 0.00
Other Offense 4280 25.37% 25.37 33 Obscenity 75.76
Other Offense 5 71.43% 71.43 2174 Offense Involving Children 16.05
Prostitution 1747 99.60% 99.60 8 Other Narcotic Violation 75.00
Public Indecency 10 100.00% 100.00 16870 Other Offense 25.37
Public Peace Violation 2354 80.73% 80.73 7 Other Offense 71.43
Robbery 935 9.62% 9.62 1754 Prostitution 99.60
Sex Offense 198 23.35% 23.35 10 Public Indecency 100.00
Stalking 26 18.06% 18.06 2916 Public Peace Violation 80.73
Theft 7241 12.06% 12.06 9715 Robbery 9.62
Weapons Violation 2708 82.46% 82.46 848 Sex Offense 23.35
144 Stalking 18.06
60045 Theft 12.06
3284 Weapons Violation 82.46
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<h1>Chicago Crime Types vs. Percent of Arrests</h1>
<p>Chicago crime data through the past year, upated regularly. Source: <a href="">Data.Gov</a>, 2015</p>
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return +d.crime_count_all;
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