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Save emilyvon/603ab19c65ba6f8f37d1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Infinite loading table view for iOS and Android.
* We're going to create an infinite loading table view. Whenever you get close to the bottom, we'll load more rows.
var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({ backgroundColor: '#fff' });
var isAndroid = Ti.Platform.osname === 'android';
* Create our UI elements.
var table = Ti.UI.createTableView({ top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0 });
var rows = [];
* Handle where we are in our data, and define how to load more data.
var lastRow = 0, loadData = true;
setTimeout(function checkSync() {
// has someone asked us to load data?
if (loadData == false) {
// no, return and we'll check again later
setTimeout(checkSync, 200);
// simulate an asynchronous HTTP request loading data after 500 ms
setTimeout(function() {
// we got our data; push some new rows
for (var i = lastRow, c = lastRow + 20; i < c; i++) {
rows.push({ title: 'Row ' + i });
lastRow = c;
// and push this into our table.
// now we're done; reset the loadData flag and start the interval up again
loadData = false;
setTimeout(checkSync, 200);
Ti.API.warn('DATA LOADED!');
}, 500);
}, 200);
table.addEventListener('scroll', function(evt) {
// If we're on android: our total number of rows is less than the first visible row plus the total number of visible
// rows plus 3 buffer rows, we need to load more rows!
// ---OR---
// If we're on ios: how far we're scrolled down + the size of our visible area + 100 pixels of buffer space
// is greater than the total height of our table, we need to load more rows!
if (isAndroid && (evt.totalItemCount < evt.firstVisibleItem + evt.visibleItemCount + 3)
|| (!isAndroid && (evt.contentOffset.y + evt.size.height + 100 > evt.contentSize.height))) {
// tell our interval (above) to load more rows
loadData = true;
* That's it, we just need to open the window! Hope you enjoyed this.
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