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Last active September 27, 2017 13:57
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Oscar Nominated Directors
license: gpl-3.0

This stacked bar chart is showing the top oscar nominated directors and showing the awards that each director was nominated for and of those awards how many each director won. This data is part of the data found from Kaggle: The Academy Awards, 1927-2015. Finding the top direcotrs and how many awards they were nominated for and won were found using Microsoft Access.

forked from mbostock's block: Stacked Bar Chart

Directors Nominated Won
Wyler 9 3
Scorsese 7 1
Wilder 6 2
Spielberg 5 2
Zinnemann 5 2
Lean 5 2
Allen 6 1
Capra 2 3
Altman 4 1
Huston 4 1
Ford 1 4
Kazan 3 2
Stevens 3 2
Hitchcock 5 0
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