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Created January 10, 2016 19:42
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  • Save emir-munoz/41f7c02bddedb961e635 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save emir-munoz/41f7c02bddedb961e635 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
**Creating archives tar
tar cf dir.tar dir/
tar czf dir.tar.gz dir/
tar cjf dir.tar.bz2 dir/
**Extracting archives
tar xf dir.tar
tar xzf dir.tar.gz
tar xjf dir.tar.bz2
How to locally install 7zip in home directory on linux
**Creating archives 7z
7zr a directory.7z directory
7zr a -t7z -m0=lzma -mx=9 -mfb=64 -md=32m -ms=on archive.7z dir1
**Extracting archives 7z
7zr x -so directory.tar.7z | tar xf -
**Creating archives gzip
gzip -c in > out.gz
Ctrl-A + ? screen help page
Ctrl-A + c new window
Ctrl-A + n next window
Ctrl-A + p previous window
Ctrl-A + k kill window or exit
Ctrl-A + d detach screen
screen -ls screen listing
screen -r cod re-attach to a session
String replace
$ sed -i 's/ugly/beautiful/g' /home/bruno/old-friends/sue.txt
Intersection between two files
grep -Fx -f file1 file2
Randomly Pick Lines From a File Without Slurping It With Unix
if you have that many lines, are you sure you want exactly 1% or a statistical estimate would be enough?
In that second case, just randomize at 1% at each line...
awk 'BEGIN {srand()} !/^$/ { if (rand() <= .01) print $0}'
perl -ne 'print if (rand() < .01)' your_file.txt
Split a file
Each split with an specific number of lines (e.g., 100)
split -d -l 100 triples-all-uniq-new-400-sample-00002 triples-all-uniq-new-400-sample-00002-
Split into n parts
Shuffle lines
shuf file.txt | head -n 1
Display the standard deviation of a column of numbers with awk
awk '{sum+=$1; sumsq+=$1*$1} END {print sqrt(sumsq/NR - (sum/NR)**2)}' file.dat
more betterleave-ten-out-c-10-normalized | awk -F ":" '$0~/^Accuracy/ {sum+=$2; sumsq+=$2*$2; count+=1} END {print "Avg.=" sum/count " +-sd=" sqrt(sumsq/count - (sum/count)**2)}'
Merge column from different files
Option 1:
paste triples-predictors-01 triples-all-uniq-new-normalized-01 > triples-all-uniq-new-classified-01
Option 2:
awk -f syb.awk file1.txt file2.txt
OFS=" "
arr[FNR] = $1 OFS $2
print arr[FNR], $2
Option 3:
pr -m -t -s\ file1 file2 | gawk '{print $4,$5,$6,$1}'
Option 4:
awk 'FNR==NR{a[$1]=$2 FS $3;next}{ print $0, a[$1]}' file2 file1
5) Command editing Tricks
There are many but i find these are the most useful
Ctrl + a = moves to beginning of line
Ctrl + e = moves to end of line
Ctrl + w = deletes the word before the cursor
Ctrl + u = deletes to beginning of line
Ctrl + k = deletes to end of line
Ctrl + y = undo a deletion
Alt + b = moves to beginning of line word by word
Alt + f = moves to end of line word by word
Command Description
q Quit
q! Quit without saving changes i.e. discard changes
r fileName Read data from file called fileName
wq Write and quit (save and exit)
w fileName Write to file called fileName (save as)
w! fileName Overwrite to file called fileName (save as forcefully)
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