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Created October 19, 2019 03:14
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;; 將DOCX匯出為PDF
sFolder := "Z:\DOC"
sOutputExt := ".pdf"
Loop %sFolder%\*.docx {
sInputFilename = %A_LoopFileName%
;MsgBox filename=%sPdfFileName%
iPos := InStr(sInputFilename, "~")
if (iPos = 1) {
Docx2Pdf(sFolder . "\" . sInputFilename, sOutputExt)
Docx2Pdf(sInputFilename, sOutputExt) {
WD := ComObjCreate("Word.Application") ; Create Word object
WD.Documents.Open(sInputFilename) ;open this file
WD.visible:=0 ;make visible for this example. Normally set to zero
iFormat := 17
sOutputFilename := StrReplace(sInputFilename, ".docx", ".pdf")
;MsgBox fn=%sOutputFilename%, ext=%sOutputExt%, format=%iFormat%
OpenAfterExport := True
OptimizeFor := False
Range := 0
From := 1
To := False
Item:= 0
IncludeDocProps := False
KeepIRM := True
reateBookmarks := wdExportCreateHeadingBookmarks := 1
ocStructureTags := False
BitmapMissingFonts := True
UseISO19005_1 := False
;; WD.ActiveDocument.ExportAsFixedFormat(sOutputFilename, 17, OpenAfterExport, OptimizeFor, Range, From, To, Item, IncludeDocProps, KeepIRM, CreateBookmarks, DocStructureTags, BitmapMissingFonts, UseISO19005_1)
WD.quit ; quit Word
WD := ""
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