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Created February 28, 2024 06:01
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  • Save emisjerry/5fecaae7a72a72b15daf263c8f6e49a4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save emisjerry/5fecaae7a72a72b15daf263c8f6e49a4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. Open specified setting window by Advanced URI plugin

<%* /**

  • Using Advanced URI Plugin to open specified settings.
  • settingid: Normally the plugin's folder name. We can find the correct id in plugin's manifest.json
  • Hotkey: Alt+S
  • Ref: Obsidian Advanced URI: */ let oSettingsJson = { "Core: Appearance": "appearance", "Core: Community plugins": "community-plugins", "Core: Plugin browser": "plugin-browser", "Core: Theme browser": "theme-browser", "Core: Settings": "app:open-settings", "Core: Hotkeys": "hotkeys", "Core: Editor > Behavior": "editor>Behavior", // ">" indicates settingsection; 行為 "Plugin: BRAT": "obsidian42-brat>Beta Plugin List", "Plugin: QuickAdd": "quickadd", "Plugin: Open-plugin settings": "open-plugin-settings", "Plugin: Commander": "cmdr", "Plugin: Keyshots": "keyshots", "Plugin: Soundscapes": "soundscapes", "Plugin: Code Styler": "code-styler", "Plugin: Templater": "templater-obsidian", "Plugin: Style settings": "obsidian-style-settings", "Plugin: Other settings":"!obsidian42-brat:BRAT-opentPluginSettings", // "!" indicates executes by command ID "File:":"@010-Templates/", // "@" indicates opens file (with path) //"Other settings":"!open-plugin-settings:open-other-plugin-settings" };

let aDisplays = Object.keys(oSettingsJson); let aValues = Object.values(oSettingsJson);

let sValue = await tp.system.suggester(aDisplays, aValues, false, "選擇要設定的外掛"); // (displays, values,...) if (!sValue) return; //console.log(sValue); if (sValue.startsWith("!")) { // Command ID sValue = sValue.substring(1); await app.commands.executeCommandById(sValue); } else if (sValue.startsWith("@")) { // Open file sValue = sValue.substring(1); const oFile = await app.vault.getAbstractFileByPath(sValue) await await app.workspace.getLeaf("tab").openFile(oFile); } else if (sValue.contains(">")) { // Handle settingsection let iIndex = sValue.indexOf(">"); let sID = sValue.substring(0, iIndex); let sSection = sValue.substring(iIndex+1);"obsidian://advanced-uri?vault=MOC&settingid=" + sID + "&settingsection=" + sSection); } else {"obsidian://advanced-uri?vault=MOC&settingid=" + sValue); } -%>

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