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Created March 4, 2023 15:39
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  • Save emisjerry/6c4329e829ccb2b26e6d062e86d294df to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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movie.ahk: [AHK#58] 擷取豆瓣電影網的超簡單爬蟲腳本
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#SingleInstance Force
DEBUG := true
if (DEBUG) {
sID := "1294194"
sOutputDir := "z:\test\obsidian\collections\Movies\"
} else if (A_Args.Length == 0) {
MsgBox("需要兩個參數`n範例:movie.ahk2 豆瓣ID 輸出資料夾")
} else {
sID := A_Args[1]
sOutputDir := A_Args[2]
url := "" . sID . "/"
;;httpClient := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") ;; AHK 1.x
httpClient := ComObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
httpClient.Open("POST", url, false)
;httpClient.SetRequestHeader("User-Agent", User-Agent)
;httpClient.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", Content-Type)
;httpClient.SetRequestHeader("Cookie", Cookie)
httpClient.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
Result := httpClient.ResponseText
;;html := ComObjCreate("HTMLFile") ;; AHK 1.x
html := ComObject("HTMLFile")
mainpic := html.getElementById("mainpic")
text := mainpic.innerHTML
pos1 := InStr(text, "<img ")
text := Substr(text, pos1, 256)
pos1 := InStr(text, ">")
text := Substr(text, 1, pos1)
pos1 := InStr(text, "src=")
sPic := Substr(text, pos1+5, 256)
pos2 := InStr(sPic, '"')
sPic := Substr(sPic, 1, pos2-1)
pos1 := InStr(text, " alt=")
sTitle := Substr(text, pos1+5, 256)
pos2 := InStr(sTitle, ' ')
sTitle := Substr(sTitle, 1, pos2-1)
divInfo := html.getElementById("info")
if (divInfo) {
text := divInfo.innerText
text := StrReplace(text, ": ", ":: ")
sFile := sOutputDir . sTitle . ".md"
if FileExist(sFile) {
/*text := Format("---`r`ntemplate-output: Movies`r`ntags: movie`r`ntitle: {1}" .
"`r`n照片: {2}`r`n豆瓣ID: {3}`r`n---`r`n# {4}" .
"`r`n`r`n![|300]({5})`r`n`r`n{6}", sTitle, sPic, sID, sTitle, sPic, text)
sFormat := "
template-output: Movies
tags: movie
title: {1}"
照片: {2}
豆瓣ID: {3}
# {4}
text := Format(sFormat, sTitle, sPic, sID, sTitle, sPic, text)
FileAppend(text, sFile)
} else {
MsgBox("CAnnot find info div")
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