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Created October 26, 2019 03:16
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InstantHotstring.ahk by Jack Dunning—April 23, 2019
The InstantHotstring.ahk script saves newly created Hotstrings in a
DropDownList GUI control. When setting a Hotstring, AutoHotkey
immediately activates it and adds it to the DropDownList. You can
deactivate/activate Hotstrings using the Toggle Hotstring On/Off
button. The GUI window includes an Edit GUI control Hotstring Test
Pad for checking the behavior of any newly set Hotstrings. (The Test
Pad in the image shows the results of the Hotstrings, “lol”, “Lol”, and
“LOL”, respectively.) The Save Hotstrings button stores all currently
active Hotstrings to a file. The Load Hotstrings button restores and
activates Hotstring code stored in a file. The Start Clean button reloads
the script wiping out all of the Hotstrings currently running in
January 8, 2019, Color and bold added to Text controls. Buttons take bold
but not color.
January 12, 2019, Changed IF-ELSE conditionals to ternary operators. Also
added the C1 option for removing all case sensitivity—including default
initial cap and all caps. To enterC1 mode, add and remove the C option.
Each time you reset the Hotstring with the C option,it cycles through
C1 => C0 => [option removed].
The C1 options added complications to the script. I dealt with it as an exception which
I plan to discuss at a later date.
Each time you click the Set Hotstring button, all unnecessary options (e.g. B0, *0, etc) are
removed from the string.
January 15, 2019, I added the FileSelectFile command to allow the naming of saved Hotstring
files and the opening of named Hotstring files. The script stores the saved files in the
%A_ScriptDir%\Hotstrings\ folder with .ahk extensions. You can directly load the Hotstrings
either by running the AutoHotkey file or loading the same file into the InstantHotstring.ahk
January 16, 2019, The AddSaveSample subroutine now adds a sample saved Hotstring file
(SampleSaveFile.ahk) in the %A_ScriptDir%\Hotstrings\ folder whenever it's not found when
loading or reloading.
January 23, 2019, Added a trap to exclude same line comments (;) when loading from Hotstring
February 16, 2019, A number of fixes including the use of the progress bar control when loading
from a file. Saves a huge amount of time when loading large Hotstring files.
February 18, 2019, Changed the CheckOption() Function to use GuiControl rather than Control command
since, by default, Control does not work with hidden (when loading from file) GUI pop-ups. I could
have turned on DetectHiddenWindows…but I didn't.
February 28, 2019, Cannot use "DetectHiddenWindows On" since it slows down the process as if the GUI
window were active. For now, this version optimizes file loading speed, although the I disabled the
Hotstring duplicate checking. Therefore, loading the same file again causes duplicates to appear in the
DropDownList control.
March 22, 2019, I've added a subroutine for toggling the Hotstring Options CheckBox controls to red
when active and black when inactive.
March 25, 2019, Rewrote the LoadHotstrings subroutine to reduce the slow loading times. Rather than
using previous routines to set Hotstrings it loads and sets directly from the file.
April 3, 2019, The problem with X option corrected in Version - April 1, 2019, so I eliminated the
extra Hotstring activation for the option, but you must install the latest version of AutoHotkey.
April 23, 2019, Found a bug in the file loading subroutine which caused a problem when creating new
Hotstrings using Hotstring from the file (included `r). Believe it's fixed now.
AutoExecute Subroutine HotstringAutoExec:
To add to another script #Include the file and add "GoSub HotstringAutoExec"
to the Auto-execute section of the main script.
Global CapCheck ; , LoadHotstrings
; LoadHotstrings := 0
Gui, Hotstring:Font, s14 cBlue Bold , Arial
Gui, Hotstring:Add, Text, Section vText1 , 輸入熱字串
Gui, Hotstring:Font, s12 cBlack Norm
Gui, Hotstring:Add, Edit, w50 vNewString ys,
Gui, Hotstring:Font, s14 cBlue Bold
Gui, Hotstring:Add, Text, xs vText2, 輸入擴展後之文字
Gui, Hotstring:Font, s12 cBlack Norm
Gui, Hotstring:Add, Edit, w400 vTextInsert xs,
Gui, Hotstring:Add, DropDownList, w400 vStringCombo xs gViewString Sort AltSubmit,
; The GroupBox control merely describes the enclosed controls and makes it
; easy to relocate the entire group of controls
Gui, Hotstring:Font, s14 cBlue Bold
Gui, Hotstring:Add, GroupBox, section w400 h110, 熱字串選項
Gui, Hotstring:Font, s12 cBlack Norm
Gui, Hotstring:Add, CheckBox, vCaseSensitive gCapsCheck xp+15 ys+25, 區分大小寫 (C)
Gui, Hotstring:Add, CheckBox, vNoBackspace gCapsCheck xp+210 yp+0, 保留熱字串 (B0)
Gui, Hotstring:Add, CheckBox, vImmediate gCapsCheck xp-210 yp+20, 立即觸發 (*)
Gui, Hotstring:Add, CheckBox, vInsideWord gCapsCheck xp+210 yp+0, 單字內擴展 (?)
Gui, Hotstring:Add, CheckBox, vNoEndChar gCapsCheck xp-210 yp+20, 不輸出觸發字元 (O)
Gui, Hotstring:Add, CheckBox, vRaw gCapsCheck xp+210 yp+0, 原樣輸出模式 (T)
Gui, Hotstring:Add, CheckBox, vExecute gCapsCheck xp-120 yp+20, 標籤/函數 (X)
Gui, Hotstring:Font, Bold
Gui, Hotstring:Add, Button, gAddHotstring section xm, 熱字串確定
Gui, Hotstring:Add, Button, gToggleString vDisable ys, 熱字串啟用切換
Gui, Hotstring:Font, s14 cBlue
Gui, Hotstring:Add, Text, xm vText3, 熱字串測試區
Gui, Hotstring:Font, s12 Norm
Gui, Hotstring:Add, Edit, xm r4 w400 cGreen,
Gui, Hotstring:Font, Bold
Gui, Hotstring:Add, Button, gSaveHotstrings section xm, 存檔
Gui, Hotstring:Add, Button, gLoadHotstrings ys, 載入
Gui, Hotstring:Add, Button, gReload ys, 清除所有熱字串
Menu, Tray, Add, Show Instant Hotstrings, ShowHotstrings
If !FileExist(A_ScriptDir . "\Hotstrings\SampleSaveFile.ahk")
GoSub, AddSaveSample
; Drops-through to show GUI on initial load. Thereafter, use the right-click
; system tray menu item (added above) to open the GUI window.
Gui, Hotstring:Show, , Instant Hotstrings
Hotstring Viewing Subroutine ViewString:
Sets the GUI fields to the selected DropDownList item.
ControlGet, Select, Choice ,, ComboBox1, A
HotString := StrSplit(Select, ":",,5)
GuiControl, , Edit1, % HotString[3]
GuiControl, , Edit2, % HotString[5]
GoSub SetOptions
; Sets controls for disabled/enabled
If InStr(HotString[5], "🛑")
GuiControl,, Disable , % "🛑 Enable Hotstring"
GuiControl, , Edit2, % SubStr(HotString[5],1,-11)
GuiControl,, Disable , Disable Hotstring
GuiControl, , Edit2, % HotString[5]
; Cleans and sets cursor to Test Pad
Hotstring Setting Subroutine AddHotstring:
The following AddHotstring subroutines adds new or updates old Hotstrings.
It searches for and matches old Hotstrings for updating and activates the Hotstrings
with new options or replacement text.
Gui, Hotstring:+OwnDialogs
Gui, Submit, NoHide
; Trap for blank Hotstring
If (Trim(NewString) ="")
MsgBox 請輸入一個熱字串!
; Trap for blank Replacement Text
If (Trim(TextInsert) ="")
MsgBox 擴展後文字必須輸入!
; Trap for non-existent Label or function when using the X option.
If (Execute = 1) and (IsLabel(TextInsert) = 0) and (IsFunc(TextInsert) = 0)
MsgBox, 擴展後文字必須是標籤或函數!
; Variable to save any previously set options.
OldOptions := ""
; Delete target item from DropDownList control.
; ControlGet and Control commands do not work for hidden windows,
; therefore, Hotstrings loaded from files are not checked for duplicates.
;If (LoadHotstrings != 1) ; Skip when loading from file
ControlGet, Items, List,, ComboBox1, A
Loop, Parse, Items, `n
If InStr(A_LoopField, ":" . NewString . "::", CaseSensitive)
HotString := StrSplit(A_LoopField, ":",,5)
OldOptions := HotString[2]
Control, Delete, %A_Index% , ComboBox1
; Added this conditional to prevent Hotstrings from a file losing the C1 option caused by
; cascading ternary operators when creating the options string. CapCheck set to 1 when
; a Hotstring from a file contains the C1 option.
If (CapCheck = 1) and ((OldOptions = "") or (InStr(OldOptions,"C1"))) and (Instr(Hotstring[2],"C1"))
OldOptions := StrReplace(OldOptions,"C1") . "C"
CapCheck := 0
GuiControl,, Disable , 熱字串啟用切換
GoSub OptionString ; Writes the Hotstring options string
; Check for # in Web URL TextInsert and add curly brackets
If (InStr(TextInsert,"{#}") = 0
and InStr(TextInsert,"http")
and (InStr(Options,"T") = 0
or InStr(Options,"T0")))
If InStr(Options,"T0")
Options := StrReplace(Options,"T0","T")
Options := StrReplace(Options,"O0","O")
Options := Options . "O"
Options := Options . "T"
Control, Check, , Button7, A ; Raw Text Mode
Control, Check, , Button6, A ; Raw Text Mode
This conditional routine looks for Hotkey modifiers in the replacement
text giving you the chance to set the mode to raw.
If RegExMatch(TextInsert, "[!+#^{}]" , Modifier)
and RegExMatch(TextInsert, "{.*}") = 0
and (InStr(Options,"T") = 0 or InStr(Options,"T0"))
; and (LoadHotstrings = 0)
MsgBox,3,Modifier Found, 有熱鍵修飾 %modifier%!`r是否設成原樣輸出模式?
IfMsgBox Yes
If InStr(Options,"T0")
Options := StrReplace(Options,"T0","T")
Options := Options . "T"
Control, Check, , Button7, A ; Raw Text Mode
; Add new/changed target item in DropDownList
GuiControl,, ComboBox1 , % ":" . Options . ":" . NewString . "::" . TextInsert
; Select target item in list
GuiControl, ChooseString, ComboBox1, % ":" . Options . ":" NewString "::" TextInsert
; If case sensitive (C) or inside a word (?) first deactivate Hotstring
If (CaseSensitive or InsideWord or InStr(OldOptions,"C")
or InStr(OldOptions,"?"))
Hotstring(":" . OldOptions . ":" . NewString , TextInsert , "Off")
; Create Hotstring and activate
Hotstring(":" . Options . ":" . NewString, TextInsert, "On")
; Cleans and sets cursor to Test Pad
SetTestPad() Function
Clears and sets cursor to Test Pad
GuiControl, Focus, Edit3
GuiControl, , Edit3,
Subroutine ToggleString: Deactivte/Activates Hotstrings
Disables and enables selected Hotstrings.
Gui, Hotstring:+OwnDialogs
If (NewString ="")
MsgBox 建立並設置熱字串!
ControlGet, Select, Choice ,, ComboBox1, A
HotString := StrSplit(Select, ":",,5)
GuiControlGet, Pick ,, ComboBox1
Control, Delete, %Pick% , ComboBox1
; Disables/enables and marks Hotstrings
If InStr(HotString[5], "🛑")
GuiControl,, ComboBox1 , % ":" . HotString[2] . ":" . HotString[3] . "::" . SubStr(HotString[5],1,-11) . "||"
GuiControl,, Disable , Disable Hotstring
Hotstring(":" . HotString[2] . ":" . HotString[3] , SubStr(HotString[5],1,-11), "On")
GuiControl,, ComboBox1 , % ":" . HotString[2] . ":" . HotString[3] . "::" . HotString[5] . "🛑 Stopped!||"
GuiControl,, Disable , 🛑 Enable Hotstring
Hotstring(":" . HotString[2] . ":" . HotString[3] , HotString[5], "Off")
Subroutine SetOptions Checks Options CheckBoxes
Set CheckBox controls based on the Hotstring options string.
The set of ternary operators use the CheckOption() function to set
check/uncheck the appropriate CheckBox.
; This next conditional checks for the R option (Raw) in imported Hotstrings
; replacing each with the newer T option (Text Mode Raw).
If InStr(Hotstring[2],"R")
Hotstring[2] := StrReplace(Hotstring[2],"R","T")
OptionSet := ((Instr(Hotstring[2],"C0")) or (Instr(Hotstring[2],"C1")) or (Instr(Hotstring[2],"C") = 0))
? CheckOption("No",2) : CheckOption("Yes",2)
;Msgbox % Hotstring[2]
OptionSet := Instr(Hotstring[2],"B0") ? CheckOption("Yes",3) : CheckOption("No",3)
OptionSet := Instr(Hotstring[2],"*0") or InStr(Hotstring[2],"*") = 0 ? CheckOption("No",4)
: CheckOption("Yes",4)
OptionSet := Instr(Hotstring[2],"?") ? CheckOption("Yes",5) : CheckOption("No",5)
OptionSet := (Instr(Hotstring[2],"O0") or (InStr(Hotstring[2],"O") = 0)) ? CheckOption("No",6)
: CheckOption("Yes",6)
OptionSet := (Instr(Hotstring[2],"T0") or (InStr(Hotstring[2],"T") = 0)) ? CheckOption("No",7)
: CheckOption("Yes",7)
OptionSet := (Instr(Hotstring[2],"X0") or (InStr(Hotstring[2],"X") = 0)) ? CheckOption("No",8)
: CheckOption("Yes",8)
CapCheck := 0
Subroutine OptionString Writes the Options String
Write the Hotstring options string based upon the CheckBox values.
Reverse of the SetOptions subroutine.
Options := ""
Options := CaseSensitive = 1 ? Options . "C"
: (Instr(OldOptions,"C1")) ? Options . "C0"
: (Instr(OldOptions,"C0")) ? Options
: (Instr(OldOptions,"C")) ? Options . "C1" : Options
Options := NoBackspace = 1 ? Options . "B0"
: (NoBackspace = 0) and (Instr(OldOptions,"B0"))
? Options . "B" : Options
Options := (Immediate = 1) ? Options . "*"
: (Instr(OldOptions,"*0")) ? Options
: (Instr(OldOptions,"*")) ? Options . "*0" : Options
Options := InsideWord = 1 ? Options . "?" : Options
Options := (NoEndChar = 1) ? Options . "O"
: (Instr(OldOptions,"O0")) ? Options
: (Instr(OldOptions,"O")) ? Options . "O0" : Options
Options := Raw = 1 ? Options . "T"
: (Instr(OldOptions,"T0")) ? Options
: (Instr(OldOptions,"T")) ? Options . "T0" : Options
Options := Execute = 1 ? Options . "X" : Options
; Added to ensure that Hotstring[2] contains current options
Hotstring[2] := Options
CheckOption() Function
Set CheckBox control based upon yes/no and button number
If (State = "Yes")
State := 1
GuiControl, , Button%Button%, 1
State := 0
GuiControl, , Button%Button%, 0
Button := "Button" . Button
; If (LoadHotstrings = 0)
Subroutine SaveHotstrings: for Writing Hotstrings to a File
Saves currently enabled Hotstrings to the Hotstring folder to a selected
or created .ahk filename.
Gui, Hotstring:+OwnDialogs
If (InStr(FileExist("\Hotstrings"), "D") = 0)
FileCreateDir, Hotstrings
FileSelectFile, SaveFile , S16, %A_ScriptDir%\Hotstrings\, , *.ahk
If ErrorLevel ; "Cancel" button, close, or Escape
SaveFile := StrReplace(SaveFile, ".ahk", "")
If FileExist(SaveFile . ".ahk")
MsgBox, 3, , Yes — 覆蓋舊的熱字串
!`rNo — 附加新的熱字串!
IfMsgBox, Cancel
IfMsgBox, Yes
FileCopy, %SaveFile%.ahk, %SaveFile%.bak, 1
FileDelete, %SaveFile%.ahk
ControlGet, Items, List,, ComboBox1, A
Loop, Parse, Items, `n
If (InStr(A_LoopField, "🛑 Stopped!") = 0)
FileAppend , %A_LoopField%`r`n, %SaveFile%.ahk, UTF-8
MsgBox 所有的熱字串已存入 %SaveFile%.ahk 檔案!
Subroutine LoadHotstrings: Loads Hotstrings from the Selected File
Loads Hotstrings from the selected (FileSelectFile) file replacing or updating
duplicate Hotstrings from the file.
Gui, Hotstring:+OwnDialogs
If (InStr(FileExist("\Hotstrings"), "D") = 0)
FileCreateDir, Hotstrings
FileSelectFile, OpenFile , , %A_ScriptDir%\Hotstrings\, , *.ahk
If ErrorLevel
; Use *P65001 to read UTF-8 file *P1200 for UTF-16
FileRead, AddHotstring, *P65001 %OpenFile%
StrReplace(AddHotstring, "`n" , "`n", OutputVarCount)
HotstringCount := 0
DupCount := 0
UpdateCount := 0
StartTime := A_TickCount
GuiControl, Disable, Button12
Progress, R0-%OutputVarCount% x640 y540,%OutputVarCount% lines in file,Loading Hotstrings • • • ,%OpenFile%
ControlGet, DropDown, List, , ComboBox1, A
If (DropDown != "")
DropDown := DropDown . "`n"
Loop, Parse, AddHotstring, `n
If (A_Loopfield ~= "^:.*?:.+?::[^\s]") ; Check for valid Hotstring
Hotstring := StrSplit(A_LoopField, ":", ,5)
HotText := StrSplit(A_LoopField, A_Space . ";") ; Removes comments on same line
If (InStr(DropDown, RTrim(HotText[1]," `r")))
UpdateCheck := ":" . Hotstring[3] . "::"
If (InStr(DropDown, UpdateCheck))
RegExMatch(DropDown, ":[\w?*]*:" . Hotstring[3] . "::.*?(`r|`n)", HotstringMatch)
; MsgBox % HotstringMatch
; MsgBox % HotText[1]
DropDown := StrReplace(DropDown, HotstringMatch , RTrim(HotText[1]," `r") . "`n")
; msgbox %DropDown%
DropDown := DropDown . RTrim(HotText[1]," `r") . "`n"
HotText := StrSplit(HotString[5], A_Space . ";") ; Removes comments on same line
Hotstring(":" . HotString[2] . ":" . HotString[3], RTrim(HotText[1]," `r") , "On")
Progress, %A_Index% ,%A_Index% of %OutputVarCount% lines in file
Progress, Off
NewList := "|" . StrReplace(Dropdown,"`n","|")
GuiControl,, ComboBox1 , %NewList%
GuiControl, Enable, Button12
GuiControl, Hotstring:Choose, ComboBox1, 1
GoSub ViewString
ElapsedTime :=format("{1:0.3f}" ,(A_TickCount - StartTime)/1000)
MsgBox, %HotstringCount% 個熱字串已載入
!`r%DupCount% 個熱字串重覆
!`r%UpdateCount% 個熱字串更新
!`r%ElapsedTime% 秒載入完成!
Subroutine CapsCheck: Deal with Peculiarities of the C Option
This subroutine checks for the C1 options and sets CapCheck to 1 if true
If (Instr(HotString[2], "C1"))
CapCheck := 1
GuiControlGet, OutputVar1, Focus
GuiControlGet, OutputVar2, , %OutputVar1%
; If (LoadHotstrings =0)
Function CheckBoxColor(State,Button) Changes CheckBox Text Red
If (State = 1)
Gui, Hotstring:Font, cRed Norm
Gui, Hotstring:Font, cBlack Norm
GuiControl, Hotstring:Font, %Button%
Subroutine Reload: Clears All Hotstrings by Reloading the Script
Reload the script.
Gui, Hotstring:+OwnDialogs
MsgBox, 4,, 所有的熱字串將被刪除!`r`r確定繼續嗎?
IfMsgBox Yes
Subroutine AddSaveSample: Creates the Hotstring Subdirectory and
Saves a Sample File
Add a sample saved file to the /Hotstrings/ folder.
Using the continuation parentheses allows including Hotstring or Hotkey
code without activating the code when first loading the file:
SampleFile := "
This SampleSaveFile.ahk represents the file type saved by the
InstantHotstring.ahk script. You can use it to load the Hotstrings
into the InstantHotstring app or run the Hotstrings directly with
:*:btw::by the way
:*:fyi::for your information
:*:imho::in my humble opinion
:*:imo::in my opinion
:*:lol::laugh out loud
:*:tmi::too much information
If (InStr(FileExist("\Hotstrings"), "D") = 0)
FileCreateDir, Hotstrings
;MsgBox, % A_ScriptDir . "\Hotstrings\SampleSaveFile.ahk Created"
FileName := A_ScriptDir . "\Hotstrings\SampleSaveFile.ahk"
If !FileExist(A_ScriptDir . "\Hotstrings\SampleSaveFile.ahk")
FileAppend , %SampleFile%, %FileName%, UTF-8
You Can Use the Following Subroutine and Function to Test the
X Option—Click1: and Click()
To use more subroutines or functions with the X option, either add
them to this script prior to implementation or #Include them in this script.
; Sample Label subroutine for use with X Hotstring option.
Gui, Hotstring:+OwnDialogs
MsgBox,,, Click Label!, 5
; Sample function for use with X Hotstring option.
Gui, Hotstring:+OwnDialogs
MsgBox,,, Click function!, 5
Subroutine Reset: to Block External Hotstring Action
Use with the X option to block Hotstring in other running scripts.
;Msgbox %A_ThisHotkey%
Send, % SubStr(A_ThisHotkey,4)
Click, %A_CaretX%, %A_CaretY%
Send, % A_EndChar
; Sample Formats for calling X option Hotstrings embedded in any script—
; not loaded or activated with InstantHotstring.ahk script.
; :X:wer::click()
;:X:asd::gosub, click1
;::ibus::^iitalics^i ^bbold^b ^uunderline^u !+dstrikethrough!+d :
;::add::Jack Dunning{enter}1234 Main Street{enter}Anytown, USA
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