- 參考:Obsidian擴充的Markdown語法:[[Format your notes#Obsidian specific]]
# espanso configuration file | |
# This is the default configuration file, change it as you like it | |
# You can refer to the official documentation: | |
# https://espanso.org/docs/ | |
# Matches are the substitution rules, when you type the "trigger" string | |
# it gets replaced by the "replace" string. | |
toggle_key: OFF | |
matches: |
local stringify = (require "pandoc.utils").stringify | |
function BlockQuote (el) | |
start = el.content[1] | |
if (start.t == "Para" and start.content[1].t == "Str" and | |
start.content[1].text:match("^%[!%w+%][-+]?$")) then | |
_, _, ctype = start.content[1].text:find("%[!(%w+)%]") | |
el.content:remove(1) | |
start.content:remove(1) | |
div = pandoc.Div(el.content, {class = "callout"}) |
<%* | |
let lstWonderBoxes = { | |
"🔥 tip" : "tip,技巧", | |
"ℹ️ info" : "info,資訊", | |
"✏️ note" : "note,筆記", | |
"⚠️ Warning" : "warning,警告", | |
"⚡ Danger" : "danger,危險", | |
"✅ Success" : "success,成功", | |
"❌ Error" : "error,錯誤", | |
"⛔ Critical" : "critical,嚴重錯誤", |
#SingleInstance Force | |
;;用EmEditor編輯 | |
#IfWinActive ahk_class CabinetWClass | |
F4:: | |
;;sendInput {RButton}{1} | |
doActionInCurrentPath("EDIT") | |
return |
name=倉頡 | |
key=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz | |
len=5 | |
push=SPACE | |
wildcard=z | |
# disable wildcard at first的缩写,设为1在第一码不应用万能键。 | |
dwf=1 | |
auto_clear=1 | |
#commit 上屏设置,格式是 commit=全码不自动上屏 空码自动上屏码长 空码时上屏的码长 | |
commit=1 5 0 |
@echo off | |
set _FN=%1 | |
set _FN=%_FN:.txt=% | |
set _FN=%_FN:.md=% | |
set _AUTHOR=未知 | |
if not "%2"=="" ( | |
set _AUTHOR=%2 | |
) | |
pandoc %1 -f markdown --toc --metadata title="%_FN%" --metadata author="%_AUTHOR%" --metadata lang="zh-Hant" --css style.css -o %_FN%.epub |
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0 | |
#SingleInstance Force | |
/* | |
1. 分號(;)或井號(#)開頭表示是註解行。 | |
2. 斜線(/)開頭表示輸出資料夾 | |
3. 單字 | |
一行一個單字,自動到Yahoo!奇摩網站取回解釋、音標與詞類 | |
park |
<%* /**
{{Front}} | |
<br> | |
{{#Extra}} | |
<div id="EXTRA"> | |
{{tts en_US voices=Microsoft_Mark:Extra}} | |
</div> | |
{{/Extra}} | |
{{^Extra}} |